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Eerie spot in prediction (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Jun 26, 2017
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Southern California
Political Leaning
This is from the year 1956, not only do they nail most of the time to come, they actually mention 2020 and it is freaky how right on they were about Covid, of course then it had no name.

The video starts to go on past the pandemic to other things but every place I have found says the end is missing from the original records. But what it does cover is enough.
This is from the year 1956, not only do they nail most of the time to come, they actually mention 2020 and it is freaky how right on they were about Covid, of course then it had no name.

The video starts to go on past the pandemic to other things but every place I have found says the end is missing from the original records. But what it does cover is enough.

I'd post links to all the predictions that didn't get it right... but there's a character limit.
Did you actually believe that was from 1956?
I'd post links to all the predictions that didn't get it right... but there's a character limit.

Yeah, like wrong predictions cancel out any correct predictions.
Man, if only the technology existed to edit bits of old clips together and do a voice-over.
Why would I do that? I'm not the one making claims about when it was made.

I am sorry, I forgot, with libs everything is negative. For the record, the video says when it was made, I did not claim that. But I know it must be fake because a lib did not post it.
Yep, that is correct, I said what the video states, I did not create if. If you don't like it that is fine, your prerogative to do so. I'm used to libs screaming fake, no big deal, rather expected now.

Everybody who disagrees with you is a "lib." How precious. It's especially funny because I'm constantly accused for being a Trumplet by liberals with whom I disagree.
Everybody who disagrees with you is a "lib." How precious. It's especially funny because I'm constantly accused for being a Trumplet by liberals with whom I disagree.

Yeah, I can see that happening when you sit on the fence.
Yeah, I can see that happening when you sit on the fence.

No, it happens to people who think for themselves as opposed to automatically agreeing with 100% of what a single political party tells them to believe.

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