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Elections and weather. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY USA
Political Leaning
There are presently 6 areas of interest/concern in the North Atlantic on the National Hurricane Center map. I cannot recall seeing a more active day. The latitude band from 5 to 15 degrees north continues to spawn storms off the coast of Africa. Some will turn into hurricanes. Some of the hurricanes may impact the US. Where and when is unknown, as is the degree of destruction they will cause, if any.

These storms form one of the unknowns in the current election process. They bear watching.

Regards, stay safe 'n well. Remember the Big 3: masks, hand washing and physical distancing.
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There are presently 6 areas of interest/concern in the North Atlantic on the National Hurricane Center map. I cannot recall seeing a more active day. The latitude band from 5 to 15 degrees north continues to spawn storms off the coast of Africa. Some will turn into hurricanes. Some of the hurricanes may impact the US. Where and when is unknown, as is the degree of destruction they will cause, if any.

These storms form one of the unknowns in the current election process. They bear watching.

Regards, stay safe 'n well. Remember the Big 3: masks, hand washing and physical distancing.

I heard an item on Fox yesterday, describing polling that suggesting that 3/4 of Biden supporters planned to vote absentee or mail in (I just sent my application in this morning).

While the same proportion of Trump supporters are going to show up on election day.

They may do both. Since Trump clearly wants them to try and vote twice to create chaos on election day.
I heard an item on Fox yesterday, describing polling that suggesting that 3/4 of Biden supporters planned to vote absentee or mail in (I just sent my application in this morning).

While the same proportion of Trump supporters are going to show up on election day.

They may do both. Since Trump clearly wants them to try and vote twice to create chaos on election day.

what a shock, lazy liberal entitlement voters not taking the time to get to the polls even with early voting to cast their ballots, great way to double vote and steal elections. But oh, wait, maybe the polls aren't right after all

Biden leads 2020 race, but plurality thinks Trump will win election: poll | Fox News
what a shock, lazy liberal entitlement voters not taking the time to get to the polls even with early voting to cast their ballots, great way to double vote and steal elections. But oh, wait, maybe the polls aren't right after all

Biden leads 2020 race, but plurality thinks Trump will win election: poll | Fox News

It actually takes a lot more time and effort for me to vote absentee.

My regular polling place is two and a half blocks from my house.

I had no intention of trying to double vote.

That notion is in your head because your fuhrer told you to do it.
It actually takes a lot more time and effort for me to vote absentee.

My regular polling place is two and a half blocks from my house.

I had no intention of trying to double vote.

That notion is in your head because your fuhrer told you to do it.

There are legitimate reasons for absentee ballots, COVID 19 isn't one of them. Democracies are hard, you have to want it, not be too lazy to show up at the polls
I heard an item on Fox yesterday, describing polling that suggesting that 3/4 of Biden supporters planned to vote absentee or mail in (I just sent my application in this morning).

While the same proportion of Trump supporters are going to show up on election day.

They may do both. Since Trump clearly wants them to try and vote twice to create chaos on election day.


Thank you for your response. We've applied for mail-in ballots. We'll wait until two weeks before November 3rd to decide on whether we go mail-in or vote in person. It seems the best approach available to us as of now.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.

Thank you for your response. We've applied for mail-in ballots. We'll wait until two weeks before November 3rd to decide on whether we go mail-in or vote in person. It seems the best approach available to us as of now.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.

I would not wait that long, unless you’re planning to vote in person. Particularly if your Board of Elections offices are in a different zip code than your home address.

Otherwise, after Trump’s efforts to sabatoge the mail, you will probably have to vote in person.
There are legitimate reasons for absentee ballots, COVID 19 isn't one of them. Democracies are hard, you have to want it, not be too lazy to show up at the polls

You don’t get to decide what’s legitimate or not.

And, as I noted before. It takes more effort to vote absentee than it does for me to walk down the street and vote in person.

I do want Democracy. I will do everything in my power to make sure my vote gets counted. Voting twice, as your fuhrer wants you to do, is not on my list of activities.

I’m quite sure there are thousands of Trumpsters out there who are dumb enough to listen to their fuhrer and go out and try and vote twice, though.
I would not wait that long, unless you’re planning to vote in person. Particularly if your Board of Elections offices are in a different zip code than your home address.

Otherwise, after Trump’s efforts to sabatoge [sic] the mail, you will probably have to vote in person.

It's my considered opinion that any alleged attempts by President of the United States of America Donald Trump to sabotage the mail-in ballot systems will have as much of a result as the amount of money which Mexico has sent to the US Treasury to pay for the border wall. The Texans have a phrase for it, 'All hat and no cattle.' ;-)

Regards, stay safe 'n well.
It's my considered opinion that any alleged attempts by President of the United States of America Donald Trump to sabotage the mail-in ballot systems will have as much of a result as the amount of money which Mexico has sent to the US Treasury to pay for the border wall. The Texans have a phrase for it, 'All hat and no cattle.' ;-)

Regards, stay safe 'n well.

I live in a small town. We know our postal workers.

They have all confirmed what Trump is up to.

Sorting machines have been removed from the central office that our out of zone mail has to pass through. Mail both at home, and at my office, have become noticeably slower and less reliable during Mr DeJoy’s brief reign of terror.

This isn’t a meme. it’s happening.
I live in a small town. We know our postal workers.

They have all confirmed what Trump is up to.

Sorting machines have been removed from the central office that our out of zone mail has to pass through. Mail both at home, and at my office, have become noticeably slower and less reliable during Mr DeJoy’s brief reign of terror.

This isn’t a meme. it’s happening.


Happily, there really is a 'deep state'. It's composed of those dedicated, competent people who do their jobs and keep the wheels of government turning no matter who sits in the White House. That group presently includes one of my daughters and, years back, included me when I signed up for a 4 year hitch in the USAF. [Ed.: At least he thinks he was competent. He was dedicated, though.]

Regards, stay safe 'n well.

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