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Donald Trump's Civil Rape Case - Accuser's YouTube Video (1 Viewer)


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Donald Trump's Civil Rape Lawsuit - Accuser's YouTube Video

Snopes just updated their story, on July 6th, 2016, about the civil lawsuit in which an accuser said she was allegedly raped by Donald Trump when she was 13 years old.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the Snopes article you will now see a YouTube video of a pixelated woman, allegedly the accuser, with her voice distorted talking about her alleged rape. The woman in the video does reference items included in the Jane Doe affidavit such as the name of her alleged witness Tiffany Doe.

- Here is a link to the Snopes article: Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl : snopes.com

- Jane Doe affidavit: http://ia801500.us.archive.org/7/items/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083.1.1.pdf

- Tiffany Doe affidavit: http://ia801500.us.archive.org/7/items/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083.1.2.pdf

The video is a longer version of a video that first appeared in a Jezebel article here: Here's How That Wild Lawsuit Accusing Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl Hit The Headlines

So does the fact that this video hit a more mainstream website such as Snopes spell trouble for Donald Trump?

FYI - I did NOT embed or post a direct link to the YouTube video of the supposed accuser, because I am NOT sure if this forum wants such a defamatory video to be posted on their website. So I figured it would be better to let the Admin decide if they want to post the actual YouTube video themselves on here or not.
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Re: Donald Trump's Civil Rape Lawsuit - Accuser's YouTube Video

Snopes just updated their story, on July 6th, 2016, about the civil lawsuit in which an accuser said she was allegedly raped by Donald Trump when she was 13 years old.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the Snopes article you will now see a YouTube video of a pixelated woman, allegedly the accuser, with her voice distorted talking about her alleged rape. The woman in the video does reference items included in the Jane Doe affidavit such as the name of her alleged witness Tiffany Doe.

- Here is a link to the Snopes article: Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl : snopes.com

- Jane Doe affidavit: http://ia801500.us.archive.org/7/items/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083.1.1.pdf

- Tiffany Doe affidavit: http://ia801500.us.archive.org/7/items/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083/gov.uscourts.nysd.459083.1.2.pdf

The video is a longer version of a video that first appeared in a Jezebel article here: Here's How That Wild Lawsuit Accusing Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl Hit The Headlines

So does the fact that this video hit a more mainstream website such as Snopes spell trouble for Donald Trump?

FYI - I did NOT embed or post a direct link to the YouTube video of the supposed accuser, because I am NOT sure if this forum wants such a defamatory video to be posted on their website. So I figured it would be better to let the Admin decide if they want to post the actual YouTube video themselves on here or not.

Will it spell trouble for Trump? Sure. If she can prove it.

I can accuse Patrick Kennedy of raping me at a party in 1997 because I have a picture of me sitting next to him (yes, I actually do). That doesn't make it true.
Will it spell trouble for Trump? Sure. If she can prove it.

I can accuse Patrick Kennedy of raping me at a party in 1997 because I have a picture of me sitting next to him (yes, I actually do). That doesn't make it true.

The most interesting aspect to his case to me is the Tiffany Doe aspect. Most rape cases are he said/she said cases which is why a lot of them never get prosecuted. It is very unusual for there to be an alleged witness to a sexual assault.

Also, Tiffany Doe's statement in her affidavit, "I was hired by and paid directly by Mr. Epstein from the years of 1991-2000 to attract adolescent women to attend these parties, most of which were held at what is known as the Wexner Mansion located at 9 E. 71st St. in New York City."

It seems that a statement like that could either be easily proven or disproven by a competent lawyer and/or investigator.

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