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Did Trump & Kelly kiss & make-up? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2010
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CNN is reporting that FOX news personality Megyn Kelly met privately with Donald Trump today.

Donald Trump meets with Megyn Kelly at Trump Tower - Apr. 13, 2016

Neither person has shared details about what happened yet. But Trump's intense dislike of Kelly -- whom he has called unfair, overrated and even "crazy" -- has been one of the subplots of his run for president.
So was the face-to-face chat a precursor to a Kelly-Trump interview in the future?
Fox said in a statement Wednesday afternoon that Kelly will discuss "the results" of the meeting on her prime time program Wednesday night.
Kelly is known to be seeking high-profile guests for a Barbara Walters-style prime time special on the Fox broadcast network in May.
Fox's statement concluded with a line seemingly intended to defuse tensions between the two sides.
"Kelly has acknowledged in recent interviews that Trump is a fascinating person to cover and has electrified the Republican base," it said.
Before Fox issued the statement, people with knowledge of the matter told CNNMoney that Kelly reached out to Trump's office to set up the meeting.
It was "on-again, off-again" for a while, before the session ultimately took place, one of the sources said.
Fox News chairman Roger Ailes was not in attendance. But Fox's statement suggested that Ailes had been working behind the scenes on Kelly's behalf.

Anybody want to speculate on the results?
Ailes wants his viewership back, Kelly is a talking head.
Who has hinted in the past week that she may be leaving Fox.
Who has hinted in the past week that she may be leaving Fox.

And go where? The other news networks that trade in talking head news have their pretty blondes tokens already. PBS? Some local station?

Take the TV part away and she'll last about two seconds on radio. Sounds like the standard open of a contract re-negotiation.
And go where? The other news networks that trade in talking head news have their pretty blondes tokens already. PBS? Some local station?

Take the TV part away and she'll last about two seconds on radio. Sounds like the standard open of a contract re-negotiation.
She was interviewed and pursued heavily by CNN before Aile's woo'd her to Fox.

She's actually a sharp cookie, with excellent journalistic chops, and could have gone anywhere. Unfortunately, she's dumbing herself down on Fox IMO. I saw her delivery change quite a bit over the first 4-6 weeks she was there. But Fox is the 800 lb gorilla in the room paying the big bucks, at least in terms of cable news, so I could understand the draw. Unless she was to go to one of the networks, which she is capable of doing, again IMO.

I always wondered if her tenure at Fox would hurt her bonafides and gravitas, and I honestly don't know.
She was interviewed and pursued heavily by CNN before Aile's woo'd her to Fox.

She's actually a sharp cookie, with excellent journalistic chops, and could have gone anywhere. Unfortunately, she's dumbing herself down on Fox IMO. I saw her delivery change quite a bit over the first 4-6 weeks she was there. But Fox is the 800 lb gorilla in the room paying the big bucks, at least in terms of cable news, so I could understand the draw. Unless she was to go to one of the networks, which she is capable of doing, again IMO.

I always wondered if her tenure at Fox would hurt her bonafides and gravitas, and I honestly don't know.

What is her contract status? Supposedly she signed something in May of 2013 - but I have no idea how long that would run.

edit: just found this

Megyn Kelly keeping 'options open' when Fox contract expires | TheHill

So apparently she is free next year.
Trump is pivoting, and some of the stuff that has taken place he needs to get behind him, and it is in both of their interests to kiss and make up. Kelly is in my opinion pretty useless but she is not stupid.
Re Kelly, what she needs to do is to be the next Barbara Walters. THis is obvious, but it probably cant happen at FOXNEWS.
“You met with Megyn Kelly today. How did that go?,” host Sean Hannity asked Trump over loud boos from the live audience.
“She called last week and they set up a meeting. They said can we come up and I said would you come to Trump Tower? Because I didn’t want any confusion,” Trump said. “And she did. And she was very, very nice."
“We had a meeting and she was very nice,” he repeated.
“Maybe it was time — or maybe she felt it was time,” Trump said, explaining why he thought Kelly had reached out. “And by the way I give her a lot of credit for doing what she did."

Read more: Megyn Kelly clears the air with Donald Trump - POLITICO
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Classic Trump.
Maybe Trump is interviewing her for VP.
He has been consistent that he wants a professional politician for that.
[emphasis added by bubba]
emphasis added on the moron
not at all!
the professional hooker is deserving of some respect

Well said. I once heard a story about when Mao took over China, the Communist Party outlawed two professions - hookers and lawyers. The thinking was that both made their money off the misery of the common man.

Personally, the hookers should have sued being lumped in with such unsavory types as attorneys. :mrgreen:

btw - I have no way of knowing that little anecdote is true or not but it makes for a good story just the same.

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