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Donald Trump Is Considering Pouring $100 Million Into His Campaign. Does He Even Have the Cash? (1 Viewer)

When Trump says his money, he means some other shmuck's money. He'll funnel it from somewhere, likely breaking several laws in the process, and no one will care about this fire because the whole neighborhood is burning.

Is Trump rich? It depends on what you mean by rich. He has money to spend, but if you were to contrast his debt versus what actually has 'in the bank' (keeping in mind that Western banks have blacklisted him), it would make you laugh. Ivanka once told a story where her father pointed to a homeless man and said that the homeless person was worth billions more than him because of how vast his debt is.
One of trump's countless lies was that in 2016 he'd fund his own campaign. Ask the Mercers about that, and many other donors. Of course, it wasn't hard to fund the most important thing, his free media coverage.
The hardworking man who however had inherited most of his money. He is not the candidate the average person should vote for.
He is either just talking sh*t again or it's someone else's money. Even if he had 100 Mil, he'd never use his own money.
Great, because I wanted to see more of these ads filled with spin to outright lies... :roll:

(Seriously, here in GA these ads are running about every single commercial break all saying the same basic 2-3 things about Biden.)
Trump does not need to spend $100 million.

Thanks to the Anti-White Racism and Violence of BLM and Antifa, ... Working Whites, who are 62% of the voters, know that if Harris wins, there will be huge fines/taxes imposed on them to pay for "Reparations", and they will also be routinely stopped while traveling, pulled from their cars, and summarily beaten to death, by hate-filled people with Racial-Legal-Impunity.

So... they won't vote for their own enslavement and demise.

End of Campaign.

Donald Trump Is Considering Pouring $100 Million Into His Campaign. Does He Even Have the Cash?

Here’s what his latest financial disclosure tells us about his cash reserves.

Donald Trump Is Considering Pouring $100 Million Into His Campaign. Does He Even Have the Cash? – Mother Jones

Let's consider this; he owes Deutsche Bank over $2 billion plus interest, and he reportedly has about $2 billion stashed away. The arithmetic isn't difficult. Technically he's broke, living on credit and other people's cash-and I haven't even mentioned who else he is in debt to.

New study reveals the staggering extent of Donald Trump's debt | JOE is the voice of Irish people at home and abroad

Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China - POLITICO

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due. They May Be His Biggest Conflict of Interest Yet. – Mother Jones
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very interesting ...........

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