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Does God have a sense of humour ? (1 Viewer)

Does God have a sense of humour ?

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Jun 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
A couple of years ago my work took me to the Falklands Isles for a week.
Whilst there I encountered some elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, on a beach on Sea Lion Island.
Myself & another chap did, perhaps accidently on purpose, get rather close to some males (bulls) on several occasions :smile:
Consequently we were chased down the beach by them.
We could hardly run for laughing :lol:

I can only say they are the most wonderfully absurd creatures.
Three tons of growling roaring rippling muscle & blubber with a short trunk & they ripple along like giant slugs whilst making a belching sound.
To think this absurd creature is the culmination of 3.5 billion years of evolution !
Upon reflection it occurred to me that perhaps the only explanation for the existence of this wonderful absurdity is that God has a sense of humour. I mean I know these seals suite their niche & their behaviour & appearance is simply what is required for them to serve their genes, but is there more to it than that ?

My reasoning is as follows... I've heard it said that Bach is a sign from God. His music is so stupendous & perfect & passionate & sublime it's hard to accept it simply is a product of evolution & a human brain.
In that case, could it be that Elephant seals are also a sign from God.. a sign that he has a sense of humour, or is God along with Jesus as reflected in religious literature, rather serious & humourless to the point of being dour.
What do you think ?
I took the pictures myself.
Funnily enough the pups are dead cute as you can see.
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robin said:
A couple of years ago my work took me to the Falklands Isles for a week.
Whilst there I encountered some elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, on a beach on Sea Lion Island.
Myself & another chap did, perhaps accidently on purpose, got rather close to them on several occasions :smile:
Consequently we were chased down the beach by them.
We could hardly run for laughing.
I can only say they are the most wonderfully absurd creatures.
Three tons of growling roaring rippling muscle & blubber with a short trunk that ripple along like giant slugs whilst making a belching sound.
To think this absurd creature is the culmination of 3.5 billion years of evolution !
Upon reflection it occurred to me that perhaps the only explanation for the existence of this absurdity is that God has a sense of humour. I mean I know these seals suite their niche & their behavious & appearance is simply what is required for them to serve their genes, but is there more to it than that ?
I've heard it said that Bach is a sign from God.
His music is so stupendous & perfect & passionate & sublime it's hard to accept it simply is a product of evolution & a human brain.
Could it be that Elephant seals are a sign from God that he has a sense of humour ?
In other words... does God have a sense of humour, or is God along with Jesus as reflected in religious literature, rather serious & humourless to the point of being dour.
What do you think ?

I think so, just look at Howard Dean, God must indeed have a sense of humour.;)
Of course he does. I often call myself his hackey sack.
If you want to make God laugh...tell him your future plans...
Deegan said:
I think so, just look at Howard Dean, God must indeed have a sense of humour.;)

And God told Bush to invade Iraq...so I'm sure God had a great laugh when Bush actually did it!
And God told Bush that he could become an idiot, so he did.

An entity that does not exist can not have a sense of humor, period.
Hoot said:
And God told Bush to invade Iraq...so I'm sure God had a great laugh when Bush actually did it!

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