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Emergency rooms turn away pregnant women due to overturning of roe v wade (1 Viewer)

Nope. If it was, you'd be outraged that these women didn't get medical treatment to help them CONTINUE THEIR PREGNANCIES.

This thread is about knock on effects of those abortion laws, which have lead to pregnant women not getting any kind of treatment at all.

You don't even read posts, do you? Do you just cut and paste responses in off of The Heritage Foundation's website?

Then fix it!
Nope. If it was, you'd be outraged that these women didn't get medical treatment to help them CONTINUE THEIR PREGNANCIES.

This thread is about knock on effects of those abortion laws, which have lead to pregnant women not getting any kind of treatment at all.

You don't even read posts, do you? Do you just cut and paste responses in off of The Heritage Foundation's website?

I read the post, and I can recognize self-serving crap comments.
Apparently you're wrong, since the majority of Americans support elective abortion. It seems the majority of Americans value BORN human lives...I'm good with that.

The loss of those unborn just means that those hundreds of thousands of women/couples get a better chance to thrive and invest in their futures and contribute more to society. I'll stick with supporting those hundreds of thousands that will benefit and are already contributing.

Dont you value the lives of those here, working, loving, succeeding, failing, being creative, being innovative, contributing? Why would you want to stand in their way?

I'm sure you are.

The dead baby doesn't get to thrive does he?
And I can recognize hatred of women when I see it.

Sounds like you might have personal experience with that. But it also sounds like you hate babies as well. At least you're consistent.
I'm sure you are.

Non-responsive. "Na huh" isnt debate.

The dead baby doesn't get to thrive does he?

No...the parents get their opportunity. Was that not clear? Why should the unborn be more entitled to doing so? That's what I asked and that you couldnt answer.

Sounds like you might have personal experience with that. But it also sounds like you hate babies as well. At least you're consistent.

No, but its affects on women and society are clear. Did you miss them?

I dont hate babies...they're cool.

I value the unborn but I value all born people more. So far you are unable to defend your position valuing the unborn more than women. Can you? Dont deny it at this point, it's very clear.
Non-responsive. "Na huh" isnt debate.

No...the parents get their opportunity. Was that not clear? Why should the unborn be more entitled to doing so? That's what I asked and that you couldnt answer.

No, but its affects on women and society are clear. Did you miss them?

I dont hate babies...they're cool.

I value the unborn but I value all born people more. So far you are unable to defend your position valuing the unborn more than women. Can you? Dont deny it at this point, it's very clear.
Non-responsive. "Na huh" isnt debate.

No...the parents get their opportunity. Was that not clear? Why should the unborn be more entitled to doing so? That's what I asked and that you couldnt answer.

No, but its affects on women and society are clear. Did you miss them?

I dont hate babies...they're cool.

I value the unborn but I value all born people more. So far you are unable to defend your position valuing the unborn more than women. Can you? Dont deny it at this point, it's very clear.

Babies in the womb are not more entitled but they're not less entitled either. They aren't disposable trash.
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Sounds like you might have personal experience with that. But it also sounds like you hate babies as well. At least you're consistent.
You're the one saying women shouldn't get medical attention, my dude.
Don't want to give up your hot girl summers on the beach?

Yeah, that’s it. The woman miscarried in the hospital lobby on the way to the beach.

This entire thread is about abortion and abortion laws. Regulation of abortion is strictly a state issue, not a federal issue
This thread is about the negative impact abortion laws are having on prenatal and maternal care throughout pregnancy.

Doctors can’t practice medicine for fear of breaking vague laws written by idiots that have no idea what they are doing.

Because the REAL goal is control, not life in any way, shape or form.
Babies in the womb are not more entitled but they're not less entitled either. They aren't disposable trash.

So then why should they get preference? I pointed out that the parents are already living their lives, they matter to other people, they are contributing to society...the unborn may not even live, may be severely defective, they matter to no one, who knows?

So...no one says anyone is disposable. I just asked why you think the unborn is more entitled to a future and self-determination than the mother/couple?
No, I'm not an expert on abortion, but I know about human life. Human life is sacred, even in the womb.

That's an opinion. Based on religion, right?

Who are you to force that belief on women that dont believe it? Or maybe she believes her life is sacred and she owes it and her best service to God to serve him instead of risk it? See? Women are individuals with their own lives, thoughts, beliefs...not some lump that you can condemn to forced gestation.
No, I'm not an expert on abortion, but I know about human life. Human life is sacred, even in the womb.
Fetuses are not babies anymore than acorns are trees. Thinking they're babies is ignorant, and calling them babies is propaganda.
Move to a blue state where you can kill your child at will.
Wow. Gotta love the kind of man who happily makes babies no one wants then complains when the women they impregnate chose not to accept the lifetime committment, expense and burden of dealing with unwanted pregnancies.
The cases cited were EMTALA violations by the hospital that literally had **** all to do with abortion or the over turning of Roe V Wade.
Wow. Gotta love the kind of man who happily makes babies no one wants then complains when the women they impregnate chose not to accept the lifetime committment, expense and burden of dealing with unwanted pregnancies.

You 'people' call dads that dont want to pay for babies 'deadbeat dads'. You call women that butcher babies because they are inconvenient 'heroes'.

You 'people' have some mighty ****ed up ideologies.
In the US in 2023, there were 1,026,690 abortions performed. Abortions have not declined since abortion law was turned over to the states....they have INCREASED.
In the US in 2022 (the last full year there is data for live births) there were "3,667,758 births were registered in the United States, essentially unchanged from 2021 (3,664,292)"
The article you cited shows potential EMTALA violations in "just over a dozen" cases involving pregnancy.

Each case will be investigated as EMTALA violations always are.

But there is no question that across the country, idiot leftists in the media will try to turn every argument into an abortion argument knowing the mindless muppets across the country will dance on command.
Move to a blue state where you can kill your child at will.
This discussion is about women being denied emergency care when their pregnancies are at risk. A woman with a fetus dangling out of her vagina in the lobby of a hospital emergency room isn't there because she wants to kill her child. Miscarriages are not uncommon and when a woman is in the midst of one that requires emergency care, she should not be denied that care regardless of the abortion law in the state in which she resides.

You 'people' call dads that dont want to pay for babies 'deadbeat dads'. You call women that butcher babies because they are inconvenient 'heroes'.

You 'people' have some mighty ****ed up ideologies.
Personally, I think making no distinction between a fetus and a baby in order to label women as baby butchers is a mighty ****ed up ideology.
Personally, I think making no distinction between a fetus and a baby in order to label women as baby butchers is a mighty ****ed up ideology.
of course you do. It makes your support of killing the baby 'less inhuman'.
The cases cited were EMTALA violations by the hospital that literally had **** all to do with abortion or the over turning of Roe V Wade.
The Texas case is related to abortion/Roe v Wade because the state still does not have clear guidelines on when doctors can provide care and the doctors are choosing to withhold care for fear of being jailed/sued/losing their licenses. Texas is not the only state where doctors are afraid to act due to confusion about their state's abortion law.

The Texas case is related to abortion/Roe v Wade because the state still does not have clear guidelines on when doctors can provide care and the doctors are choosing to withhold care for fear of being jailed/sued/losing their licenses. Texas is not the only state where doctors are afraid to act due to confusion about their state's abortion law.

It had nothing to do with an abortion or Roe V Wade. The ER staff referred them (improperly) to a hospital and not an ER for treatment.

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