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DJT's DocsGate - exhibit A (1 Viewer)

Well, I love Joyce Vance. Smith need to appeal anything that might take this case out of her inexperienced biased pop tart baking hands.
You gave her too much credit in that she can bake. :D

Now the nerve coming out of judge Cannon's partisan mouth shows her intentional intentions. She goes after Smith's team.

But Cannon refused to go forward with that hearing because prosecutors with the special counsel’s office raised arguments they hadn’t previously put in writing.

Before abruptly ending Nauta’s proceeding less than a half hour after it began, Cannon admonished the government “for frankly wasting the court’s time.”

Woodward and other defense attorneys have repeatedly tried to delay aspects of the case and want the trial date to be much later than May, when it is currently set. It’s not clear yet if the derailment of Nauta’s hearing on Thursday would ultimately prompt other deadlines in the case to be pushed back.
Smith need to appeal anything that might take this case out of her inexperienced biased pop tart baking hands.
He absolutely does need to do all of that. Now, J Smith is arguing about DJT's lawyer's delay tactics listed in Newsweek's article. We'll not hold our breath thinking judge Cannon will rule with honesty.

"Despite defendant Trump's accusations, defense counsel was hardly in a rush to review the Government's latest production of classified discovery," Smith wrote in a document submitted to Federal Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday. He added that Trump's lawyers have sought a delay in the case because they did not receive highly secure laptops. However, prosecutors gave them those devices last September, and they have used them to write lengthy court briefs since then.
You gave her too much credit in that she can bake. :D

Now the nerve coming out of judge Cannon's partisan mouth shows her intentional intentions. She goes after Smith's team.

But Cannon refused to go forward with that hearing because prosecutors with the special counsel’s office raised arguments they hadn’t previously put in writing.

Before abruptly ending Nauta’s proceeding less than a half hour after it began, Cannon admonished the government “for frankly wasting the court’s time.”

Woodward and other defense attorneys have repeatedly tried to delay aspects of the case and want the trial date to be much later than May, when it is currently set. It’s not clear yet if the derailment of Nauta’s hearing on Thursday would ultimately prompt other deadlines in the case to be pushed back.
"But Cannon refused to go forward with that hearing because prosecutors with the special counsel’s office raised arguments they hadn’t previously put in writing."

Did she happen to say what those other arguments were? I didn't notice it, if she did.
He absolutely does need to do all of that. Now, J Smith is arguing about DJT's lawyer's delay tactics listed in Newsweek's article. We'll not hold our breath thinking judge Cannon will rule with honesty.

"Despite defendant Trump's accusations, defense counsel was hardly in a rush to review the Government's latest production of classified discovery," Smith wrote in a document submitted to Federal Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday. He added that Trump's lawyers have sought a delay in the case because they did not receive highly secure laptops. However, prosecutors gave them those devices last September, and they have used them to write lengthy court briefs since then.

Hopefully no one is holding their breath waiting for Cannon to be honest. Well, maybe I hope Trump is.
"But Cannon refused to go forward with that hearing because prosecutors with the special counsel’s office raised arguments they hadn’t previously put in writing."

Did she happen to say what those other arguments were? I didn't notice it, if she did.
She may have but being almost 2 weeks ago in a world turned upside down heading into Winter, I don't remember what that was now. Sorry. If time permits, I'll try to find the answer that that.

Last night it was reported that judge Cannon is showing signs of delaying the May 20 2024 trial out further now. That the J6 March trial was too close with the May 20th date. I'm surprised I tell ya!!! :eek: It's really difficult to watch this unfold what many of us knew would happen from day one when DJT loving judge Cannon drew the lucky straw to reign over the MAL document's trial. A slam dunk case to be pissed away because of a crooked judge. It was also told that Jack Smith is very upset with it all - with no fix in sight. The best hope is for the J6 trial in DC and maybe the Fulton Co, GA trial if ever it actually runs the course before Nov 2024. It was feeling pretty good for a while thinking that we'd see justice finally take down our nation's most corrupt elitist bastard + his elitist rotten kids.
"But Cannon refused to go forward with that hearing because prosecutors with the special counsel’s office raised arguments they hadn’t previously put in writing."

Did she happen to say what those other arguments were? I didn't notice it, if she did.

October 12, 2023
"..Another Trump co-defendant in the classified documents case,
, was set to have a similar hearing on Thursday regarding his attorney Stanley Woodward representing a key witness who will be called to testify against all three defendants.

But Cannon refused to go forward with that hearing because prosecutors with the special counsel’s office raised arguments they hadn’t previously put in writing.

Before abruptly ending Nauta’s proceeding less than a half hour after it began, Cannon admonished the government “for frankly wasting the court’s time.”

That (above) is RWE friendly. inaccurate reporting (analysis)....

August 26, 2023
:..DOJ may have had a sense of where this was going, because back on July 30, in the same paragraph where they asked for permission to submit this information as part of a sealed supplement, DOJ also asked for permission to share it in unsealed form if things came to that.

[T]o ensure that it does not need to return to the Court for further disclosure orders, the government also seeks authorization to disclose information related to the conflicts hearing more broadly in the Florida case, as the need arises, including in briefing and in-court statements related to the Garcia hearing.
Things did, indeed, come to that.

And Woodward may have gotten notice of all that from Judge Boasberg’s order on July 31.

Things are going to get really testy going forward (if they haven’t already under seal) because, in a filing that DOJ did not first ask permission to file (but which I suspect would be authorized by a sealed order elsewhere in the docket, not to mention general ethical obligations requiring DOJ to inform her of everything going on in DC), DOJ just revealed that Judge Cannon threw out precisely the information that she’s now using to grant Woodward’s request for a sur-reply and — between the three days he waited to ask and the six she granted him to respond — nine more days to delay such time before Walt Nauta might be told about the significance of all the conflicted representation Woodward has taken on.

But I also expect that this will escalate quickly in one or another forum. Aileen Cannon was informed weeks ago of two significant conflicts in the representation of defendants before her, and rather than attend to those conflicts (or decide, simply, that she was going to blow them off, which in some forms might be an appealable decision), she has helped Woodward simply stall any resolution to the potential conflict..."

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DOJ just revealed that Judge Cannon threw out precisely the information that she’s now using to grant Woodward’s request for a sur-reply

Seems like Smith could be appealing this?

Lots of info, thank you!
She may have but being almost 2 weeks ago in a world turned upside down heading into Winter, I don't remember what that was now. Sorry. If time permits, I'll try to find the answer that that.

Last night it was reported that judge Cannon is showing signs of delaying the May 20 2024 trial out further now. That the J6 March trial was too close with the May 20th date. I'm surprised I tell ya!!! :eek: It's really difficult to watch this unfold what many of us knew would happen from day one when DJT loving judge Cannon drew the lucky straw to reign over the MAL document's trial. A slam dunk case to be pissed away because of a crooked judge. It was also told that Jack Smith is very upset with it all - with no fix in sight. The best hope is for the J6 trial in DC and maybe the Fulton Co, GA trial if ever it actually runs the course before Nov 2024. It was feeling pretty good for a while thinking that we'd see justice finally take down our nation's most corrupt elitist bastard + his elitist rotten kids.

I would have to think that surely, sooner or later, Smith is going to appeal something.
October 12, 2023
"..Another Trump co-defendant in the classified documents case,
, was set to have a similar hearing on Thursday regarding his attorney Stanley Woodward representing a key witness who will be called to testify against all three defendants.

But Cannon refused to go forward with that hearing because prosecutors with the special counsel’s office raised arguments they hadn’t previously put in writing.

Before abruptly ending Nauta’s proceeding less than a half hour after it began, Cannon admonished the government “for frankly wasting the court’s time.”

That (above) is RWE friendly. inaccurate reporting (analysis)....

August 26, 2023
:..DOJ may have had a sense of where this was going, because back on July 30, in the same paragraph where they asked for permission to submit this information as part of a sealed supplement, DOJ also asked for permission to share it in unsealed form if things came to that.

Things did, indeed, come to that.

And Woodward may have gotten notice of all that from Judge Boasberg’s order on July 31.

Things are going to get really testy going forward (if they haven’t already under seal) because, in a filing that DOJ did not first ask permission to file (but which I suspect would be authorized by a sealed order elsewhere in the docket, not to mention general ethical obligations requiring DOJ to inform her of everything going on in DC), DOJ just revealed that Judge Cannon threw out precisely the information that she’s now using to grant Woodward’s request for a sur-reply and — between the three days he waited to ask and the six she granted him to respond — nine more days to delay such time before Walt Nauta might be told about the significance of all the conflicted representation Woodward has taken on.

But I also expect that this will escalate quickly in one or another forum. Aileen Cannon was informed weeks ago of two significant conflicts in the representation of defendants before her, and rather than attend to those conflicts (or decide, simply, that she was going to blow them off, which in some forms might be an appealable decision), she has helped Woodward simply stall any resolution to the potential conflict..."

"Jack Smith's office wastes no time in informing Aileen Cannon that Trump's lawyers are manipulating her."

Difficult to take serious Jack Smith's warning to judge Cannon about DJT's lawyers manipulating her when said judge is a willing subject for such manipulation in her state of mind with serving to please DJT.
I would have to think that surely, sooner or later, Smith is going to appeal something.
One would think but how much longer will that be? All of these legal moves takes time that brings about further delays. Mr Smith should have pulled the trigger on her 6 months ago so to get a trial underway several months prior to next year's election. imo Her game is to delay this long enough for DJT to disappear everything against him in 2025. :(

Stephen Gillers, law professor at New York University, told Newsweek that Special Counsel Jack Smith would face major hurdles in efforts to remove Cannon, who was appointed a federal judge by the Trump administration.

"Will Cannon be removed? Smith has to go to the circuit to get a new judge and success in any such effort at this point seems highly improbable. Frankly, one might be forgiven for concluding that Cannon doesn't want to try the case. If Trump wins, she won't have to," Gillers said.

"Does she believe that the case is too complicated to try as soon as May, even though the lawyers have had months to prepare and will have six more months before May? That's not credible," Gillers said.
One would think but how much longer will that be? All of these legal moves takes time that brings about further delays. Mr Smith should have pulled the trigger on her 6 months ago so to get a trial underway several months prior to next year's election. imo Her game is to delay this long enough for DJT to disappear everything against him in 2025. :(

Stephen Gillers, law professor at New York University, told Newsweek that Special Counsel Jack Smith would face major hurdles in efforts to remove Cannon, who was appointed a federal judge by the Trump administration.

"Will Cannon be removed? Smith has to go to the circuit to get a new judge and success in any such effort at this point seems highly improbable. Frankly, one might be forgiven for concluding that Cannon doesn't want to try the case. If Trump wins, she won't have to," Gillers said.

"Does she believe that the case is too complicated to try as soon as May, even though the lawyers have had months to prepare and will have six more months before May? That's not credible," Gillers said.
Well, there is this....although it's not clear to me from this article if the federal judge that rejected the delay is Cannon?
Well, there is this....although it's not clear to me from this article if the federal judge that rejected the delay is Cannon?

Yes, Cannon, time will tell if she stops treating the prosecution as if they were the defendants.

November 10, 2023
Well, there is this....although it's not clear to me from this article if the federal judge that rejected the delay is Cannon?
Possibly Andrew Weissmann has figured out judge Cannon's game for gumming up speculation with the trial date(s). She's trying to get in the way of DA Willis in GA. There's also Chicago podcaster, Tom Joseph, take on it as well.

"This doesn't change my opinion of Cannon one iota," said Weissmann, a critic of Cannon's. "By allowing Trump to later move to delay the trial, but keeping the date for now, she is blocking Fani Willis from scheduling her trial on the current FLA date. And Cannon has substantially delayed the dates for all FLA filings."

"Corrupt Judge Cannon will delay Trump's May 20 classified documents trial to protect him, except he has a problem," he explained.

"If she delays the docs trial too much, it open a window for Fani Willis to bring her RICO trial of Trump. Trump needs Cannon to incrementally block Willis."
Yes, Cannon, time will tell if she stops treating the prosecution as if they were the defendants.

November 10, 2023
In part, this is judge Cannon trying to give the public a sampling of her being a 'fair' judge while pulling corrupt strings for DJT and his dirty lawyers in the long run. She's aware that many eyes are watching her - so her two-sided mind/face is at play here. imo Only we the law-abiding citizens are able to see through her bs.
In part, this is judge Cannon trying to give the public a sampling of her being a 'fair' judge while pulling corrupt strings for DJT and his dirty lawyers in the long run. She's aware that many eyes are watching her - so her two-sided mind/face is at play here. imo Only we the law-abiding citizens are able to see through her bs.


The Trumpers are simply stating the obvious out loud - judge Cannon is on the take for their team. Another blocking move on her part today continues to flirt with another obvious- pushing the trial date out further.

A federal judge in Florida denied a key deadline request on Thursday from special counsel Jack Smith in the case against Donald Trump, alleging the former president unlawfully retained classified documents.

United States District Judge Aileen Cannon's decision, in which she rejected Smith's request that Trump notify him by mid-December of any classified evidence he plans to use for his defense, is yet another indicator that she is likely to postpone the trial's start date.
Possibly Andrew Weissmann has figured out judge Cannon's game for gumming up speculation with the trial date(s). She's trying to get in the way of DA Willis in GA. There's also Chicago podcaster, Tom Joseph, take on it as well.

"This doesn't change my opinion of Cannon one iota," said Weissmann, a critic of Cannon's. "By allowing Trump to later move to delay the trial, but keeping the date for now, she is blocking Fani Willis from scheduling her trial on the current FLA date. And Cannon has substantially delayed the dates for all FLA filings."

"Corrupt Judge Cannon will delay Trump's May 20 classified documents trial to protect him, except he has a problem," he explained.

"If she delays the docs trial too much, it open a window for Fani Willis to bring her RICO trial of Trump. Trump needs Cannon to incrementally block Willis."

Yeah, I've been hearing that. She's trying to delay every trial by gumming hers up and not setting hearings for the trial date.

I am way behind on this thread. Apologies!
In part, this is judge Cannon trying to give the public a sampling of her being a 'fair' judge while pulling corrupt strings for DJT and his dirty lawyers in the long run. She's aware that many eyes are watching her - so her two-sided mind/face is at play here. imo Only we the law-abiding citizens are able to see through her bs.

Exactly right. I'm not sure who she's actually fooling though.
Yeah, I've been hearing that. She's trying to delay every trial by gumming hers up and not setting hearings for the trial date.

I am way behind on this thread. Apologies!
No apologies needed. Judge Cannon has brought this case to a snail's crawl - and in secret. Even to post motions filed by Jack Smith - they usually don't go anywhere with his judge. So, good news of DocsGate has fallen way off. I did seem to read a little something about more evidence against Trump surfacing that assures a huge burn on his ass if ever a trial is held.

In the last week, the only court action has been three secret orders entered by the Trump-appointed judge. The orders were immediately sealed "until further notice."

Exactly right. I'm not sure who she's actually fooling though.
Certainly not Jack Smith. - of which he's still pushing DJT owned judge Cannon to get on with the trial. Mr Smith has rattled her cage for the 9th time yesterday. This is painful to watch a judge work on behalf of a political criminal. Gotta hand Mr Smith an A+ for trying - over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.

In the ongoing saga of former President Donald Trump's classified documents case, Special Counsel Jack Smith has reiterated his call for an expedited trial. This Tuesday marked the ninth occasion Smith has pressed U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon for a swift resolution, as the case, accusing Trump of improperly handling classified materials, inches closer to its scheduled May court date.

Smith's recent filing, mandated by the Speedy Trial Act, emphasizes the urgency of adhering to the planned timeline. This act stipulates that trials should commence within 70 days of the indictment or the defendant's first court appearance.

The document highlighted that this timeline also binds Trump's co-defendants, Walt Nauta and Carlos de Oliveira. Interestingly, Trump, Nauta, and de Oliveira have reportedly reviewed and concurred with Smith's filing, an indication of a complex legal dance underway.
Certainly not Jack Smith. - of which he's still pushing DJT owned judge Cannon to get on with the trial. Mr Smith has rattled her cage for the 9th time yesterday. This is painful to watch a judge work on behalf of a political criminal. Gotta hand Mr Smith an A+ for trying - over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.

In the ongoing saga of former President Donald Trump's classified documents case, Special Counsel Jack Smith has reiterated his call for an expedited trial. This Tuesday marked the ninth occasion Smith has pressed U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon for a swift resolution, as the case, accusing Trump of improperly handling classified materials, inches closer to its scheduled May court date.

Smith's recent filing, mandated by the Speedy Trial Act, emphasizes the urgency of adhering to the planned timeline. This act stipulates that trials should commence within 70 days of the indictment or the defendant's first court appearance.

The document highlighted that this timeline also binds Trump's co-defendants, Walt Nauta and Carlos de Oliveira. Interestingly, Trump, Nauta, and de Oliveira have reportedly reviewed and concurred with Smith's filing, an indication of a complex legal dance underway.

I have come to hate that woman & I can only imagine how Smith feels about her. Good for him for continuing to try and push her.
I have come to hate that woman & I can only imagine how Smith feels about her. Good for him for continuing to try and push her.
Yeah, credit to Jack Smith for trying - over and over again. DJT's pocketed judge has just again cannonballed Jack Smith yesterday.

Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trump, has rejected Special Counsel Jack Smith's request to force the former president to reveal if he plans on using a defense that he was merely relying on advice of his lawyers during the trial. Newsweek contacted the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Saturday for comment via email.

In a court filings on Friday, Cannon rejected federal prosecutors "motion to compel disclosure regarding advice-of-counsel defense," while saying such a request is "not amenable to proper consideration at this juncture."

Another ruling from Cannon also meant that Trump would not have to state which of the materials recovered from his Florida resort had allegedly been declassified before he left the White House in January 2021. This is another disputed claim by the former president that has never been backed up by his lawyers in official court filings.
Yeah, credit to Jack Smith for trying - over and over again. DJT's pocketed judge has just again cannonballed Jack Smith yesterday.

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Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trump, has rejected Special Counsel Jack Smith's request to force the former president to reveal if he plans on using a defense that he was merely relying on advice of his lawyers during the trial. Newsweek contacted the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Saturday for comment via email.

In a court filings on Friday, Cannon rejected federal prosecutors "motion to compel disclosure regarding advice-of-counsel defense," while saying such a request is "not amenable to proper consideration at this juncture."

Another ruling from Cannon also meant that Trump would not have to state which of the materials recovered from his Florida resort had allegedly been declassified before he left the White House in January 2021. This is another disputed claim by the former president that has never been backed up by his lawyers in official court filings.

I think we can give up on Cannon doing anything but helping Trump. I'm sure we already have. Not much news anywhere else....
I think we can give up on Cannon doing anything but helping Trump.
That's certainly a given.

I learned the answer as to why DJT kept running his mouth off about E Jean Carroll and risking expensive lawsuits against him by her. As long as he remained tied up in court over E Jean Carroll, the other pending trial cases were held up - much to the delight of judge Cannon with her efforts to delay, delay, delay for her guy.

Today is a big day for Jack Smith concerning any movement with this trial case - and it's behind closed doors with judge Cannon. Even though we'll not know what was discussed, if Jack Smith files with the 11th Circuit his displeasure, we'll then know that judge Cannon screwed around with the classified filings and more than likely denied a trial date today in another effort to shut this down for her guy.

Trump's lawyers have also gone after major news outlets to block them from publishing anything concerning decisions etc about these documents.

Special counsel Jack Smith will appear before U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on Wednesday morning. Cannon said in a paperless order filed in federal court on Jan. 11 that the hearing will be held to evaluate classified filings by Smith being sought by Trump and his co-defendants.

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