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Do you really support PKK ? (1 Viewer)

Do you really support PKK ?

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DP Veteran
Oct 9, 2011
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thanks for your democrat views!!!!!!!!!

''yes it is terrorist but turkey deserves ' type ?I dont accept this ,yes or no

one of these police officers was pregnant when they were killed this week.do you really agree with 'other'?

The Post Kryptonite Killjoys?

Uhh...they're okay...I guess.
Are we talking about the Kurdistan Workers' Party?

You know, most people here don't follow what is happening in Turkey and don't know much of anything about the PKK.
Nope, I do not support terrorist groups but I do believe that there is a place for at least far reaching autonomy of Kurdish regions in both Iraq, Iran and Turkey.
thanks for your democrat views!!!!!!!!!

The current Turkish government (not the Turkish people) is not without its flaws, some very large and dangerous to peace and stability in their region, if not the world.

HOWEVER... the PKK is a terrorist group - a Communist Terrorist Group - there is no other way to describe them. They are certainly not a group of innocent freedom fighters.
I think Kurds should have their own country, but I don't support them killing innocents.

I started it about pkk ,NOT kurds ,harry.I hope you understand my point
I started it about pkk ,NOT kurds ,harry.I hope you understand my point

Unfortunately, they're inseparable when it comes to Turkish politics/issues.

The PKK for better or worse, want to become an independent Kurdish nation and I think they should.
That doesn't mean killing civilians is acceptable, nor does it mean I endorse or accept their form of attacks, but I'd feel the same if the situation was reversed and Turks were fighting for independence.
''yes it is terrorist but turkey deserves ' type ?I dont accept this ,yes or no

one of these police officers was pregnant when they were killed this week.do you really agree with 'other'?


The PKK had desisted from military action against Turkey till Erdogan heated up the conflict for whatever reason. I have all the sympathy in the world for those that are hit, but the culprit is Erdogan. The Kurds in Iraq and Syria have been reliable and good allies in the past few years and usually have honored their promises as had the Kurds in Turkey until they came under fire.
I dont support any kind of terrorism- be it independent groups or state led terror.
The PKK had desisted from military action against Turkey till Erdogan heated up the conflict for whatever reason.

The reason was that a Kurdish party won a surprising amount in a national election, and he risked having to form a coalition government, rather than simply being in charge. Suddenly, Turkish forces began bombing Kurdish positions in Syria/Iraq. Astonishingly, they retaliated, ramping up nationalism, increasing support for Erdogans' party, and enabling him to continue to transition Turkey from a democratic parliamentarian system with a Westernized military backstop to a semi-Islamist El-Presidente-for-Life system with reduced civil liberties.

Turkey has been a right prick with the counter-Islamic State fight. FFS - Iran has been a more reliable partner.
The PKK had desisted from military action against Turkey till Erdogan heated up the conflict for whatever reason. I have all the sympathy in the world for those that are hit, but the culprit is Erdogan. The Kurds in Iraq and Syria have been reliable and good allies in the past few years and usually have honored their promises as had the Kurds in Turkey until they came under fire.

pkk was a terrorist before Erdoğan too.now tell me you support or not ? I tell you they kill people ,you tell me those terrorists are your ally!.Yes syrian pkk is your ally too. Dont teache me my own facts,just tell yes or no!
The reason was that a Kurdish party won a surprising amount in a national election, and he risked having to form a coalition government, rather than simply being in charge. Suddenly, Turkish forces began bombing Kurdish positions in Syria/Iraq. Astonishingly, they retaliated, ramping up nationalism, increasing support for Erdogans' party, and enabling him to continue to transition Turkey from a democratic parliamentarian system with a Westernized military backstop to a semi-Islamist El-Presidente-for-Life system with reduced civil liberties.

Turkey has been a right prick with the counter-Islamic State fight. FFS - Iran has been a more reliable partner.

This is about PKK,not islamistS ,dont derail my thread
pkk was a terrorist before Erdoğan too.now tell me you support or not ? I tell you they kill people ,you tell me those terrorists are your ally!.Yes syrian pkk is your ally too. Dont teache me my own facts,just tell yes or no!

They had stopped killing people and started again after Erdogan attacked them.
I don't support anyone killing innocents but I've never heard of a war where innocents weren't killed.

What kind of war is that ? Supporters are Turkish citizens WHO take advantage of settling in every part of Turkey and keep working as civil servants .I mean this war is in your mind! this is terrorism.
This is about PKK,not islamistS ,dont derail my thread

:shrug: it is about the PKK. Erdogan decided to start bombing Kurdish groups, so they responded in kind. He's not willing to defeat the Islamic State if the price for that is an autonomous Kurdish region in Syria, and so he attacks those waging war against the Islamic State, who are sure to respond with terrorist attacks, which he intends to use to buttress domestic support. There is no good player, here.
What kind of war is that ? Supporters are Turkish citizens WHO take advantage of settling in every part of Turkey and keep working as civil servants .I mean this war is in your mind! this is terrorism.

I wouldn't expect a liberal to have any idea what a war is. I realize the Turks are settled in every part of Turkey while Turkey pursues a course of slaughter Kurds who are living where they have lived for centuries. I don't approve of innocent people being killed, period, but there has been no war without innocents being killed.

When my son was in Turkey with the USAF enforcing the no-fly zone over Iraq they stood down one day a week so the Turkish air force could bomb Kurdish villages. My son was visiting with a professional man, a dentist, and asked how he felt about the Kurds being slaughtered. The man responded, quite politely, that Turkish scientists had proven that Kurds were not actually human.

The Kurds are fighting for an independent homeland and Turkey, which claims the Kurdish homeland as part of Turkey is killing innocents. But, I suppose in LibWorld, the Turks aren't terrorists.
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I wouldn't expect a liberal to have any idea what a war is. I realize the Turks are settled in every part of Turkey while Turkey pursues a course of slaughter Kurds who are living where they have lived for centuries. I don't approve of innocent people being killed, period, but there has been no war without innocents being killed.

When my son was in Turkey with the USAF enforcing the no-fly zone over Iraq they stood down one day a week so the Turkish air force could bomb Kurdish villages. My son was visiting with a professional man, a dentist, and asked how he felt about the Kurds being slaughtered. The man responded, quite politely, that Turkish scientists had proven that Kurds were not actually human.

The Kurds are fighting for an independent homeland and Turkey, which claims the Kurdish homeland as part of Turkey is killing innocents. But, I suppose in LibWorld, the Turks aren't terrorists.

Sure, like liberals never fought wars :roll: Guess what, the Spanish civil war was fought with loads of liberals and socialists who wanted to fight the fascist dictator Franco.

War is started by both conservatives and liberals and the soldiers usually are also liberals and conservatives. Being liberal does not excuse someone from the draft.

And fighting for a homeland does not have to happen with terrorism and bombing innocent police officers. Terrorism is the weapon of evil murderers like ISIS and not by people who want peace and a homeland/freedom.

Look at the IRA, they only got to go forward when they stopped using weapons forever, as long as you even keep the threat of return to violence, no democratic government will ever take you serious when you say you want peace.
I hate seeing ' pkk is terrorist but.....' .do it in other threads started about terrorism if you can.if islamists are terrorist ,pkk is terrorist too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:shrug: it is about the PKK. Erdogan decided to start bombing Kurdish groups, so they responded in kind. He's not willing to defeat the Islamic State if the price for that is an autonomous Kurdish region in Syria, and so he attacks those waging war against the Islamic State, who are sure to respond with terrorist attacks, which he intends to use to buttress domestic support. There is no good player, here.

two french police officers were killed by islamists ,so france started bombing syria and it deserves it ?
two french police officers were killed by islamists ,so france started bombing syria and it deserves it ?

:shrug: no one is saying anyone deserves to be a victim of terror.

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