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Durham Distances Himself From Furor in Right-Wing Media Over Filing (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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In a filing on Thursday, Mr. Durham defended himself, saying those accusations about his intentions were “simply not true.” He said he had “valid and straightforward reasons” for including the information in the Feb. 11 filing that set off the firestorm, while disavowing responsibility for how certain news outlets had interpreted and portrayed it. “If third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the government’s motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the government’s inclusion of this information,” he wrote.

...Most important, the coverage about purported spying on the Trump White House was premised on the idea that the White House network data involved came from when Mr. Trump was president. But Mr. Durham’s filing did not say when it was from. Lawyers for a Georgia Institute of Technology data scientist who helped analyze the Yota data said on Monday that the data came from the Obama presidency. Mr. Sussmann’s lawyers said the same in a filing on Monday night complaining about Mr. Durham’s conduct.


Trump said Obama spied on him. Turns out, the government spied on Obama!
Unusual for Durham to speak. Seems he is taking a swipe at Fox saying they are misrepresenting the filing which of course they are. However, that will not penetrate the minds of those who are allowing Fox to control their thinking. I recall all the panting over Horowitz and the "unmasking" CT. Some were so sure Obama was losing sleep over it and that he and others would end up in jail. Bothe nothing burgers. I will wait for the report which I believe will be chock full of procedural missteps, authorization errors and the like but I doubt there will be findings of any criminal activity. We'll see.
Republicans on here bitch all the time about the federal government wasting a bunch of our tax money. How in the hell did Durham get paid?

Where did the 3 to 4 million dollars go?
What Durham engaged in was “scandal fan service.”

“Perhaps, one of these weeks, Special Counsel John Durham will crack open serious wrongdoing in the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. This is not that week.

But following a Friday filing by Durham, a Justice Department attorney appointed in 2019 to investigate the investigation, many right-wing outlets insisted it was, and pilloried the mainstream press for giving the filing short shrift. Eventually, the mainstream outlets grudgingly obliged, and what they found is, well, not much: The filing comes in a curious case against a lawyer who worked for the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign. In the fantasy version, the filing shows that the Clinton campaign had a mole in Trump Tower and the White House. In reality, as the journalists Charlie Savage and Philip Bump detail, it does not demonstrate this at all.

If you must know more, dig into those explainers, but you can save yourself the time. This flap is what we might call a “fan-service scandal,” to borrow a term for when entertainment franchises produce content designed to excite enthusiasts, not move stories forward. The latest bit of Durham-investigation news is a titillating plot twist for people who have already bought into the Trump narrative, and largely incomprehensible—and inconsequential—for those who haven’t. This duality makes fan-service scandals powerful tools for motivating a base or keeping it frothed up, but they don’t usually work well as tools of persuasion.”

Republicans on here bitch all the time about the federal government wasting a bunch of our tax money. How in the hell did Durham get paid?

Where did the 3 to 4 million dollars go?
And Mueller spent $32M. What's you point?
In a filing on Thursday, Mr. Durham defended himself, saying those accusations about his intentions were “simply not true.” He said he had “valid and straightforward reasons” for including the information in the Feb. 11 filing that set off the firestorm, while disavowing responsibility for how certain news outlets had interpreted and portrayed it. “If third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the government’s motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the government’s inclusion of this information,” he wrote.

...Most important, the coverage about purported spying on the Trump White House was premised on the idea that the White House network data involved came from when Mr. Trump was president. But Mr. Durham’s filing did not say when it was from. Lawyers for a Georgia Institute of Technology data scientist who helped analyze the Yota data said on Monday that the data came from the Obama presidency. Mr. Sussmann’s lawyers said the same in a filing on Monday night complaining about Mr. Durham’s conduct.


Trump said Obama spied on him. Turns out, the government spied on Obama!

So Durham is playing CYA because the morons who lap up fake news from Fox got out of control. Too freaking funny.
Here's a non-paywall article:

Durham should not be allowed to back out of this one single bit. He has made further statement on matter of settled fact to make Hillary look bad but does not want to be held responsible for doing so. In fact, he now is saying what is in effect a defense of Hillary and his poorly edited statements that make her look bad. He wants it both if not three ways. He's turning himself into hack and that's how he should be held. Plenty of RW posters have fallen for his ill-arranged, poisonous words as an opportunity to rehash in bad light what is settled fact.
The left wants you to just move along.

Nothing to see here... It's all the right wings fault. Or maybe fox news caused the spying on Trump. Yea... don't forget mean and nasty Trump! Just move along!
Here's a non-paywall article:

Durham should not be allowed to back out of this one single bit. He has made further statement on matter of settled fact to make Hillary look bad but does not want to be held responsible for doing so. In fact, he now is saying what is in effect a defense of Hillary and his poorly edited statements that make her look bad. He wants it both if not three ways. He's turning himself into hack and that's how he should be held. Plenty of RW posters have fallen for his ill-arranged, poisonous words as an opportunity to rehash in bad light what is settled fact.

You can read the actual filing here: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.235638/gov.uscourts.dcd.235638.40.0_12.pdf
The left wants you to just move along.

Nothing to see here... It's all the right wings fault. Or maybe fox news caused the spying on Trump. Yea... don't forget mean and nasty Trump! Just move along!

Fox News makes up a story that is based on one that is 6 months old, and we're expected to believe there is something to see here. You fellows are just too easily deluded.
The left wants you to just move along.

Nothing to see here... It's all the right wings fault. Or maybe fox news caused the spying on Trump. Yea... don't forget mean and nasty Trump! Just move along!

Durham's own words...

If third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated, or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the Government’s Motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the Government’s inclusion of this information.

That must be it.
Manafort's seized assets reduced that number to nearly $0 but because of Trump's pardon, the disposition of Manafort's assets is unclear.

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Manafort's seized assets reduced that number to nearly $0 but since Trump pardoned him, the disposition of Manafot's assets is unclear.

Proud of asset forfeiture are you?
And Mueller spent $32M. What's you point?
Of that $32 million, Manafort was ordered to pay $24.8 million in restitution and a $50,000 fine.

Robert Mueller’s team also indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation. What has Durham done so far?
That must be it.
from your link (but there is more of course)...

"Manafort, for instance, will forfeit $11 million to the government. He also must pay $6 million restitution to the IRS, according to his sentences."

hey. but keep showing us that you're okay with Durham spending a bunch of your money.
Proud of asset forfeiture are you?
I am sure you are too, if it assessed against people that you don't like. With regard to Manaford, the restitution represents assets paid from ill-gotten gains. Why should Manafort be unduly enriched by allowing him to keep those assets? Are you soft on crime?
Of that $32 million, Manafort was ordered to pay $24.8 million in restitution and a $50,000 fine.

Robert Mueller’s team also indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation. What has Durham done so far?

Manafort, Durham, anyone who comes within an mile of Trump seems to end up in shit. Some folks never learn.
And Mueller spent $32M. What's you point?
Multiple criminal trials are a lot more expensive than filing two indictments. If Durham actual charges anyone and proceeds to trial the costs will rise dramatically. So far it looks as if their isn't a whole of worry about as far as tax payer dollars go.
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