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Disgusting bias about hostages (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
Today, the first phase of hostage returns was done, with three women from the rogue state returned, and several dozen of the thousands of Palestinian hostages returned.

The media is filled with coverage of the three women. Footage of them smiling and laughing in the back seat of the Red Cross vehicle surrounded by Hamas and Palestinians, their gift bags, hugging their mothers, rogue state statements.

Other than a rare mention of the group of Palestinians with no other info, not one second of their story, no names, no pictures, no stories, no reunions, no interviews, nothing, it's as if they don't exist - which feeds a narrative this is all about 'good guys' getting their hostage back from 'bad guys'. Of course not a peep about the context the hostages were taken as the only way to get the Palestinian hostages returned, or the rogue state's delaying a deal for 15 months.

It's disgusting media bias that feeds and reinforces a propaganda message supporting genocide and apartheid and colonialism. Three women matter, humanized sympathetically - which of course they do - Palestinians are dehumanized and invisible, as well as the ongoing crimes that led to this situation.
Today, the first phase of hostage returns was done, with three women from the rogue state returned, and several dozen of the thousands of Palestinian hostages returned.

The media is filled with coverage of the three women. Footage of them smiling and laughing in the back seat of the Red Cross vehicle surrounded by Hamas and Palestinians, their gift bags, hugging their mothers, rogue state statements.

Other than a rare mention of the group of Palestinians with no other info, not one second of their story, no names, no pictures, no stories, no reunions, no interviews, nothing, it's as if they don't exist - which feeds a narrative this is all about 'good guys' getting their hostage back from 'bad guys'. Of course not a peep about the context the hostages were taken as the only way to get the Palestinian hostages returned, or the rogue state's delaying a deal for 15 months.

It's disgusting media bias that feeds and reinforces a propaganda message supporting genocide and apartheid and colonialism. Three women matter, humanized sympathetically - which of course they do - Palestinians are dehumanized and invisible, as well as the ongoing crimes that led to this situation.

The prisoners released by Israel are terrorists who committed terrorist acts against citizens of Israel. The hostages released by Hamas were innocent citizens attending a concert.

I understand Israel agreeing to a ceasefire out of concern for hostages, but my preference is that Israel continue killing Hamas and Hezbollah members without mercy until every single one is turned into compost.
Other than a rare mention of the group of Palestinians with no other info, not one second of their story, no names, no pictures, no stories, no reunions, no interviews, nothing, it's as if they don't exist - which feeds a narrative this is all about 'good guys' getting their hostage back from 'bad guys'.
That's literally what it was. They simplified it. For you.

You still didn't get it.
Of course not a peep about the context the hostages were taken
The context is they were taken hostage while attending a concert. :rolleyes:
as the only way to get the Palestinian hostages returned, or the rogue state's delaying a deal for 15 months.

It's disgusting media bias that feeds and reinforces a propaganda message supporting genocide and apartheid and colonialism. Three women matter, humanized sympathetically - which of course they do - Palestinians are dehumanized and invisible, as well as the ongoing crimes that led to this situation.
I didn't realize Israel seized those prisoners randomly from a concert they were attending.
Today, the first phase of hostage returns was done, with three women from the rogue state returned, and several dozen of the thousands of Palestinian hostages returned.

The media is filled with coverage of the three women. Footage of them smiling and laughing in the back seat of the Red Cross vehicle surrounded by Hamas and Palestinians, their gift bags, hugging their mothers, rogue state statements.

Other than a rare mention of the group of Palestinians with no other info, not one second of their story, no names, no pictures, no stories, no reunions, no interviews, nothing, it's as if they don't exist - which feeds a narrative this is all about 'good guys' getting their hostage back from 'bad guys'. Of course not a peep about the context the hostages were taken as the only way to get the Palestinian hostages returned, or the rogue state's delaying a deal for 15 months.

It's disgusting media bias that feeds and reinforces a propaganda message supporting genocide and apartheid and colonialism. Three women matter, humanized sympathetically - which of course they do - Palestinians are dehumanized and invisible, as well as the ongoing crimes that led to this situation.
The women were hostages, the Palestinians were criminals guilty of violent crimes and convicted in a court of law. If you want to fabricate your story that's ok, but please get the facts in their somehow. The terms are 1 woman for 30 criminals.
Not much response to this. The rogue state for years has held thousands of innocent Palestinians not convicted of any crime and on spurious 'security' grounds. Reportedly they have a 'detention' rule for up to six months they can renew repeatedly. The conditions include torture, rape, denial of food, and more.

The stated goal of October 7 was to take military hostages to trade, the only option to get the Palestinian hostages back. Given that those military hostages were located behind and among civilians forcing encounters with them, they were also taken hostage, and reportedly Hamas tried to return the civilians soon after and Netanyahu refused.

Some of the Palestinian prisoners were convicted of crimes that Hamas wants released and Netanyahu is reportedly refusing. Many of the military hostages taken would be convicted of crimes if there was a process for trials for them.

Most of the Palestinians released were women and I've seen no report they committed any crime.
Today, the first phase of hostage returns was done, with three women from the rogue state returned, and several dozen of the thousands of Palestinian hostages returned.

The media is filled with coverage of the three women. Footage of them smiling and laughing in the back seat of the Red Cross vehicle surrounded by Hamas and Palestinians, their gift bags, hugging their mothers, rogue state statements.

Other than a rare mention of the group of Palestinians with no other info, not one second of their story, no names, no pictures, no stories, no reunions, no interviews, nothing, it's as if they don't exist - which feeds a narrative this is all about 'good guys' getting their hostage back from 'bad guys'. Of course not a peep about the context the hostages were taken as the only way to get the Palestinian hostages returned, or the rogue state's delaying a deal for 15 months.

It's disgusting media bias that feeds and reinforces a propaganda message supporting genocide and apartheid and colonialism. Three women matter, humanized sympathetically - which of course they do - Palestinians are dehumanized and invisible, as well as the ongoing crimes that led to this situation.
You are just so upset that Hamas terrorists aren't getting positive news coverage that you think they deserve?
which feeds a narrative this is all about 'good guys' getting their hostage back from 'bad guys'.
Are you denying that the people who kidnapped and raped these women, amidst their baby-decapitation spree, are bad guys?

Or are you saying that the victims themselves are not "good guys" (i.e. the bitch shouldn't have been dressed like that)?
Given that those military hostages were located behind and among civilians forcing encounters with them, they were also taken hostage, and reportedly Hamas tried to return the civilians soon after and Netanyahu refused.
Source: "I made it up."

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