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Drunk Astronauts (1 Viewer)

So what the monkey they shot into space didnt **** up.
Report: Drunken astronauts allowed on shuttle - CNN.com
Just the latest farce with the space shuttle.

Huh? It was the astronauts who were drunk, not the space shuttle.

Time to abandon this space station

Huh? What does the space station have to do with this? What the hell did it do wrong?

Time to abandon this space station/shuttle white elephant and the inebriated fellows that fly it.

Right. Because abandoning billions of dollars in communications, science, military and weather satellites makes way more sense than mandatory sobriety tests. What do you think the astronauts go up into space for, to play "Grand Theft Auto"?
Huh? It was the astronauts who were drunk, not the space shuttle.

Huh? What does the space station have to do with this? What the hell did it do wrong?

Right. Because abandoning billions of dollars in communications, science, military and weather satellites makes way more sense than mandatory sobriety tests. What do you think the astronauts go up into space for, to play "Grand Theft Auto"?

The space shuttle is cutting edge 1960s technology. :lol: The "International Space Station" is a money draining farce. What good has ever come from it?
The space shuttle is cutting edge 1960s technology. :lol: The "International Space Station" is a money draining farce. What good has ever come from it?

Uh, you do know that the space station won't be completed until 2010, and won't come into operation until 2016, right? It seems a little premature to criticize the productivity of something that isn't even finished being built.

I'm sure NASA wouldn't mind a spiffy new spaceship though.

Besides, what does any of this have to do with drunk astronauts?
Uh, you do know that the space station won't be completed until 2010, and won't come into operation until 2016, right? It seems a little premature to criticize the productivity of something that isn't even finished being built.

And do you know they've been "building" it for 30 years? Do you REALLY think it will ever be "built"? Do you think you can recognize a boondoggle if it jumps up and bites your face? :lol:
30 years? The ISS project was announced in -93 if I remember right and first module was put into space in 1998. I think you are talking about Space Station Freedom, which was the USA-only space station project announced in early 80's and which eventually didn't turn into anything and the remnants of which made it into part of the ISS project. The time would match then. Then I guess it just becomes the question of if you concider ISS and Freedom to be two different things or not.
And do you know they've been "building" it for 30 years? Do you REALLY think it will ever be "built"? Do you think you can recognize a boondoggle if it jumps up and bites your face? :lol:

Fascinating. And this has what to do with drunk astronauts?
What a croc of space dung. This is a typical brainless story by brainless people for brainless people. Airline pilots fly with a couple drinks in the around the clck seven days a week. An athlete cantolerate a few drinks alot better than the monkeys thatg believevthis is an issue. It's extremely common for these type of daring test pilots and astronauts to tip a few. Get over yourselves and go back to Paris Hilton gossip stories.
30 years? The ISS project was announced in -93 if I remember right and first module was put into space in 1998. I think you are talking about Space Station Freedom, which was the USA-only space station project announced in early 80's and which eventually didn't turn into anything and the remnants of which made it into part of the ISS project. The time would match then. Then I guess it just becomes the question of if you concider ISS and Freedom to be two different things or not.

No - the ISS is part of a system of which the shuttle was an integral componenent. Planning for the shuttle goes back to the 60s. If all that is taken into account the system is actually more like 40 years old. Eg

FREEDOM: US roots of the ISS (1969-1992)

In 1972, Nixon administration approved the development of the reusable Space Shuttle as a main direction for the US manned space program. The Space Shuttle was envisioned as a cheap and reliable transportation system between Earth and low orbit. For NASA it meant the Space Shuttle would launch and service a space station -- the next "logical step" in the human exploration of space. However these dreams were stalled for years by the difficult birth of the Space Shuttle. Finally in 1984, President Reagan gave official green light to the ambitious project, which envisioned permanently manned space station by 1991.

Meh, this seems like much ado about nothing. If it's against NASA's standards or whatever, they can have sobriety tests. But it's not a big deal. Astronauts don't really do anything until they're in space. When the shuttle is launching, they're just strapped to a chair anyway.

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