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Eli Lilly is testing a way to prevent covid-19 that’s not a vaccine Antibodies could create immunit (1 Viewer)


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Jul 19, 2014
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Eli Lilly is testing a way to prevent covid-19 that’s not a vaccine | MIT Technology Review

Let's see if this works, and if it does, how good it works and it's cost.

urses and patients in some US assisted living facilities will receive an antibody drug to prevent covid-19 infection, according to drug company Eli Lilly.

The drug: Early in the coronavirus pandemic, companies searched the blood of covid-19 survivors for potent antibodies against the novel virus. Eli Lilly’s drug is one of these Y shaped proteins—it’s a natural antibody manufactured at larger scale.

The trial: To carry out the study, which will involve 2,400 people, Lilly will work with the National Institutes of Health to target nursing homes with covid-19 outbreaks. In some areas, elderly residents in nursing homes account for the majority of covid-19 deaths.
Re: Eli Lilly is testing a way to prevent covid-19 that’s not a vaccine Antibodies could create i

I like your other thread better.
Hum. Double post for some reason.. Bah.

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