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Does Same Sex Marriage promote family? (1 Viewer)

Yes or No?

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Christian = One who believes Christ is his savior and the son of God. That's it.

There are 33,820 different sects of Christianity. So who decides this base line?

The baseline is mainstream "Christianity". Relativity is for the weak minded.

This is absolute hogwash. If this were the case, Christians again would not have 33,820 different sects. Actually that number is old. By now it may have even doubled.

No hogwash about it, if it isn't God's "Word" it is meaningless.

I believe it is. Told from the perspective of each different author. 66+ different people wrote the Bible, it was not originally one book.

You assertions thus far are pretty un-historical or accurate.

If it is, it ALL is or none of it is....and my claims are basic tenets of "mainstream" Christianity, you are simply wrong.

Your opinion is duly noted even if it means little.

You do know your dismissal means nothing to anyone but you?
Fair enough, but that version has many quotes from Jesus about Satan, none of them making him out to be anything an entity to be reckoned with.

Now as for me, I practice no religion.... I do however have some knowledge.

To be fair, I said the NIV was the one I could read and understand as I don't get old English at all.

If we were going to be pure, we would read every text in it's original language.
Fair enough, but that version has many quotes from Jesus about Satan, none of them making him out to be anything an entity to be reckoned with.

Now as for me, I practice no religion.... I do however have some knowledge.

As someone 'of the book', I place a high value on authoritative scripture and defer to it principally. However, I don't limit myself to those texts alone.

I know that I read the Word of God in translation and I know that Hebrew doesn't translate very well at all into English. Knowing this, I can't take the bible literally at every instance. Also, if I were reading the original scripture there are several ways to interpret any given line as such is the nature of Hebrew itself regardless of the text. You could interpret Moby Dick in many different ways were it written in Hebrew.
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Nothing false about it, try again.

Just to help you out a bit, coz you're new and all. :)

A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black and white thinking or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are additional options.

Link: False dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The baseline is mainstream "Christianity". Relativity is for the weak minded.

My statement IS the essence and definition of what a Christian is. You can ignore it and come up with a fake base line based on your opinion, but it does not stand up to the fact I presented.

My statement has nothing at all to do with relativity or weakness.

No hogwash about it, if it isn't God's "Word" it is meaningless.

It is God's word, explained in human terms by humans. God does not make us little robots or use us that way. The simple story of Jonah and the whale among many others should make this abundantly clear.

If it is, it ALL is or none of it is....and my claims are basic tenets of "mainstream" Christianity, you are simply wrong.

No. Your statements are not in any way Tennant's of anything. You dismiss the basic understating of even what it is to be a Christian, and then make up a baseline unsupported by Allot of Christian doctrine.

Then you offer nothing and just say it's "wrong?" :lol:

You do know your dismissal means nothing to anyone but you?

You are correct that my dismissal means little. On the other hand the facts I presented are correct. :mrgreen:
Ok, I see the disconnect now. I wasn't intending to compare unmarried homosexuals to married heterosexuals, but reading back I see how you might have made that inference. That said, comparing unmarried homosexuals to unmarried heterosexuals is valid in terms of frequency of separation, partners etc.. Likewise, (and what I was meaning to say earlier) there have been many reports by gay advocates, such as Andrew Sullivan, et al, who claim that gay marriage will do absolutely nothing to curb homosexual infidelity. The infidelity will still be there, (although presumably to some degree less) regardless of marriage. This is the point I was trying to make regarding averagehomosexual culture, and lifestyle, compared to average heterosexual culture, and virtue.

Now, if you want to ignore the data on the number of partners homosexuals have compared to their heterosexual counterparts, and the alcohol, and drug abuse, domestic violence etc.. Then I'd be curious to see your sources, but even among the gay members here, these numbers are staggeringly lopsided as a percentage of incidence. Giving this axiom, one might conclude that homosexual marriage will do nothing to promote family in the macro, and in fact might serve to bring the macro of marriage down for everyone..

I see no reason not to believe this.


Ok... I thought that the disconnect seemed a little extreme. All clear now...

Now that we are back on the same page regarding unmarried homosexual and heterosexual partnerships that end, as well as alcohol and such, I will look up some studies when I can and see what I can see. From what I have personally seen, I would say that homosexuals are no more likely to be alcoholics or any other negative thing than heterosexuals. Having an alcoholic grandmother and a dead alcoholic drug addict uncle and knowing other heterosexuals that are the same, and having known many pretty normal and healthy homosexuals leads me to believe that the numbers probably aren't that off. Probably literally every time I watch "cops" or any other cop show, the alcoholic abusive party animals or criminals are heterosexual just based off of having girlfriends, wives and female partners in or involved in the scene.
Ok... I thought that the disconnect seemed a little extreme. All clear now...

Now that we are back on the same page regarding unmarried homosexual and heterosexual partnerships that end, as well as alcohol and such, I will look up some studies when I can and see what I can see. From what I have personally seen, I would say that homosexuals are no more likely to be alcoholics or any other negative thing than heterosexuals. Having an alcoholic grandmother and a dead alcoholic drug addict uncle and knowing other heterosexuals that are the same, and having known many pretty normal and healthy homosexuals leads me to believe that the numbers probably aren't that off. Probably literally every time I watch "cops" or any other cop show, the alcoholic abusive party animals or criminals are heterosexual just based off of having girlfriends, wives and female partners in or involved in the scene.

Fair enough..

(smile) Your "salvation" doesn't rest on the Hebrew ;)

As someone 'of the book', I place a high value on authoritative scripture and defer to it principally. However, I don't limit myself to those texts alone.

I know that I read the Word of God in translation and I know that Hebrew doesn't translate very well at all into English. Knowing this, I can't take the bible literally at every instance. Also, if I were reading the original scripture there are several ways to interpret any given line as such is the nature of Hebrew itself regardless of the text. You could interpret Moby Dick in many different ways were it written in Hebrew.
Don't need your help cuz ;)

Everything rests upon the "Book"...it is, or isn't the "Word" of "God".


Just to help you out a bit, coz you're new and all. :)

A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black and white thinking or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are additional options.

Link: False dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My statement IS the essence and definition of what a Christian is. You can ignore it and come up with a fake base line based on your opinion, but it does not stand up to the fact I presented.

My statement has nothing at all to do with relativity or weakness.

It all rests upon the "Book" cuz :)

Is it true or not?

My statement IS the essence and definition of what a Christian is. You can ignore it and come up with a fake base line based on your opinion, but it does not stand up to the fact I presented.

My statement has nothing at all to do with relativity or weakness.

Did "Christ" rise form the dead, or didn't he?

Simple question.

My statement IS the essence and definition of what a Christian is. You can ignore it and come up with a fake base line based on your opinion, but it does not stand up to the fact I presented.

My statement has nothing at all to do with relativity or weakness.

Did he "rise" from the dead or not?

Careful now, IF "Christ" rose from the dead....could not Jonah have been in the belly of the "Whale"?????
Funny how these polls are always spammed by a person or people insecure about thier bias or bigoted ways.

Why are gay rights threads always spammed?

Like I said earlier family is without a doubt promoted by MARRIAGE period, gay/straight has no impact on it, it cant be separated. If a person wants to argue that marriage itself doesn't promote family we could discuss that but once you try to imply they are different you only end up looking foolish and exposing yourself.
Who is spamming?

Funny how these polls are always spammed by a person or people insecure about thier bias or bigoted ways.

Why are gay rights threads always spammed?

Like I said earlier family is without a doubt promoted by MARRIAGE period, gay/straight has no impact on it, it cant be separated. If a person wants to argue that marriage itself doesn't promote family we could discuss that but once you try to imply they are different you only end up looking foolish and exposing yourself.
Who is spamming?

Obviously the people voting anonymously in the poll, it happens on just about every gay rights poll its hilarious that people are that insecure and at the same time that people are that dumb to think posters cant figure it out.

Its why I make all my polls public so even if they are spammed you can see the real results.
My statement IS the essence and definition of what a Christian is. You can ignore it and come up with a fake base line based on your opinion, but it does not stand up to the fact I presented.

My statement has nothing at all to do with relativity or weakness.

It all rests upon the "Book" cuz :)

Is it true or not?

No it is not true. The Bible is more than one book. That is why they are called the book of etc.

I am not your "cuz."

My statement IS the essence and definition of what a Christian is. You can ignore it and come up with a fake base line based on your opinion, but it does not stand up to the fact I presented.

My statement has nothing at all to do with relativity or weakness.

Did "Christ" rise form the dead, or didn't he?

Simple question.

Yes he did. This means nothing in context to anything even remotely connected to what you said and I responded to. This is not about my personal faith. It is about the misconceptions you stated about Christianity.

My statement IS the essence and definition of what a Christian is. You can ignore it and come up with a fake base line based on your opinion, but it does not stand up to the fact I presented.

My statement has nothing at all to do with relativity or weakness.

Did he "rise" from the dead or not?

Careful now, IF "Christ" rose from the dead....could not Jonah have been in the belly of the "Whale"?????

I am assuming you are possibly high or drunk as you already asked this and you are making no sense at all, none.

As soon as you actually address my statements rather than repeating one statement from an entire post we will have a discourse and not your disconnected rantings.

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Just because you CHOOSE not to actually read the response doesn't mean there "wasn't" one.


It's all about the Book..it's true or it isn't.


In other words you have nothing. Noted.
Just because you CHOOSE not to actually read the response doesn't mean there "wasn't" one.


It's all about the Book..it's true or it isn't.


Simply amazing, Amazed! :)

If the family is considered to be the traditional man and woman couple with kids, then no, it doesn't.

If the purpose of the family is primarily to provide a stable and nurturing environment for children, then I guess it does, but as the gay couple can't procreate with each other, the promotion is a little more abstract. Gay marriage only promotes such a purpose if the couple decide to adopt a child or have a child by some other means. Of course, straight marriage only promotes this purpose to the extent they decide to use their natural ability to procreate.

If family is simply considered to be a stable housekeeping and emotionally supportive unit, then yes, it does.

As numerous studies indicate that the traditional family form really provides no more benefits to its members than alternative families can provide, I don't see why protecting the traditional family form is important. Better to find a different or broader definition of family that actually is worth encouraging, but I guess that's just me.
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Just because you CHOOSE not to actually read the response doesn't mean there "wasn't" one.


It's all about the Book..it's true or it isn't.


It's not.

Everything rests on faith and love for God. The book is more or less a guide.

If a gay couple chooses to place their relationship in the context on a Christian life, then they must leave the relationship in due course of repenting for sin.
So....you onlybelieve the parts of it you want to believe..very convenient.

It's not.

Everything rests on faith and love for God. The book is more or less a guide.

If a gay couple chooses to place their relationship in the context on a Christian life, then they must leave the relationship in due course of repenting for sin.
So....you onlybelieve the parts of it you want to believe..very convenient.

If you ever decide to offer more than one-liner posts, I would be happy to entertain a deeper conversation on scripture. Your choice.
(smile) Sure thing :)

Did "Jesus" rise from the dead?

I guess you did not see this?

"Yes he did." - Post #664

Or do I have to answer it 15 more times because you have yet to even address anything I put to you in that post?
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We cross dog?

Then we can agree that according to the Bible, he walked through that wall of rock?

I guess you did not see this?

"Yes he did." - Post #664

Or do I have to answer it 15 more times because you have yet to even address anything I put to you in that post?

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