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Don't talk to cops! (1 Viewer)

Drowning Man

DP Veteran
Dec 26, 2019
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Political Leaning

They aren't looking to help you. They aren't your friends. They don't deserve curtsey (respect yes, curtsey, no).
They are looking to find something against you.
Don't talk to cops!
It does seem like the default position for many police is to treat everyone like scum and demand total obedience even if what they're doing is illegal (like illegal searches or seizures) and then arresting people for simply objecting to such actions.
They seem to have forgotten they work for the people the people shouldn't be treated like naughty schoolchildren being lectured whenever those police decide they feel like harassing someone.
I've seen officers get upset and threaten to arrest people simply for not saying "Yes Sir" with enough deference.
Land of the free my arse!
This is the thing that most people don’t realize, perhaps they’ve never been in trouble with the law, perhaps they’re just ignorant of how things work.

But do you have any idea how many innocent people in the Alleged “Land of the Free” are convicted of crimes each year by the police state because they can’t afford a lawyer and the deliberately undermanned and underfunded public defenders simply don’t have the time or resources to help them?

So plea deals are it.

Or they end up saying something that police use to absolutely pummel them in court that’s simply not fair.

Or they just flat out lie in order to force a confession.

There are so many instances where the police are NOT THERE TO HELP YOU.

Don’t Speak.

There is never a reason for you to give up your rights while they "help you," even if you are bleeding and they happen show up there is no reason to ever give up your rights, there is never a reason to be nice or accommodating or anything that gives them the upper hand, and you do not have to answer their questions at anytime for any reason.

With police militarization, mentality of engagement, and the general attitude by law enforcement that everyone without a badge is a suspect on their way to being a criminal you have no choice but to obey their commands even if you feel they are entirely in the wrong.

If you do not, you will be executed and the police is filled to the brim with officers prepared if not looking for someone to shoot.

They are not there to help you... ever.

You are a criminal in their opinion, they are looking for something to arrest you for, and you will be treated as such every time.

There is a reason we are the incarceration capital of the planet, there is a reason our criminal justice system is the largest on the planet, and even more reason why every compatible nation does not have to deal with how frequently the police kill someone as they do in the US.
There is never a reason for you to give up your rights while they "help you," even if you are bleeding and they happen show up there is no reason to ever give up your rights, there is never a reason to be nice or accommodating or anything that gives them the upper hand, and you do not have to answer their questions at anytime for any reason.

With police militarization, mentality of engagement, and the general attitude by law enforcement that everyone without a badge is a suspect on their way to being a criminal you have no choice but to obey their commands even if you feel they are entirely in the wrong.

If you do not, you will be executed and the police is filled to the brim with officers prepared if not looking for someone to shoot.

They are not there to help you... ever.

You are a criminal in their opinion, they are looking for something to arrest you for, and you will be treated as such every time.

There is a reason we are the incarceration capital of the planet, there is a reason our criminal justice system is the largest on the planet, and even more reason why every compatible nation does not have to deal with how frequently the police kill someone as they do in the US.

A tad bit hyperbolic and your assertion that everyone is seen as a criminal is ludicrous. What drives law enforcement to engage in the use of deadly force and what percentage of deadly force is unwarranted based on the response from suspects?
They aren't looking to help you. They aren't your friends. They don't deserve curtsey (respect yes, curtsey, no).
They are looking to find something against you.
Don't talk to cops!

You can prevent incriminating yourself without being an ass douche like the people demonstrated in the video.
One of the first things my brother the cop told his kids is that in almost every encounter with police they aren’t looking to help you. They are looking for a reason to arrest you. They are not your friends. Act accordingly.
You can prevent incriminating yourself without being an ass douche like the people demonstrated in the video.

Er...how were either being an ass douche? Other than not blindly doing whatever the cops wanted?
I think one cop was just looking to arrest someone when he took time out of clearing a car wreck to tell me i couldnt use my only mode of transportation to work during my college days.
Er...how were either being an ass douche? Other than not blindly doing whatever the cops wanted?

It seems like any reluctance to give info and assert your right to remain silent is seen as suspicious and a reason to further harass.
Er...how were either being an ass douche? Other than not blindly doing whatever the cops wanted?

A positive attitude goes a long way in life, including an interaction with law enforcement. The individuals in the videos were obviously proving a point of limiting their interaction with law enforcement: obscene sign in back window, directing law enforcement to view license/registration through window and the attitude when conversing with law enforcement officers. The same outcome could have been achieved by showing more respect to the law enforcement officers -- even if they were stopping you for unspecified reasons. You can be courteous to the officers without answering their questions.
A positive attitude goes a long way in life, including an interaction with law enforcement. The individuals in the videos were obviously proving a point of limiting their interaction with law enforcement: obscene sign in back window, directing law enforcement to view license/registration through window and the attitude when conversing with law enforcement officers. The same outcome could have been achieved by showing more respect to the law enforcement officers -- even if they were stopping you for unspecified reasons. You can be courteous to the officers without answering their questions.

In other words, that they didn't give the police what they wanted. They showed proper respect to the police. The same kind of respect that you show to a junk yard dog.

In their speech and mannerisms they were calm but assertive. Neither were insulting or harassing.

Nothing they did rose to the level of, as you call it, being an "ass douche".

They aren't looking to help you. They aren't your friends. They don't deserve curtsey (respect yes, curtsey, no).
They are looking to find something against you.
Don't talk to cops!

Curtsey? Who is curtsying to cops in 2020?


a woman's or girl's formal greeting made by bending the knees with one foot in front of the other.
"she bobbed a curtsy to him"
There is never a reason for you to give up your rights while they "help you," even if you are bleeding and they happen show up there is no reason to ever give up your rights, there is never a reason to be nice or accommodating or anything that gives them the upper hand, and you do not have to answer their questions at anytime for any reason.

With police militarization, mentality of engagement, and the general attitude by law enforcement that everyone without a badge is a suspect on their way to being a criminal you have no choice but to obey their commands even if you feel they are entirely in the wrong.

If you do not, you will be executed and the police is filled to the brim with officers prepared if not looking for someone to shoot.

They are not there to help you... ever.

You are a criminal in their opinion, they are looking for something to arrest you for, and you will be treated as such every time.

There is a reason we are the incarceration capital of the planet, there is a reason our criminal justice system is the largest on the planet, and even more reason why every compatible nation does not have to deal with how frequently the police kill someone as they do in the US.

Lol. the reason we are the "incarceration capital of the planet", is because we have too many ****ing laws. Many of them passed by Democrat legislatures. Your girl Kamala Chameleon put all kinds of folks in prison.
Curtsey? Who is curtsying to cops in 2020?


a woman's or girl's formal greeting made by bending the knees with one foot in front of the other.
"she bobbed a curtsy to him"

Excuse me, courtesy. Thanks for the correction.
Excuse me, courtesy. Thanks for the correction.

Lol. the reason we are the "incarceration capital of the planet", is because we have too many ****ing laws. Many of them passed by Democrat legislatures. Your girl Kamala Chameleon put all kinds of folks in prison.

And, of course, many of them not. "Tough on crime", "War on drugs", consistent rulings eroding our rights from right-wing justices, etc... I understand you want to make this a partisan issue. It's not.

They aren't looking to help you. They aren't your friends. They don't deserve curtsey (respect yes, curtsey, no).
They are looking to find something against you.
Don't talk to cops!

What a bunch of nonsense. Never had an issue talking to them. Oh, and I don't curtsey, at all.
What a bunch of nonsense. Never had an issue talking to them. Oh, and I don't curtsey, at all.

Oh, sorry. Obviously, your experiences dictate reality. If you've never had an issue talking to cops, then no one could ever get into trouble talking to them...
I give them respect and am curious, but that said the second you suspect they are looking to charge you with something or the stop you for BS reasons don't say anything besides giving them the paperwork required. The OP is correct in saying they are not your friend and will use anything you say against you, things escalate too far, stop talking and request an attorney.
And, of course, many of them not. "Tough on crime", "War on drugs", consistent rulings eroding our rights from right-wing justices, etc... I understand you want to make this a partisan issue. It's not.


The war on drugs and tough on crime attitude arose around the same time as Reagan’s private prison initiative. Coincidence? Reagan began turning the treatment of drug addiction as a punitive issue.
It does seem like the default position for many police is to treat everyone like scum and demand total obedience even if what they're doing is illegal (like illegal searches or seizures) and then arresting people for simply objecting to such actions.
They seem to have forgotten they work for the people the people shouldn't be treated like naughty schoolchildren being lectured whenever those police decide they feel like harassing someone.
I've seen officers get upset and threaten to arrest people simply for not saying "Yes Sir" with enough deference.
Land of the free my arse!

I had a cousin who used to be a cop in philly and a long time ago he told me you are either an us or a them and if you ain't wearing a blue uniform, you're a them. A criminal who just hasn't been caught yet.

They aren't looking to help you. They aren't your friends. They don't deserve curtsey (respect yes, curtsey, no).
They are looking to find something against you.
Don't talk to cops!

I would add never agree to take a police lie detector test. That is just another way to try to interrogate you.
In other words, that they didn't give the police what they wanted. They showed proper respect to the police. The same kind of respect that you show to a junk yard dog.

In their speech and mannerisms they were calm but assertive. Neither were insulting or harassing.

Nothing they did rose to the level of, as you call it, being an "ass douche".

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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