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Digital Camera? (1 Viewer)



I'm looking for a really small digital camera, cheap, but not worthless. Basically for going out with friends and such. Anyone have any suggestions, I've been looking at the Oregon Scientific, what do yall think?
HTColeman said:
I'm looking for a really small digital camera, cheap, but not worthless. Basically for going out with friends and such. Anyone have any suggestions, I've been looking at the Oregon Scientific, what do yall think?

My suggestion - email me some nude shots when you get one. ;)
Simon W. Moon said:
A link'd be helpful

Oh yeah, in case you don't happen to periodically read up on digital cameras,


This is the camera I was lookin at, if anyone has an online subscription to ConsumerReports, I would be your best friend if you look it up for me, I'm in college and I can't pay for a subscription at the current time:(

Its the Oregon Scientific 2.0 Megapixel ThinCam Digital Camera (DS6200-S)
Naughty Nurse said:
My suggestion - email me some nude shots when you get one. ;)

I wouldn't want to give someone of your age a heart attack...j/k.....but no, I will not send you any pictures
HTColeman said:
This is the camera I was lookin at, if anyone has an online subscription to ConsumerReports, I would be your best friend if you look it up for me, I'm in college and I can't pay for a subscription at the current time
Check you campus and local library. They have subscriptions to all sorts of great stuff. Often you can log into subscription service from home (dorm) if you go through the library's portal.
Simon W. Moon said:
Check you campus and local library. They have subscriptions to all sorts of great stuff. Often you can log into subscription service from home (dorm) if you go through the library's portal.

THANK YOU!!!! I never even knew, now I have access to Consumer Reports, and to think I almost paid for it!
HTColeman said:
THANK YOU!!!! I never even knew, now I have access to Consumer Reports, and to think I almost paid for it!
I believe in getting my tax dollars' worth from libraries. They are absolutely incredible resources that are very underutilized.
Oh yeah, and I want one with good picture quality, but I don't need photography grade photos, I'll rarely print them out. Once again, its just take out of my pocket, shoot, and go. PLEASE, anyone have reccomendations?
Sorry, I can't really help you...I use digital SLR's, and those definitely aren't going to fit into your pocket!!
For what it's worth I paid well over $300 for an Oregon Scientific Weather Station a couple years back. Complete piece o'crap.

Have no idea about their cameras. I believe most of their stuff is made in China. My experience with the weather station would keep from from getting anything with their name on it again.
What kind of price range are you looking at? Sony has some good cameras, I have one that I bought for my husband, it's only 3.2 megapixels but it takes good pictures if you're not looking for photographer quality....they're not grainy or blurry in the least, unless you try to blow them up too big, which I don't see you doing since you said you didn't plan on printing them too often....They have one that's 6 megapixels that Best Buy has for $200, it would fit in your back pocket at least....here's the info for that one.

Sony DSC-S600
Also, Canon makes some really nice cameras, they have a 5 megapixel PowerShot that is EXTREMELY thin, so it would easily fit into your pocket....retail, it's about $350, but I searched it on eBay and found a lot of them that are going for a more affordable price range.

Best Buy info - Canon PowerShot SD450
Stace said:
Also, Canon makes some really nice cameras, they have a 5 megapixel PowerShot that is EXTREMELY thin, so it would easily fit into your pocket....retail, it's about $350, but I searched it on eBay and found a lot of them that are going for a more affordable price range.

Best Buy info - Canon PowerShot SD450

I own an older Powershot. Been a great camera for a long time. Takes outstanding pix. No effort, no skill, does it all for you.
Pacridge said:
I own an older Powershot. Been a great camera for a long time. Takes outstanding pix. No effort, no skill, does it all for you.

And I bet that's exactly the kind of camera HT is looking for! Myself, I prefer more compicated cameras simply because I'm a bit of a photographer at heart - certainly I'm not anywhere near a professional, but I take pictures nearly everywhere I go, and I love playing with all of the different settings and such, just to see what kind of shots I CAN get. :mrgreen:
Pacridge said:
For what it's worth I paid well over $300 for an Oregon Scientific Weather Station a couple years back. Complete piece o'crap.

Have no idea about their cameras. I believe most of their stuff is made in China. My experience with the weather station would keep from from getting anything with their name on it again.
Yep... China. Oregon Scientific is like the house brand of electronics (cheapest quality/engineering and mass produced)... This is especially true with their cameras... Don't do it! Also you need at least 3.0 MP's. Best to go with Cannon/Nikon/Minolta but you'll need at least another $100... Otherwise just use your cell phone (assuming) cause its standardly 1.0 MP's and the dif between 2.0 and 1.0 is like crap or crappier..:mrgreen:
Apostle13 said:
Oregon Scientific is like the house brand of electronics (cheapest quality/engineering and mass produced)... This is especially true with their cameras... Don't do it! Also you need at least 3.0 MP's. Best to go with Cannon/Nikon/Minolta but you'll need at least another $100... Otherwise just use your cellphone (assuming) cause its standardly 1.0 MP's and the dif between 2.0 and 1.0 is like crap or crappier..:mrgreen:

Yeah, I learned that lesson the hard way.

I agree with the MP's- mine older and has 3.2, at the time that was good. Someone give my daughter a 1.5 as a gift. The difference is very noticeable.
Ok, so now I know what brands to look for, it looks like I might as well pay a little more for quality, I'd rather save up more money than completly waste $100 bucks!
HTColeman said:
Once again, its just take out of my pocket, shoot, and go. PLEASE, anyone have reccomendations?

HT - you shouldn't feed me lines like that!!
HTColeman said:
Ok, so now I know what brands to look for, it looks like I might as well pay a little more for quality, I'd rather save up more money than completly waste $100 bucks!

Yeah, even if you can save up another $100, you'd be SO much better off. I'd offer to sell my other digital to you (the Sony I mentioned), but my husband wants to use it for work (he's a cop). :(
Naughty Nurse said:
HT - you shouldn't feed me lines like that!!

:doh ,I have given up censoring myself, if it comes out wrong, I'll fix it later. So, for the record, I was strictly talking about a camera...
Hey HT Did you find a camera yet?

I was over at newegg dot com last night looking for something else and saw that they had cameras, I'd forgotten about that. You can sort them out by price, model etc. Saw a couple of nice ones around $100, I think that was in the price range that you were looking. Hope that helps you out. :cool:

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