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Dutch politician keeps spewing Kremlin propaganda (1 Viewer)

Peter King

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Feb 19, 2012
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Thierry Baudet, the man who's political party has seen several people leave due to Baudet's misogyny and anti-semetic issues, has squarely lined up behind Putin. He has been blasted in our parliament several times already for his pro-Putin propaganda.

The man keeps whining about the membership of the Netherlands of NATO, says it is the west that is to blame for Putin's invasion of Ukraine. That Ukraine has no right to exist. In fact there are just 2 parties in our parliament not in favor of sanctions against Russia. And it is not surprising that both are extreme right wing populist parties.

One of the 2 right wing liberal parties attacked Baudet by stating "I wonder for whom Baudet is standing there, for the Dutch people or for the Kremlin". The liberal D66 member also said that "Baudet was a follower of a war criminal"..

Numerous Dutch politicians asked Baudet to condemn the invasion but Baudet refused to condemn it.

It is known that when there was a referendum about the association treaty with the Ukraine, the party of Baudet (who was not in the parliament at that time), worked with a Russian who was Kremlin affiliate.

In parliament a memo has been issued in which one of the parties asks for Baudet and his party to be barred from the meetings in which Nato information and memo's from out military secret service/armed forces are discussed with the leaders of all parties, when this information is about Ukraine and the Russian invasion. This to prevent Baudet from relaying that information to his Kremlin allies.

Two weeks ago Baudet described Putin as the leader of Europe's conservatives and said he was a class act.

A member of a pro-Russian institute from Paris has been hired as employee for the right wing group that the LPF is a member of. Later this British person was hailed as party ideologist.

He has always been a Putin butt boy, trying to fight against the Dutch sanctions against Russia due to the killing of almost 300 Dutch citizens aboard MH17.

Baudet has been a big subject for Dutch twitter handles under the hashtag "Baudet traitor".

In a few weeks there are Dutch local elections (already received my voting card) and we will see if the Dutch people are going to punish him for all his Kremlin propaganda.
Thierry Baudet, the man who's political party has seen several people leave due to Baudet's misogyny and anti-semetic issues, has squarely lined up behind Putin. He has been blasted in our parliament several times already for his pro-Putin propaganda.

The man keeps whining about the membership of the Netherlands of NATO, says it is the west that is to blame for Putin's invasion of Ukraine. That Ukraine has no right to exist. In fact there are just 2 parties in our parliament not in favor of sanctions against Russia. And it is not surprising that both are extreme right wing populist parties.

One of the 2 right wing liberal parties attacked Baudet by stating "I wonder for whom Baudet is standing there, for the Dutch people or for the Kremlin". The liberal D66 member also said that "Baudet was a follower of a war criminal"..

Numerous Dutch politicians asked Baudet to condemn the invasion but Baudet refused to condemn it.

It is known that when there was a referendum about the association treaty with the Ukraine, the party of Baudet (who was not in the parliament at that time), worked with a Russian who was Kremlin affiliate.

In parliament a memo has been issued in which one of the parties asks for Baudet and his party to be barred from the meetings in which Nato information and memo's from out military secret service/armed forces are discussed with the leaders of all parties, when this information is about Ukraine and the Russian invasion. This to prevent Baudet from relaying that information to his Kremlin allies.

Two weeks ago Baudet described Putin as the leader of Europe's conservatives and said he was a class act.

A member of a pro-Russian institute from Paris has been hired as employee for the right wing group that the LPF is a member of. Later this British person was hailed as party ideologist.

He has always been a Putin butt boy, trying to fight against the Dutch sanctions against Russia due to the killing of almost 300 Dutch citizens aboard MH17.

Baudet has been a big subject for Dutch twitter handles under the hashtag "Baudet traitor".

In a few weeks there are Dutch local elections (already received my voting card) and we will see if the Dutch people are going to punish him for all his Kremlin propaganda.

Perhaps he thinks that the Dutch citizens onboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 deserved being killed by Russian-backed separatists because they were just asking for trouble.
Perhaps he thinks that the Dutch citizens onboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 deserved being killed by Russian-backed separatists because they were just asking for trouble.
worse than that, he stated that Russians had the right to invade because "If a wasp is being cornered, is a wasp not allowed to sting that person". Which is stupid, in his fake story the Russians are being cornered and thus has every right to invade and attack the Ukraine.
The whole Russia being cornered thing is one of the big fallacies. Russia being cornered how? I guess countries joining EU and NATO means Russia can't invade these countries. Maybe that's how they are being cornered? It's all the old fascist obsession with being allowed to squash weaker nations, and it's unfair when those nations suddenly are protected.
The whole Russia being cornered thing is one of the big fallacies. Russia being cornered how? I guess countries joining EU and NATO means Russia can't invade these countries. Maybe that's how they are being cornered? It's all the old fascist obsession with being allowed to squash weaker nations, and it's unfair when those nations suddenly are protected.
You must realize that the idiot who said these idiotic things has been spewing pro-Kremlin nonsense for the longest time.
One of Baudet's anti covid BFF's also had has say, the man Willem Engel is a dance teacher (with no virus knowledge but that does not prevent him from posting nonsense about covid). His last name is Engel (Dutch for angel) but I call him Willem Engerd (Dutch for creepy douche)

Engerd accused the Dutch government on Twitter of violating arms trade treaties by sending weapons to Ukraine. He also praised Russian leaders as ‘smarter and more sympathetic’ than their western counterparts and said Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy was running a ‘failed state’ that was trying to start a nuclear weapons programme.
The whole Russia being cornered thing is one of the big fallacies. Russia being cornered how? I guess countries joining EU and NATO means Russia can't invade these countries.

Does it by any chance also place Nato forces closer to Russia?

Maybe that's how they are being cornered? It's all the old fascist obsession with being allowed to squash weaker nations, and it's unfair when those nations suddenly are protected.

Russia does not enjoy a monopoly when it comes to squashing weaker nations. Uncle Sam and Her Britannic Majesty are past masters alongside Russia

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