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do you miss me now? what Obama will be doing in the future (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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what's your guess?
community organizer

he's in the prime of his life
what do you think Obama will do next?

my hope is he would be offered and accept a role dealing with international issues, such as heading the well funded bill & melinda gates foundation

with his heart, intellect, and connections and that money, he could make one hell of a contribution to the world

or maybe he will take the rest of his life off and play golf in hawaii
what's your guess?
community organizer

he's in the prime of his life
what do you think Obama will do next?

my hope is he would be offered and accept a role dealing with international issues, such as heading the well funded bill & melinda gates foundation

with his heart, intellect, and connections and that money, he could make one hell of a contribution to the world

or maybe he will take the rest of his life off and play golf in hawaii
I can't say what he'll do longterm, but I suspect the first thing will be buying a six-pack & a box of grey-go-away hair-color ... :mrgreen:
Probably cash in and make big bucks Like Bill Clinton did giving speeches
He's an excellent writer, and seems to love to write.

I bet he'll find it hard to *not* write a book somewhere down the line.
what's your guess?
community organizer

he's in the prime of his life
what do you think Obama will do next?

my hope is he would be offered and accept a role dealing with international issues, such as heading the well funded bill & melinda gates foundation

with his heart, intellect, and connections and that money, he could make one hell of a contribution to the world

or maybe he will take the rest of his life off and play golf in hawaii

Chris Matthews? Is that you?
Chris Matthews? Is that you?

no tingle here

but what is your speculation; any idea what Obama will do next?

i had initially pondered his accepting the position of secretary-general of the UN. but suspect he is a bit tired of wading thru a bunch of ineffective political bull****
Some crazies think Supreme Court.:lamo
but what is your speculation; any idea what Obama will do next?

Honestly, I think Barack will follow in Bill Clinton's footsteps and kinda fade away and show up for occasional cameos when the DNC want him to say something.

Michelle is a 100% attention whore. She'll find a way to stay relevant as much as possible.
That's far too scary to contemplate as a possibility.

he has all of the credentials to be a great SC justice

but doubt he would want such a confining job (again)
he has all of the credentials to be a great SC justice

but doubt he would want such a confining job (again)

Except that he doesn't believe in the Constitution, but other than that, yea maybe sure. Probably still not.
he has all of the credentials to be a great SC justice

but doubt he would want such a confining job (again)

Well, considering that there really aren't any qualifications for a SC justice.
Call me strange. I don't give a sh*t what he does when he leaves office.
what's your guess?
community organizer

he's in the prime of his life
what do you think Obama will do next?

my hope is he would be offered and accept a role dealing with international issues, such as heading the well funded bill & melinda gates foundation

with his heart, intellect, and connections and that money, he could make one hell of a contribution to the world

or maybe he will take the rest of his life off and play golf in hawaii

When was he a professor? He didn't last long as a working lawyer?

I see him as replacing his advisor, Al Sharpton, on MSNBC and a gatherings of rich people he can con for money.
what's your guess?
community organizer

he's in the prime of his life
what do you think Obama will do next?

my hope is he would be offered and accept a role dealing with international issues, such as heading the well funded bill & melinda gates foundation

with his heart, intellect, and connections and that money, he could make one hell of a contribution to the world

or maybe he will take the rest of his life off and play golf in hawaii

I can't guess and I don't care.
Except that he doesn't believe in the Constitution, but other than that, yea maybe sure. Probably still not.

And he has no experience as a judge.
Top Man at an Ivy.

that may be a high percentage prediction

laid back with low expectations but on call for special envoy appointments
that may be a high percentage prediction

laid back with low expectations but on call for special envoy appointments

THe guy is lazy but he wants to be visible and be making an impact...which makes running a school perfect.

He might do the special envoy thing, but he is been a disappointment to most of the world, and he has never shown much interest in global affairs, so that is not a great fit.

EDIT: Actually University of Chicago would be better than an Ivy.
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THe guy is lazy but he wants to be visible and be making an impact...which makes running a school perfect.

He might do the special envoy thing, but
he is been a disappointment to most of the world, and he has never shown much interest in global affairs, so that is not a great fit.

EDIT: Actually University of Chicago would be better than an Ivy

actually, i believe Obama is held in very high regard internationally, with the exception of very conservative governments
what's your guess?
community organizer

he's in the prime of his life
what do you think Obama will do next?

my hope is he would be offered and accept a role dealing with international issues, such as heading the well funded bill & melinda gates foundation

with his heart, intellect, and connections and that money, he could make one hell of a contribution to the world

or maybe he will take the rest of his life off and play golf in hawaii

Help Michele start her political career. Start out with senator, maybe get a cabinet appointment along the way and we'll see her run as POTUS in 16 years. In the interim write a few books, do some speeches, start a foundation...
Help Michele start her political career. Start out with senator, maybe get a cabinet appointment along the way and we'll see her run as POTUS in 16 years. In the interim write a few books, do some speeches, start a foundation...
Good point!

She's seemingly loved in Chicago, which as a surrounding metro area makes up most of Illinois' population - so I could see Madame Senator for Michelle. :thumbs:
what's your guess?
community organizer

he's in the prime of his life
what do you think Obama will do next?

my hope is he would be offered and accept a role dealing with international issues, such as heading the well funded bill & melinda gates foundation

with his heart, intellect, and connections and that money, he could make one hell of a contribution to the world

or maybe he will take the rest of his life off and play golf in hawaii

"Do you miss me now?" With the thought of either Trump or Clinton becoming the next president. Heck, I miss him already. As for what Obama will do, I don't have the slightest idea.
Help Michele start her political career. Start out with senator, maybe get a cabinet appointment along the way and we'll see her run as POTUS in 16 years. In the interim write a few books, do some speeches, start a foundation...

sounds vaguely familiar

and was hopeful ... at least until i learned Michelle cannot wait until their stint in the white house is over. does not sound like someone who plans a return

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