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Election-Fraud Whistleblower Runs for Congress (1 Viewer)


Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Say what you will, this is a most intriguing story.

Clint Curtis is the guy who claims that a Republican Senator asked him to write up some "vote-flipping software." Curtis swore an affadavit to this effect & passed a polygraph test, also to the same effect.

(Why would a party with such an awesome mandate ask for some 'vote-flipping software'? Perry thought to himself. Only the Shadow knows...)

Curtis now sleeps with an AK-47 by his bed. Yet--far from cowed or repentant--the dude has turned Democrat & is running for Congress. Who says we have no heroes today?

Programmer who alleged plot to steal Florida election runs for Congress
Carlos Miller

To Republicans, Clint Curtis is a traitor; a back-stabbing liar with an imagination that rivaled Jack Abramoff's influence over Congress.

To liberal Democrats, Curtis is a hero; a stand up guy who blew the whistle on computer voting fraud, testifying before a group of U.S. House Committee Judiciary Democrats after the 2004 presidential election.

And to the man himself, the Republican-turned-Democrat is nothing but a computer geek who purports to have found himself smack in the middle of a brazen political plot to tamper with elections in Florida, where fact can be stranger than fiction and politics as shady as swampy underbrush.


That is all.:2wave:
PerryLogan said:
I wish I could be as easily amused as you, KC!
From the looks of your lunatic video, it appears you are quite amused....and high.
PerryLogan said:
I wish I could be as easily amused as you, KC!

You have just learned your first important lesson on this board. Dont feed the resident troll. It will only cause your thread to derail. :)
danarhea said:
You have just learned your first important lesson on this board. Dont feed the resident troll. It will only cause your thread to derail. :)
after all I did for you? :2wave:
PerryLogan said:
Say what you will, this is a most intriguing story.

Clint Curtis is the guy who claims that a Republican Senator asked him to write up some "vote-flipping software." Curtis swore an affadavit to this effect & passed a polygraph test, also to the same effect.

(Why would a party with such an awesome mandate ask for some 'vote-flipping software'? Perry thought to himself. Only the Shadow knows...)

Curtis now sleeps with an AK-47 by his bed. Yet--far from cowed or repentant--the dude has turned Democrat & is running for Congress. Who says we have no heroes today?

Programmer who alleged plot to steal Florida election runs for Congress
Carlos Miller


Election fraud should be a bi-partisan issue. If not, maybe we can get this good man to give us the vote -flipping software and use it against Diebold ;)
Here's Curtis' website and issues he's chosen to speak about. It doesn't really seem like he's switch from rep to dem, but that he's unhappy with both.
hipsterdufus said:
Election fraud should be a bi-partisan issue. If not, maybe we can get this good man to give us the vote -flipping software and use it against Diebold ;)
Can you imagine if this allegation were ever proven? You guys could have Bush's head on a stick. :cool:
I'm really not buying this either.

Could it be that Kerry was just that weak of a presidential candidate and that is why he lost?

Nah, couldn't be.
SixStringHero said:
I'm really not buying this either.

Could it be that Kerry was just that weak of a presidential candidate and that is why he lost?

Nah, couldn't be.
Nah. If you hang around here long enough, you'll find that Kerry actually did win both the 2000 and the 2004 elections, but Bush had his cronies at Diebold rig the entire thing. Trust me, Kidrocks and Champs and Hipster and disney will be along shortly to help you see the truth.
KCConservative said:
Nah. If you hang around here long enough, you'll find that Kerry actually did win both the 2000 and the 2004 elections, but Bush had his cronies at Diebold rig the entire thing. Trust me, Kidrocks and Champs and Hipster and disney will be along shortly to help you see the truth.

Uh, Kerry didn't run in 2000...
hipsterdufus said:
Uh, Kerry didn't run in 2000...
My fault. I meant Gore in 2000, Kerry in 2004. Gore won the popular vote without winning his home state even.
How exactly would a candidate get someone to make software that would even affect the ballot counting?

Also, Consider the source. After some of the horrifically slanted sources and threads by Perry Logan ("snotty kids," for example :roll: ), there is no way to take this isolated assertion seriously.

Perhaps the media (you know, the same one which tried to bury the Lewinsky scandal) isn't reporting on this because everyone except the most fringe fanatics know this to be the phony charge that it is.
KCConservative said:
My fault. I meant Gore in 2000, Kerry in 2004. Gore won the popular vote without winning his home state even.

That's correct.
aquapub said:
Perhaps the media (you know, the same one which tried to bury the Lewinsky scandal) isn't reporting on this because everyone except the most fringe fanatics know this to be the phony charge that it is.

Lewinsky? Never heard of her. :roll:

You have to be kidding me. This story got wall to wall coverage on a daily basis for what seemed like an eternity.

Who,exactly tried to bury Lewinski story?

What newspaper? What networks? What journalists?

The country still gave Clinton a 62% approval rating during the height of the scandal, obviously it was more of a tabloid story that the American people loved to follow, but didn't think it was relevant to Clintons performance in office.

BTW add Clinton to this list of Presidents that had affairs:


Many would put ABRAHAM LINCOLN on the list as well.

Neo-con rule #1 - When all else fails, blame it on Clinton. Remember this thread is called "Election-Fraud Whistleblower Runs for Congress"
hipsterdufus said:
1) Lewinsky? Never heard of her. :roll:

You have to be kidding me. This story got wall to wall coverage on a daily basis for what seemed like an eternity.

Who,exactly tried to bury Lewinski story?

2) The country still gave Clinton a 62% approval rating during the height of the scandal, obviously it was more of a tabloid story that the American people loved to follow, but didn't think it was relevant to Clintons performance in office.

BTW add Clinton to this list of Presidents that had affairs:


Many would put ABRAHAM LINCOLN on the list as well.

3) Neo-con rule #1 - When all else fails, blame it on Clinton. Remember this thread is called "Election-Fraud Whistleblower Runs for Congress"

I've never seen anyone get so many things dead wrong in one statement. :lol:

1) Newsweek and other liberal news sources suppressed the story for weeks until Matt Drudge forced it into the light.

2) The felonies he committed to hide his misconduct were very connected to his career-felon life. Clinton screwed over this economy worse than anyone since Carter. He just didn't get credit for it until it was too late. And if this were about sex (which you and the media love to misrepresent it as) this might all be relevant.

3) Nobody's blaming Clinton for anything in this article. Calm down and think, man. But Clinton DID do a lot to be blamed for.

:rofl I thought you had me on ignore. I guess that was just more phony posturing, huh? Please put me back on it.

I checked out this story. According to the Tampa Tribune, he says he didn't make any copies of the disk, so, shucks, there is no evidence of any kind to back up his conspiracy charge. :roll:

THAT is why only really left wing blogs are talking about this. Even known liberal papers won't bring it up.

This is exactly the kind of crap thread I have come to expect from Perry.
I've gotta admit, this thread is bordering on "conspiracy theories" fodder for me.
aquapub said:
I've never seen anyone get so many things dead wrong in one statement. :lol:

1) Newsweek and other liberal news sources suppressed the story for weeks until Matt Drudge forced it into the light.

2) The felonies he committed to hide his misconduct were very connected to his career-felon life. Clinton screwed over this economy worse than anyone since Carter. He just didn't get credit for it until it was too late. And if this were about sex (which you and the media love to misrepresent it as) this might all be relevant.

3) Nobody's blaming Clinton for anything in this article. Calm down and think, man. But Clinton DID do a lot to be blamed for.

:rofl I thought you had me on ignore. I guess that was just more phony posturing, huh? Please put me back on it.

I checked out this story. According to the Tampa Tribune, he says he didn't make any copies of the disk, so, shucks, there is no evidence of any kind to back up his conspiracy charge. :roll:

THAT is why only really left wing blogs are talking about this. Even known liberal papers won't bring it up.

This is exactly the kind of crap thread I have come to expect from Perry.

I needed a good laugh and took you off ignore for a while. I see that you're still using the Ann Coulter/Bernard Goldberg method of fact checking... "I'll just make some stuff up to prove my point."

Show me where Newsweek supressed this story

Such scruples appear unlikely on their face, given that the magazine in question, Newsweek, conducted a brazenly political intervention into the Paula Jones lawsuit and subsequently the Lewinsky affair, working hand-in-hand with the right-wing lawyers and political operatives who were conspiring to destabilize the Clinton presidency. Newsweek hired former Washington Post reporter Michael Isikoff, who befriended Paula Jones and devoted himself full-time to uncovering the alleged sexual misdeeds of President Clinton.

Isikoff did the spadework for a 1997 Newsweek cover story on the Paula Jones case, portraying it as a legitimate effort to combat sexual harassment. He later reported the alleged “groping” of Kathleen Willey by Clinton, and was the first journalist to hear the illegally taped conversations between Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp. Finally he worked closely with Tripp and former Nixon dirty trickster Lucianne Goldberg in the weeks leading up to the detonation of the Lewinsky scandal in January 1998.

There is an obvious contrast between the magazine's manic efforts to expose a private sexual affair in the Clinton White House, and its reticence about bringing to light a mass murder implicating a US senator and presidential hopeful.

This seems to refute your claim.

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