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Emmanuel Macron 'following in de Gaulle's footsteps' with France's hardline Brexit stance (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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France will not cave in to Boris Johnson's Brexit demands despite desperately needing a trade deal to prop up its economy, the report said. French President Emmanuel Macron's Europe adviser said the EU cannot be 'weak'� in the upcoming tussle over access to Britain's fishing grounds and regulatory alignment. France's European affairs minister Clement Beaune insisted Paris would not rubber-stamp a trade agreement unless the UK respects its hardline demands.

Emmanuel Macron 'following in de Gaulle's footsteps' with France's hardline Brexit stance | World | NewsWorldabcnews | Worldabcnews
France will not cave in to Boris Johnson's Brexit demands despite desperately needing a trade deal to prop up its economy, the report said. French President Emmanuel Macron's Europe adviser said the EU cannot be 'weak'� in the upcoming tussle over access to Britain's fishing grounds and regulatory alignment. France's European affairs minister Clement Beaune insisted Paris would not rubber-stamp a trade agreement unless the UK respects its hardline demands.

Emmanuel Macron 'following in de Gaulle's footsteps' with France's hardline Brexit stance | World | NewsWorldabcnews | Worldabcnews

it's Scotland's fishing grounds they want access to

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