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-Diplomatic Immunity- (1 Viewer)


New member
May 6, 2005
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I want to know your guys's views on this topic.
Myself I think it is bs. This is the United States and
before you even think about moving here, you should
the know the rules.
By that same token, we wish it to be bestowed on our diplomats around the world.
Oh trust me, I don't think it is a good idea, but we would be pissed if our diplomats didn't have it (trust me, we would be hearing about some amazing stories to be sure if it didn't exist-but hey, that entertains me...so...maybe we shoudl get rid of it, lol).
I think it's okay if our diplomats lost it too, just so long as diplomats from everywhere else lose it. I've always heard the saying "
when in Rome do as the Romans do." So where ever you are you should be willing to follow their laws.
Im so sure we would hear stories involving prostitutes, vodka and limo bumbing music coming in at least once a month-I would laugh so hard.
ShamMol said:
Im so sure we would hear stories involving prostitutes, vodka and limo bumbing music coming in at least once a month-I would laugh so hard.
Not that i'm mad or anything, I would just like to know what you mean?
Drum_corps912004 said:
Not that i'm mad or anything, I would just like to know what you mean?
I mean to say that I think we would see what our ambassadors are doing. And in some cases, I don't think that we would like what we saw.
Republican said:
I think it's okay if our diplomats lost it too, just so long as diplomats from everywhere else lose it. I've always heard the saying "
when in Rome do as the Romans do." So where ever you are you should be willing to follow their laws.

You are positively nuts. That would open the way for a lunatic like Chavez to trump up charges on any American diplomat in the effort to try to make the U.S. look bad. There are a lot of reasons for diplomatic immunity and they are sound ones. It is unfortunate that it is abused by some diplomats, but they are necessary for the normal conduct of international relations.

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