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DOJ Drops Criminal Case against ex-Trump adviser Flynn (1 Viewer)

Yes-- but in order to investigate Mr. Flynn there needs to be a good faith reason for doing so.
I don't know why that should be controversial or objectionable.
When the FBI interviewed Flynn in Jan 2016, they had no good faith reason for doing so. So, under the law, its not possible for there to have "material" fact lied about.

The stuff about FARA? Nothing to do here. There have been about half dozen prosecutions on that since the laws were on the book over 70 years ago. If there is a problem, the usual solution is for the person to simply resubmit.

The validity of investigating Flynn was borne out by his admissions in court before a federal judge. Flynn admitted lying to FBI agents about his dealings with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition and making false statements about Trump transition officials’ lobbying on a United Nations resolution condemning Israel. Flynn also acknowledged that he signed Foreign Agent Registration Act filings that contained false statements about his work on a lobbying and advocacy project related to Turkey.
Flynn admitted lying to FBI agents about his dealings with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition and making false statements about Trump transition officials’ lobbying on a United Nations resolution condemning Israel. Flynn also acknowledged that he signed Foreign Agent Registration Act filings that contained false statements about his work on a lobbying and advocacy project related to Turkey.

He did all this in a court off law before a federal judge who after hearing his confession wondered aloud why he was not charged with treason against the United States.

Did you read this, or do you not really care?

He lied to the fbi. The judge broke out and said it was treason before walking it back.. but flynn got railroaded...lol.

Just another thing to the list about how "cons" are frauds.
Law and order Party my ****ing ass

"Moderate" my ***.
Baloney. Nobody has to stand in court and confess crimes like Flynn did. Flynn admitted lying to FBI agents about his dealings with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition and making false statements about Trump transition officials’ lobbying on a United Nations resolution condemning Israel. Flynn also acknowledged that he signed Foreign Agent Registration Act filings that contained false statements about his work on a lobbying and advocacy project related to Turkey.

He made these admissions to a federal judge in court.

So, your answer is yes. All of those innocent men should still be prison becasue they made admission to a judge in court and pleaded guilty. That's ****ed up dude, ****ed up.
Did you read this, or do you not really care?


What part of that document do you think negates the undeniable fact that Flynn admitted lying to FBI agents about his dealings with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition and making false statements about Trump transition officials’ lobbying on a United Nations resolution condemning Israel. Flynn also acknowledged that he signed Foreign Agent Registration Act filings that contained false statements about his work on a lobbying and advocacy project related to Turkey. And he did all this before a federal judge in a court of law.
You mean the program that the bush administration started and Obama inherited???

No, he means the program that the Bush administration started and Obama screwed up.
So, your answer is yes. All of those innocent men should still be prison becasue they made admission to a judge in court and pleaded guilty. That's ****ed up dude, ****ed up.

This is this. This is not something else. This is this.

Nothing in that link had anything to do with Flynn and his crimes and his admissions and confession before a federal judge.
What did he do with the $500,000 he received from a Turkish oligarch close to Putin?

That covered about a month of Covington's bills.
You are the one who has been rowing on the de Nile for the past few years.

With moi your word is as good as borscht and I never touch the stuff.

And its not illegal to lie to the vice president.

Trump himself said Flynn had to resign for lying to the vice president about Flynn's contact calls with the Russian ambassador. FBI rightly believed Flynn's lie made the national security adviser susceptible to Russian Kompromat. So any Flynn lie to FBI about the Russian ambassador to include numerous matters Russian was material to the investigation. Live with it even though it leaves the Rowers with nothing.

Considering that the FBI knew what was actually said in that phone conversation, its kind of tough to see how Russia could blackmail Flynn.

Flynn compromised himself to your Russians. It hasn't ever been the job of the FBI to help Flynn to Houdini himself in a national security pinch that involved your Russia in any way. You're so wandering and desperate you're making statements a 5th grader would crumple up and toss.
Hallelujah! Folks have been praying for the truth to come out and it is and all those who put not just Gen. Flynn through Hell but the entire country are being found out! And what a perfect day for the nightmare for Flynn to end but on the day of National Prayer. This is just the beginnig

Anyone think they could get away with admitting to lying to the FBI under oath and walk away? A black man cannot even jog down the street in Murica.

He can where I live. You need to clean up YOUR neighborhood.
Yet you still reply.

This is this. This is not something else. This is this.

Nothing in that link had anything to do with Flynn and his crimes and his admissions and confession before a federal judge.

Well, well, well, the resident anti Trump poster is alive and well back doing the work for the DNC and radical left. How many individual lives do you really want to destroy out of hatred for Trump and how long is it going to be before you ever admit there is corruption in the Democratic Party that went unpunished for 8 years due to the lack of vindictive attitude on the Part of the Republican Party?

The liberal ideology is one of the most corrupt in history, spreading rhetoric about spending in the name of compassion while creating nothing but dependence and multi millionaire public servants. Destroying incentive and making people dependent isn't compassion it is imprisonment. Anyone who gets in the way of that big dollar business known as liberalism has to be destroyed. The politics of personal destruction are on full display all the time with you and the radical left.

The Democrats and Hillary lost the 2016 election and every day since they have been trying to get rid of Trump. The American people are sick and tired of it with only the perverted liberals still making baseless claims like you do all the time. Get ready for another four years of Trump as again the American people are going to reject your ideology and won't go to the polls simply due to hatred.
This is this. This is not something else. This is this.

Nothing in that link had anything to do with Flynn and his crimes and his admissions and confession before a federal judge.

Your only argument is that Flynn admitted, confessed/plead guilty before judge and therefore go to prison.

Every man on this list admitted, confessed/plead guilty before judge and went to prison. But all of them were innocent and subsequently released. What the DOJ is telling the judge right now, is that significant mistakes were made in the investigation and prosecution of Flynn and that he is not guilty of the charges to which he pleaded and the case should be dismissed.
The validity of investigating Flynn was borne out by his admissions in court before a federal judge.

Again that would be false as per the law.
In order for the FBI to investigate somebody, they need to have a good faith reason for thinking a crime has been committed or that the person represents a security threat in some fashion.
With Mr. Flynn, they had neither. So they can't turn around and say that the "lie" was with regards to a "material" fact of the investigation that had no real predicate for occurring.
Again, I don't know why a situation where the FBI can go around and interview people because they feel like, then charge somebody with a felony because they think a "lie" had occurred. Its not clear why that kind of situation is desirable for this country.

Flynn admitted lying to FBI agents about his dealings with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition and making false statements about Trump transition officials’ lobbying on a United Nations resolution condemning Israel.

Yep-- and as above, there was no reason by the FBI to think there was a problem. After all, its not against the law to lie to the VP.

Flynn also acknowledged that he signed Foreign Agent Registration Act filings that contained false statements about his work on a lobbying and advocacy project related to Turkey.

Yes he did-- and usually such a violation amounts the subject simply being asked to resubmit the documents.

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