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DNA evidence (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 28, 2009
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Grand Junction, CO 81506
Political Leaning
DNA...Does it really work, or is it just a way to wring out confessions, or maybe a lawyer can get his rich client to pay for the right answer. Everything is for sale at the right price.

I am against the collection of biometric data for this reason... but in a society where such information is limited to voluntary processes, I think it's not that hard to avoid being setup.

If your DNA is at the crime scene it's kind of hard to prove you weren't there.
I am against the collection of biometric data for this reason... but in a society where such information is limited to voluntary processes, I think it's not that hard to avoid being setup.

If your DNA is at the crime scene it's kind of hard to prove you weren't there.

In the OJ trial, the woman who performed it got flustered when the defense asked her how she separated his blood from all the others and lost any credibility she had. So it really comes down to being able to convince the jury of something they know nothing about. A distinguished looking professor with a beard was what the prosecution needed to impress them.

In the OJ trial, the woman who performed it got flustered when the defense asked her how she separated his blood from all the others and lost any credibility she had. So it really comes down to being able to convince the jury of something they know nothing about. A distinguished looking professor with a beard was what the prosecution needed to impress them.


Yes, juries can be stupid. That in no way diminishes the incredible accuracy of DNA evidence and testing.

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