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Directorship (1 Viewer)


Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
Political Leaning
All directorship are bad right? Well i think not. i think directorship are kind of a good thing....ecomic dose good....people dont go hurgy....everone has jobs....and so on......directorship has alway be run by evil people...we need a good directorship if there is any such thing?
galenrox said:
****ing directorships all directing and ****, "Go right, there's a detour up ahead!" those bastards

What the hell is a directorship?!

OMFG, thats the funniest thing ive seen you post! :rofl

your much better to talk to when high!
To answer your question there was a good dictator, his name was Tito and he was the one who held yugoslavia togather. after he died yugoslavia broke up and world war II started.
Sorry what i meant to say was we need another good dictator one better then Tito....Because evey one i speak to says dictatorship is a bad thing and i beg to differ. I think it could become a world's utopia. See dictatorship can be really good or really bad....no in the middle....see i think a dictatorship goverment is a good way because no one goes hungry (In Iraq it was different Saddam was an asshole) and everyone works and the word prison is a word everyone fears. I think the pro out weight the con of a dictator ship.......the way my mind works is that the USA is a New Form Of Dictatorship....instead of having 1 person in charge...we have 400 people work like a disfunctional brain...over a couple of million people.....this new form is a bad form i see...i like the old form........what r the pros and cons for u in a dictatorship?
Now...see how much better you can type when sober?:mrgreen:
Dictatorship: One man, one rule. Now, suppose the dictator had a night like you did and decided that all male children MUST be named after him. They would all be called Tito. No Jermaines, no Michaels. And all the Tito's have to have a mohawk. But I don't WANT to name my child Tito and give him a mohawk. Tough ****, you go to jail instead.
Now, suppose dictator Tito sobers up and thinks mohawks need at least one pierced ear.....
Nope, dictatorship is NOT good....
Okay I think I'm gonna actually answer his question instead of just being a dick.

A dictatorship can be a good thing if its ruled by a man who actually cares about his people and is willing to make reforms etc. for example Napoleon. However, this is usually not the case so therefore a dictatorship is not very desirable in fact, I would reccomend you resist one at all costs.

OH yeah and it could be argued that Hitler did the same thing for German as Napoleon did for France but the only thing is that they both got greedy and tried to expand and both ended up causing a lot of people to die. Oh yeah and also Hitler made things worse by doing the whole final solution thing. Even if a leader made my government stable and helped our country get back on their feet, if he starts massacring people for no reason then I would rebel.
ok, i'll be the best dictator ever!!!:gunner: :blastem:
Loxd4 said:
see i think a dictatorship goverment is a good way because no one goes hungry

They don't? Name one dictatorship in the history of the world where that is true.

Loxd4 said:
(In Iraq it was different Saddam was an asshole)

Well if your dictator is an asshole (or becomes an asshole by nature of the fact that he's a dictator), you have a lot of problems. And even if the dictator is perfectly benevolent, how do you propose to ensure that his successor is also perfectly benevolent? The main selling point of democracy is to keep government accountable.

Loxd4 said:
and everyone works and the word prison is a word everyone fears.

What do these have to do with dictatorship versus democracy?

Loxd4 said:
I think the pro out weight the con of a dictator ship

Then go live in a dictatorship. Or are the world's dictators all assholes? Surely you can find one good dictatorship to live under, if it really is so utopian. Or are dictators only good when they agree with your political views (or another way of phrasing that question: Would you be the only good dictator in the world, and what makes you so special?)?
Loxd4 said:
Sorry what i meant to say was we need another good dictator one better then Tito....Because evey one i speak to says dictatorship is a bad thing and i beg to differ. I think it could become a world's utopia. See dictatorship can be really good or really bad....no in the middle....see i think a dictatorship goverment is a good way because no one goes hungry (In Iraq it was different Saddam was an asshole) and everyone works and the word prison is a word everyone fears. I think the pro out weight the con of a dictator ship.......the way my mind works is that the USA is a New Form Of Dictatorship....instead of having 1 person in charge...we have 400 people work like a disfunctional brain...over a couple of million people.....this new form is a bad form i see...i like the old form........what r the pros and cons for u in a dictatorship?

Those who would surrender their liberty for security deserve neither! - Ben Franklin (good quote by the way Galen)

The U.S. is not a new form of dictatorship we are a representative government made of, by, and for the people. We elect our leaders from the people and therfor the people are infact the government and vice-versa.

Dictatorship cannot be a good thing ever, because you surrender your freedoms and no matter how benevolent the dictator maybe you still must live under his rule.

Your mind must work in a dysfunctional way if you would prefer dictatorship over freedom.

Oh and, nex ut tyrannus licentia vel nex! Death to tyrants, power to the people, yada yada yada.

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