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Elections Bill - UK & US (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 17, 2020
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New Jersey Shore
Political Leaning
RE: The UK elections bill

Take first the proposal to introduce a requirement for a mandatory photo ID before you can place your vote. The campaign group Liberty has rightly described this as “a solution in search of a problem”.
What a novel idea - requiring photo ID to vote. Great idea, UK!

We know democrats can come up with thousands of reasons a/k/a excuses against photo ID; however, based on democrat congressional hearings, democrats are constantly trying to come up with solutions for problems that never existed. Their first job is of course to convince us that a problem exists by investigating people, places, and things that have been investigated to death and cleared numerous times.

The effect of introducing this photo ID, however, will be to potentially exclude nearly 2 million people from voting, mainly young people and those on low incomes. Recent research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has found that low-income potential voters are six times less likely to have a photo ID than richer potential voters. Four in 10 of those without photo IDs say that they are unlikely to apply for the free voter ID card being offered by the government.

They offer free IDs, which the US should do if we don't already do yet lower-income people still won't get an ID...? Why not? Simple fix - tie it in with benefits - no ID, no benefits. That will get them in quickly to get their picture taken. But wait... don't you need to show ID when you go in to sign up for benefits? How bout using a thumbprint?

UK Operation Black Vote (OBV) -

What we do​

Operation Black Vote’s work covers four main areas:
Political education: This aims to raise awareness and understanding of democratic and civic society through citizenship projects.
Political participation: This aims to improve engagement with civic society through local and national voter registration and other civic participation campaigns.
Political representation: This aims to increase political representation of Black and minority ethnic communities, through encouraging engagement; undertaking ground-breaking mentoring schemes; lobbying political parties and civic institutions on the benefits of representative bodies.
Promotion of equality and human rights: increasing the awareness of a progressive equality and human rights agenda.
Increasingly, our news and blog website has become an important media tool to inform, challenge and campaign.
24hr global communication means that we have to be media savvy - using the latest communication tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and our own blog and videos.
OBV however, never forgets that the most effective campaigning is through personal interactions. That means traveling around the UK, visiting schools and colleges, holding big and small meetings that mobalises individuals and communities to be part of the change process.
The US-based Black Lives Matter organization should partner with the UK's OBV, but based on recent US news, it seems the so-called leaders of BLM are too busy partnering with the smash 'n grab rings along with buying $4 million and $6 million mansions from 'sea to shining sea' here in the United States to show their love of God and Country -- and that they are true patriots. Fraud just does that for some, I guess. Aren't you glad that you donated your hard-earned money to this stellar group of conmen and conwomen?

Many seemed to think that BLM = Buy Large Mansions :0

Damn glad to see that various AUSAs and the IRS are finally congratulating these criminal thugs in person.

Lastly, when will the US welcome at least 5 million Ukrainian refugees fleeing their home country in search of a new home, including a place to practice their hard work trades vs. seeking freebies like other groups from the southern borders currently invading the US? The least we can do here is to "accept our fair share", right?
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We know democrats can come up with thousands of reasons a/k/a excuses against photo ID;

actually, the vast majority of Americans and democrats are ok with requiring photo ID
oooooooops another retarded and dishonest strawman bites the dust again LMAO

actually, the vast majority of Americans and democrats are ok with requiring photo ID
oooooooops another retarded and dishonest strawman bites the dust again LMAO


Not the absent VP who claimed poor people would have trouble getting toner for mail-in ballot photo ID.
Not the absent VP who claimed poor people would have trouble getting toner for mail-in ballot photo ID.
Did you just make claims about ONE individual to support your failed, retarded and false statements about a MAJORITY of a group :oops:😂
Wow that post was even more stupid than your first one
actually, the vast majority of Americans and democrats are ok with requiring photo ID
oooooooops another retarded and dishonest strawman bites the dust again LMAO

Not all Democrats are opposed to voter ID However the majority of those opposed to voter ID are Democrats
Not all Democrats are opposed to voter ID However the majority of those opposed to voter ID are Democrats
weird, nothing in your opinion you just stated changes the facts the majority of the population and democrats are ok with requiring photo ID
try again!

maybe make a post something like "your favorite color is blue", it will have the same impact and change the same amount of facts . . . NONE LMAO
weird, nothing in your opinion you just stated changes the facts the majority of the population and democrats are ok with requiring photo ID
try again!

maybe make a post something like "your favorite color is blue", it will have the same impact and change the same amount of facts . . . NONE LMAO
I never made any claims about the feelings of the majority of Democrats on voter ID. Maybe if you paid attention to what I said instead of trying to put words in my mouth your post would come off as more that the rantings of lunatic. I said the majority of those opposed to voter ID laws are Democrats not the majority of Democrats oppose voter ID laws. A little reading comprehension and paying attention goes a long way. You should try it sometime
I never made any claims about the feelings of the majority of Democrats on voter I
Didnt say you did LOL
one strawman bites the dust!
Maybe if you paid attention to what I said instead of trying to put words in my mouth your post would come off as more that the rantings of lunatic.
hey look another failed retarded strawman and lie . . can you quote where i put words in your mouth? oh wait you cant cause its a lie
wow your failed posts look more and more stupid each time
I said the majority of those opposed to voter ID laws are Democrats not the majority of Democrats oppose voter ID laws. A little reading comprehension and paying attention goes a long way. You should try it sometime
yep thats the opinion you shared which just like i said has ZERO impact to anything i posted, thanks for playing!!!! BWHAHAHAHAH
I love when posters double down on the stupidity and lies they post and their post end up looking even more retarded afterward, so much fun!
Quick make another failed triggered unhinged dishonest post !
Didnt say you did LOL
one strawman bites the dust!

hey look another failed retarded strawman and lie . . can you quote where i put words in your mouth? oh wait you cant cause its a lie
wow your failed posts look more and more stupid each time

yep thats the opinion you shared which just like i said has ZERO impact to anything i posted, thanks for playing!!!! BWHAHAHAHAH
I love when posters double down on the stupidity and lies they post and their post end up looking even more retarded afterward, so much fun!
Quick make another failed triggered unhinged dishonest post !
Nothing you wrote refutes what I said in the least. Keep howling at the moon
🍿Nothing you wrote refutes what I said in the least. Keep howling at the moon
BOOM!YES you actually did it, another failed retarded strawman, this keeps getting better and better LMAO!!!!
quick post again!
BOOM!YES you actually did it, another failed retarded strawman, this keeps getting better and better LMAO!!!!
quick post again!
What you lack in honesty you make up for in caps and emojis.
What you lack in honesty you make up for in caps and emojis.
Aaaaaand another failed post and lie LMAO
your hole keeps getting deep and deeper love it!
Quick make another post!!!
Aaaaaand another failed post and lie LMAO
your hole keeps getting deep and deeper love it!
Quick make another post!!!
Again with caps and emoji’s
What a novel idea - requiring photo ID to vote. Great idea, UK!

We know democrats can come up with thousands of reasons a/k/a excuses against photo ID; however, based on democrat congressional hearings, democrats are constantly trying to come up with solutions for problems that never existed.
🤣 Hi-****ing-larious complete absence of self awareness!

Trumplican officials are creating new anti-voter fraud laws and pushing for nationwide voter ID requirements to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.

"Vote fraud in the United States is exceedingly rare, with mailed ballots and otherwise. Over the past 20 years, about 250 million votes have been cast by a mail ballot nationally. The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.

Let’s put that data in perspective.

One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast.

* Note that MIT election experts utilized extensive data obtained from the very conservative Heritage Foundation.
Not all Democrats are opposed to voter ID However the majority of those opposed to voter ID are Democrats
Because they know the real reason Trumplican’s are pushing voter ID laws.
Because they know the real reason Trumplican’s are pushing voter ID laws.
I have been wanting a Voter ID predating Trump by a couple decades, it just seems like common sense to require one.
Repeating yourself with caps and emoji’s already
another swing and another miss! LOL
I can do this all day! The fact I pointed out still stands and all your lies got the shit kicked out of them.
another swing and another miss! LOL
I can do this all day! The fact I pointed out still stands and all your lies got the shit kicked out of them.
More caps and emoji’s, of course you can do it all day it’s all you have. The fact I pointed out still stands you did nothing to refute it just used caps and emojis as always.
More caps and emoji’s, of course you can do it all day it’s all you have. The fact I pointed out still stands you did nothing to refute it just used caps and emojis as always.
another swing and another miss! LOL
I can do this all day! The fact I pointed out still stands and all your lies got the shit kicked out of them.
I have been wanting a Voter ID predating Trump by a couple decades, it just seems like common sense to require one.
Requiring ID to vote may seem to be a common sense measure to prevent voter fraud however, in reality, voter fraud is extremely rare in the U.S.. Republicans have pushed for voter ID laws for years specifically to disenfranchise poor/minority communities that historically support liberal candidates.
Requiring ID to vote may seem to be a common sense measure to prevent voter fraud however, in reality, voter fraud is extremely rare in the U.S.. Republicans have pushed for voter ID laws for years specifically to disenfranchise poor/minority communities that historically support liberal candidates.
I think there is as much validity in that as the claim made in the gun control forum anout gun laws are passed to target demographics support more conservative candidates.

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