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Do you think right wingers are evil, for threatening the family of unarmed blacks shot by cop? (1 Viewer)

Do you think right wingers are evil, for threatening the family of unarmed blacks shot by cop?

  • YEs, they are evil, and will attack any that threaten right wing power.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No, they are fighting communism, and must threaten.

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
Reaction score
menifee calif.
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You think that the worst is over. Your son is shot by cop unarmed. You want answers why your loved one had to be shot.

But the racists and bigots in the right wing dont want to hear you. They want you to shut up, and absorb the lesson the cops gave.

And if you dont, they will threaten to kill you. Now right wingers dont just save their death threats for blacks, they even threaten the parents of toddlers and children shot up by right wingers.

And so I ask.

Jacob Blake's father says he's been receiving threats in the aftermath of his son's shooting

Jacob Blake's father says he's been receiving threats in the aftermath of his son's shooting
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So then yes? The family should die, or at least fear being killed every moment of every day?

Trump on terrorists: You have to take out their families

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families."
Trump on terrorists: You have to take out their families | TheHill
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So then yes? The family should die, or at least fear being killed every moment of every day?

Sorry, I was answering a question you asked, but I forgot to quote it:

You want answers why your loved one had to be shot.

You wanted a reason why Blake should be shot, I gave you one.
You think that the worst is over. Your son is shot by cop unarmed. You want answers why your loved one had to be shot.

But the racists and bigots in the right wing dont want to hear you. They want you to shut up, and absorb the lesson the cops gave.

And if you dont, they will threaten to kill you. Now right wingers dont just save their death threats for blacks, they even threaten the parents of toddlers and children shot up by right wingers.

And so I ask.

Jacob Blake's father says he's been receiving threats in the aftermath of his son's shooting

Jacob Blake's father says he's been receiving threats in the aftermath of his son's shooting

The individuals who made those threats are indeed criminally irresponsible and should be charged with making terrorist threats. That doesn't make them representative of all right wingers any more than rioting and looting makes those individuals representative of all left wingers.
The individuals who made those threats are indeed criminally irresponsible and should be charged with making terrorist threats. That doesn't make them representative of all right wingers any more than rioting and looting makes those individuals representative of all left wingers.

Clearly, the right wingers believe in collective guilt. They think the family should suffer. They think that BLACKS had better do X, or they all will have to suffer. They ask, what do BLACKS want etc.

There is increasing continuity of opinion and action with all right wingers. They share a hive mind. aNYONE THAT DIFFERS, IS A NEVERTRUMPER, OR rino.
Clearly, the right wingers believe in collective guilt. They think the family should suffer. They think that BLACKS had better do X, or they all will have to suffer. They ask, what do BLACKS want etc.

There is increasing continuity of opinion and action with all right wingers. They share a hive mind.

They see the same in the left wing with regards to the stories of riots and violence breaking out in cities.

Perhaps we should all take a step back and realize that stories like these are magnified by sensationalist media and represent a very tiny fraction of extremists on both sides.
Clearly, the right wingers believe in collective guilt.

You've lumped every conservative in the US with the small numbers of scum that have threatened the family.
You've lumped every conservative in the US with the small numbers of scum that have threatened the family.

I have read MANY right wingers talk about how the NEWTOWN kids shot up, and their families, were crisis actors. And thought they should suffer. They dont all threaten family, but they all think that they should suffer.

Funny, they have nothing bad to say about a mother that gives the kid a lift to commit murder.
I have read MANY right wingers talk about how the NEWTOWN kids shot up, and their families, were crisis actors. And thought they should suffer. They dont all threaten family, but they all think that they should suffer.

Funny, they have nothing bad to say about a mother that gives the kid a lift to commit murder.

Anecdote <> data. You've assigned the collective guilt that you were complaining about.

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