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Donald Trump Endorses Mehmet Oz For US Senate In Pennsylvania (1 Viewer)

Tender Branson

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Jun 3, 2021
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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in next month’s Pennsylvania primary.

It was a bit of a weekend surprise, and not everyone is clear about what impact it will have.

Make no mistake. Almost every Republican wants Donald Trump’s support, and many have strong ties to the former president and his White House team.

But in the end, it was celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz who got Trump’s support.

Saying this is all about winning elections, former President Trump gave his “complete and total endorsement” to Mehmet Oz.

In a statement, Trump wrote, “Mehmet Oz will be the one most able to win the general election … Women, in particular, are drawn to Dr. Oz for his advice and counsel … Likewise, he will do very well in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where other candidates will just not be accepted. “

“I don’t know if it’s a surprise necessarily. There’s a string of relationships that tie Dr. Oz to Donald Trump,” Bill Bretz, chair of the Westmoreland County Republican Party, told KDKA political editor Jon Delano on Monday.

Bretz, who comes from one of the vote-rich counties in this region, says he’s not surprised by Trump’s endorsement but says there’s lots of time for the other candidates to make their cases to the voters.

“Donald Trump certainly has a big platform, so when he puts out an endorsement for somebody, it’s going to make a headline, and the candidates should want to embrace that. But in a race like this, a highly contested race among several people, these endorsements can be divisive as much as they can be decisive,” says Bretz.

In addition to Oz, the other GOP candidates include Kathy Barnette, Jeff Bartos, George Bochetto, Sean Gale, Dave McCormick and Carla Sands.

KDKA reached out to all, and former Trump Ambassador Sands had this comment.

“I think (former) President Trump may be getting bad advice, unfortunately, and I think that the voters are going to have to decide – who do they trust,” says Sands.

Sean Parnell was former President Trump’s first endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate before Parnell dropped out to fight for custody of his young children in a divorce battle.

The guy has fallen to 2nd place in polling, let's see if his endorsement means anything ... in NC it helped his endorsed guy.

Plus: Trump still has to endorse someone for the Ohio primary, which is in 3 weeks already.
Trump must have thought the guy had connections with the Wizard.

( :) )
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in next month’s Pennsylvania primary.

It was a bit of a weekend surprise, and not everyone is clear about what impact it will have.

Make no mistake. Almost every Republican wants Donald Trump’s support, and many have strong ties to the former president and his White House team.

But in the end, it was celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz who got Trump’s support.

Saying this is all about winning elections, former President Trump gave his “complete and total endorsement” to Mehmet Oz.

In a statement, Trump wrote, “Mehmet Oz will be the one most able to win the general election … Women, in particular, are drawn to Dr. Oz for his advice and counsel … Likewise, he will do very well in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where other candidates will just not be accepted. “

The guy has fallen to 2nd place in polling, let's see if his endorsement means anything ... in NC it helped his endorsed guy.

Plus: Trump still has to endorse someone for the Ohio primary, which is in 3 weeks already.
Living here thats actually kinda funny seeing the many attack ads I see against him from REPUBLICANS saying he isn't for Trump and isn't America first and that he sides with Biden and Obamacare LOL

eitherway a nutter like him could have never gotten my vote and not with Donnie's endorsement that reality is only further solidified.
People are unable to research and know who people are for themselves.... Nobody gives a crap who Trump endorses. don't get suckered again!!!
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in next month’s Pennsylvania primary.

It was a bit of a weekend surprise, and not everyone is clear about what impact it will have.

Make no mistake. Almost every Republican wants Donald Trump’s support, and many have strong ties to the former president and his White House team.

But in the end, it was celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz who got Trump’s support.

Saying this is all about winning elections, former President Trump gave his “complete and total endorsement” to Mehmet Oz.

In a statement, Trump wrote, “Mehmet Oz will be the one most able to win the general election … Women, in particular, are drawn to Dr. Oz for his advice and counsel … Likewise, he will do very well in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where other candidates will just not be accepted. “

The guy has fallen to 2nd place in polling, let's see if his endorsement means anything ... in NC it helped his endorsed guy.

Plus: Trump still has to endorse someone for the Ohio primary, which is in 3 weeks already.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in next month’s Pennsylvania primary.

It was a bit of a weekend surprise, and not everyone is clear about what impact it will have.

Make no mistake. Almost every Republican wants Donald Trump’s support, and many have strong ties to the former president and his White House team.

But in the end, it was celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz who got Trump’s support.

Saying this is all about winning elections, former President Trump gave his “complete and total endorsement” to Mehmet Oz.

In a statement, Trump wrote, “Mehmet Oz will be the one most able to win the general election … Women, in particular, are drawn to Dr. Oz for his advice and counsel … Likewise, he will do very well in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where other candidates will just not be accepted. “

The guy has fallen to 2nd place in polling, let's see if his endorsement means anything ... in NC it helped his endorsed guy.

Plus: Trump still has to endorse someone for the Ohio primary, which is in 3 weeks already.
Conservative heads exploded all over the internet when it happened.
What a pair.
People are unable to research and know who people are for themselves.... Nobody gives a crap who Trump endorses. don't get suckered again!!!
and yet so many respond, so one should not say Nobody.

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