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Down to 500 Deaths a Day Nationally. And For This We are Shutting Down the Country? (1 Viewer)

Death Counting - The New American Sport

When do we allow the wagering to commence?
All the more reason that the study is/was worthless. You aren't the first one to bring this same study up. By that time, yes.....it was possible that the strain that came fro Europe was in the mix. Before this time, however, there were still hundreds of thousands of people who flew DIRECTLY to New York from Wuhan, the epicenter.

So what should Cuomo have done differently? Do you feel he should have gone directly to the WHO and requested test kits earlier than the rest of the nation after the CDC had their delays? What should he have done instead of sending less severely affected patients back to nursing homes*?

*Please forgive me if I am misinformed about it only being less severe patients too. I have not researched it too thoroughly and can only go off what I read on the forums to this point.
So what should Cuomo have done differently? Do you feel he should have gone directly to the WHO and requested test kits earlier than the rest of the nation after the CDC had their delays? What should he have done instead of sending less severely affected patients back to nursing homes*?

*Please forgive me if I am misinformed about it only being less severe patients too. I have not researched it too thoroughly and can only go off what I read on the forums to this point.

Cuomo, Pelosi, DeBlasio and others in government are supposed to be vastly more informed than the general public and one would hope and think, smarter the the average "Joe". I consider myself an average Joe but it doesn't take a Harvard graduate to know the two most important facts or all.

1.) This virus was first known on or about November 17th in Wuhan China. Some say sooner
2.) Over 80% of those who die from it are over 65 and have major preexisting conditions.

With those two key points in mind, someone who runs a city or state should act accordingly. Cuomo, DeBlasio and others did not. They let a parade called The Chinese New Years parade go forward for two reason. One that they didn't want to offend Chinese people. and two that they wanted the money the tourism would bring. there were at least 20,000 who attended and many fly into New York to stay with relatives for this major celebration. I submit that may deaths were caused by this going forward.

DeBlasio was freaked about the loss of subway revenue and touted riding the subway well into March and even did a photo op for it. Subways are known sardine cans of germs and viruses.

Cuomo took a million dollar donation to pass a law that nursing homes will not be held liable for COVID deaths. He sent known carriers BACK to nursing homes and had NO plan in place to inspect them and make sure they were handling things well As a result, thousands died in nursing homes.

Florida did the opposite ad there death toll is a fraction of New York and they are now re-opened.

Cuomo should resign. Instead, they tout him as "presidential". Go figure.

EDIT: Above are the reason Cuomo wants to make everyone think this virus came primarily from Europe so he can claim it surprised New York, when any average Joe knows it came from China.
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The leftwing hype was and is fake. Cases and deaths are dropping like a rock, yet blue states are stepping up restrictions like my state is. There is no danger to anyone but old people with conditions.

Yeah, you are still posting nonsense. I proved my comments, you are just flapping your gums (with your keyboard) with no evidence or reality at all.

Another 1200 dead today and almost 25,000 new covid patients. And the ICU/seriously sick number in hospitals is still over 17,000
The last 3 days all had over 1,000 deaths.

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So you're telling me, that because they're old, their lives have no value?

You've been listening to Trump.
Actually, wasn't that Cuomo that said "old people die . . ."?
Fun fact; one of the Missouri Pool Party goers now has COVID-19.

The numbers are going up across the Nation, not down, heck my own county had 16 new cases a day for the last 6 days but today we had 42 new cases.

June is going to be great fun as all as the mingling together rises more and more. The Virus thanks you for your cooperation.
Fun fact; one of the Missouri Pool Party goers now has COVID-19.

The numbers are going up across the Nation, not down, heck my own county had 16 new cases a day for the last 6 days but today we had 42 new cases.

June is going to be great fun as all as the mingling together rises more and more. The Virus thanks you for your cooperation.

My mentropolitan area of 250,000 still has only 309 cases, lowest in the nation. Few people even wear masks. There is no threat.
Do you understand France, Italy, Spain, UK, did the same thing. From their gov'ts.

Do you understand, sports leagues all over the world shut down on their own accord.

Deaths were so high in certain areas the whole world shut down. How's that bad information. Common sense.

Do lemmings follow their leaders off the cliff? Yes, they do.

Collective fear stimulates herd instincts and behavior, and that includes misinformed and bad decisions by leaders of the herds. Gross exaggeration and fear-mongering are what drove the bad decisions, and of course the fact that this was very much a plandemic.
Mashmont the loser! He should stick to watching his Miley Cyrus vids.
Do lemmings follow their leaders off the cliff? Yes, they do.

Collective fear stimulates herd instincts and behavior, and that includes misinformed and bad decisions by leaders of the herds. Gross exaggeration and fear-mongering are what drove the bad decisions, and of course the fact that this was very much a plandemic.

Wait, they go off the cliff and die.

Businesses shut down their own business, to protect them and their workers(sports players) and their customers and fans.

Seems just the opposite of dying.
This PURELY POLITICAL. I haven't worn a mask, and I'm not about to start. I'll go wherever I've gone before, and I'll make them try to stop me. Got my phone cam at the ready.

Oh, dear, the oppression you have suffered!
Yep. And I am STILL closer than Dr. Fauci's predictions. The June 10th clock is running out. I wonder if I should ask for Dr. Fauci's salary since I am more of an expert.

Do you ever tire of saying stupid self-serving stuff? Let me answer for you..."No. Not at all. I love the sound of my voice. Even when I make no sense!"
Ladies and gentlemen, America is now down to an average of 509 deaths, allegedly from COVID-19 per day for the past three days. Extrapolating current statistics, of that 509, only 125 are under age 70. Of that 125, only 21 are under 70 and have no preexisting conditions. And this is assuming you believe the already-inflated government numbers, which I do not.

We shut down America, forced everybody to wear masks, cost the economy trillions of dollars, lost millions of jobs........all for 21 people.

The goal posts have been moved by the left. Thresholds of decreasing cases and deaths have been reached, yet leftwing governors are STEPPING UP restrictions. In my state, our Democrat governor beginning tomorrow will require masks in every indoor business and government building. This is AFTER new cases have dropped over a two-week period as the guideline for reopening business as laid out by the administration.

This PURELY POLITICAL. I haven't worn a mask, and I'm not about to start. I'll go wherever I've gone before, and I'll make them try to stop me. Got my phone cam at the ready.

THERE IS NO CRISIS and NEVER WAS. It's time to stand up and be counted.

Eric Trump was 100% correct. This story will suddenly vanish after election day, but it will be front and center until then. The leftwing media is once again LYING to us, as they have for five years in all matters relating to President Trump.

U.S. County Coronavirus (COVID-19) Interactive Map and Tracker
73% of Americans Hospitalised With COVID-19 Had an Underlying Condition, Says CDC
Covid Targets the Elderly. Why Don’t Our Prevention Efforts?
Eric Trump: Coronavirus will disappear after election day - Business Insider

A few days ago in June, US Covid-19 deaths spiked to over 2000. Your postings are a dung heap that only draws flies and dung-eating microbes.

Graphic: Coronavirus deaths in the U.S., per day
Do you ever tire of saying stupid self-serving stuff? Let me answer for you..."No. Not at all. I love the sound of my voice. Even when I make no sense!"

Do you ever tire of trusting known liars, or does it provide some measure of bliss and comfort?
Ladies and gentlemen, America is now down to an average of 509 deaths, allegedly from COVID-19 per day for the past three days. Extrapolating current statistics, of that 509, only 125 are under age 70. Of that 125, only 21 are under 70 and have no preexisting conditions. And this is assuming you believe the already-inflated government numbers, which I do not.

We shut down America, forced everybody to wear masks, cost the economy trillions of dollars, lost millions of jobs........all for 21 people.

The goal posts have been moved by the left. Thresholds of decreasing cases and deaths have been reached, yet leftwing governors are STEPPING UP restrictions. In my state, our Democrat governor beginning tomorrow will require masks in every indoor business and government building. This is AFTER new cases have dropped over a two-week period as the guideline for reopening business as laid out by the administration.

This PURELY POLITICAL. I haven't worn a mask, and I'm not about to start. I'll go wherever I've gone before, and I'll make them try to stop me. Got my phone cam at the ready.

THERE IS NO CRISIS and NEVER WAS. It's time to stand up and be counted.

Eric Trump was 100% correct. This story will suddenly vanish after election day, but it will be front and center until then. The leftwing media is once again LYING to us, as they have for five years in all matters relating to President Trump.

U.S. County Coronavirus (COVID-19) Interactive Map and Tracker
73% of Americans Hospitalised With COVID-19 Had an Underlying Condition, Says CDC
Covid Targets the Elderly. Why Don’t Our Prevention Efforts?
Eric Trump: Coronavirus will disappear after election day - Business Insider

You are a fraud. Just like Trump.

June 29, 2020 US deaths attributed to Covid -19 = 3612.

No one should take your posts ass anything more than the ravings of a nasty lunatic with a decided Right-Wing lean.
Do you ever tire of trusting known liars, or does it provide some measure of bliss and comfort?

Are you a defender of Mashmont? That is so great! And here I thought you made sense in some of your postings.
There is no celebrating the huge leftwing lie that has harmed and impoverished millions of Americans.

Today, over 3600 Covid deaths in the US.
Thank you for your mentally challenged comments about the global pandemic. You are now relieved of duty!
Funny how when the numbers of deaths related to the WuFlu are on the decline, Pelosi and gang are pimping the deaths of the 100,000+ that have passed.

Funny, in a sick, twisted, demonic sort of way....

Remember, you can't be Demented without a Dem...

Jesus taught us to love even our enemies. But not being nearly so pure, I have a major challenge with hate mongers.

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