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Earthquake Rocks Iran (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 8, 2005
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TEHRAN, Iran - Earthquakes and aftershocks rattled western
Iran one after another, flattening villages and sending frightened homeowners into the streets.

Do you think Bush is responsiblefor the quakes? Think about it, he could have smuggled in a earthshaking nuke, and had it planted underground...:roll:

On a serious note though, I do feel bad for the citizens of Iran, Do you feel we should offer aid, and would they except it?
ThePhoenix said:
Do you think Bush is responsiblefor the quakes? Think about it, he could have smuggled in a earthshaking nuke, and had it planted underground...:roll:

On a serious note though, I do feel bad for the citizens of Iran, Do you feel we should offer aid, and would they except it?

It looks like Bush has offered aid already:

President Bush offered assistance despite the major differences the U.S. has with Tehran over its nuclear program.

"We, obviously, have our differences with the Iranian government, but we do care about the suffering of Iranian people," Bush said at a news conference with the leaders of Mexico and Canada.

He's offering aid because it is HIS fault that the earthquakes occurred. ;)

Seriously, my first instinct in response to your question was to say, NO! But clearly, what Bush has said is the appropriate response from us. I actually really like the way he worded his statement. :shock:
Thank Allah they're playing with plutonium on such stable ground.
We offered them help last year when they had an earthquake as well. They declined to accept it. They will no doubt decline it this time also.

Last year during Katrina, Iran offerred to help the US with oil, but they offerred it with conditions. We turned down their "help."

When people complain about America being just as bad as these other nations, they fail to acknowledge these types of things.

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