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Donald Trump on Lying Your Way to Morality (1 Viewer)

This thread could also be titled, Paul Ryan's "Good Conversation"

Trump supports cutting Social Security from a "moral standpoint:" report Trump Supports Cutting Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint:’ Report via @HuffPostPol

There are many ways to "cut" Social Security. Without specifics, accusing Trump of wishing to "cut" is pure demagoguery and scare tactics.

For example, I am in favor of denying SS benefits to all immigrants who never worked the minimum required and came at the age of 70 to join the "loved ones".
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This thread could also be titled, Paul Ryan's "Good Conversation"

Trump supports cutting Social Security from a "moral standpoint:" report Trump Supports Cutting Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint:’ Report via @HuffPostPol

There are certainly good reason to cut Social Security to a unitary extremely low amount or even cancel it with all other social programs to be replaced by an other instrument that does less damage to the country and the citizens.
There are many ways to "cut" Social Security. Without specifics, accusing Trump of wishing to "cut" is pure demagoguery and scare tactics.

For example, I am in favor of denying SS benefits to all immigrants who never worked the minimum required and came at the age of 70 to join the "loved ones".

Possibly Trump has a thoughtful plan for cutting the program. If he does it would be his first thoughtful plan for anything, and he should disclose it. Instead, the con man says:

"And it's my absolute intention to leave Social Security the way it is. Not increase the age and to leave it as is."

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