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Did Someone Say That Trump Is Gaining Votes? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
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Did someone say that Trump is gaining votes in the polls?

Just for the fact of being fair, I put the following question on Google "all the Democrats that have announced they are voting for Trump" and you know what came back? Zero, zilch, nothing!

Here is a video of what some of those prominent Republicans are stating in their own words as to why they are changing their votes on this 2020 election.

So when a headline says that Trump is gaining on Biden, show me where anyone other than Republicans changing their minds and voting for Biden is occurring.
No one putting a contrary debate on this OP? After all the statements that Trump is gaining, no Trump supporter is coming up with a contrarian statement to "prominent Republicans voting for Biden"?

Where are all the disparaging attacks of those that have bolted to the other side? Where are the "those are not people of note?, traitors?, they never liked Trump?, and they don't know what they are doing statements?

Where is that staunch defense by Trump supporters of their idol that explains fully and completely why these people have left the party to join the enemy? The deeply flawed Democrats that are going to damage this country by turning it into a socialist country? Why are these always Republicans now becoming socialists, something they have been against their entire lives? It is possible that they were brainwashed by the Democrats?
They too know what you just said. Trump is still 10 points behind Biden. Still surprised you haven't seen the fantasyland delusionals trying to spread their nonsense.
It's the right wing echo chamber.

To be fair, Democrats have been saying that people are running away from Trump. And to an extremely small extent that's true, but obviously nothing to a degree that matches the rhetoric. For all intents and purposes, Trump enters the 2020 election with the same support that he entered 2017 with.
It's the right wing echo chamber.

To be fair, Democrats have been saying that people are running away from Trump. And to an extremely small extent that's true, but obviously nothing to a degree that matches the rhetoric. For all intents and purposes, Trump enters the 2020 election with the same support that he entered 2017 with.

Except from those that have left, like these 20.
Except from those that have left, like these 20.

Sure, and I'm not denying that. But largely speaking, his support is the same as when he started, and circumstances...good or bad...don't affect that standing.
It's the right wing echo chamber.

To be fair, Democrats have been saying that people are running away from Trump. And to an extremely small extent that's true, but obviously nothing to a degree that matches the rhetoric. For all intents and purposes, Trump enters the 2020 election with the same support that he entered 2017 with.

Which means he only can win if AmeriCANs stay home or DJT ****s with the election.
That is not what this Forbes report says

I guess it's possible, but we've been down this road before. For now, if you only look at high quality polls over the last three days, his approval is 39.2, which is definitely below where he entered with. If you factor in lower quality polls like Rasmussen his approval is 42.2%. I want to dismiss Rasmussen out of hand, but I'm also sort of waiting on Nate Silver to explain just wtf is going on with them.
That is not what this Forbes report says

Us folks who are not going to vote for trump know he can almost be guaranteed thirty five percent of voters will cast their ballot for him, that's just a given. However it's not enough. Trump is no longer the outsider and does not have hillary to run against. His personality repels a whole lot of people and now that we do know what we have to lose, our democracy, we won't get fooled again.
I guess it's possible, but we've been down this road before. For now, if you only look at high quality polls over the last three days, his approval is 39.2, which is definitely below where he entered with. If you factor in lower quality polls like Rasmussen his approval is 42.2%. I want to dismiss Rasmussen out of hand, but I'm also sort of waiting on Nate Silver to explain just wtf is going on with them.

By the way, did you see that the party did not adopt any specific Republican platform other than "support Trump and make america great again". Every single election year both Parties adopt platforms that outline what the party strands for. This year, it is "Support Trump and Make America Great Again". This means they have nothing that states what the Republican party now generally stands for. Incredible!
Which means he only can win if AmeriCANs stay home or DJT ****s with the election.

He will win because Ds aren’t excited about old Joe, and like 2016, Trump doesn’t need to **** with the election. The Ds PROVED that he didn’t the last time, and if they weren’t “excited” about Hilarity, electing Ol’ Joe so Komrada Harris can slip into the Oval Office, is not going to work either.

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Did someone say that Trump is gaining votes in the polls?

Just for the fact of being fair, I put the following question on Google "all the Democrats that have announced they are voting for Trump" and you know what came back? Zero, zilch, nothing!

Here is a video of what some of those prominent Republicans are stating in their own words as to why they are changing their votes on this 2020 election.

So when a headline says that Trump is gaining on Biden, show me where anyone other than Republicans changing their minds and voting for Biden is occurring.

Google? You'll need to scroll to page 4,783.:lamo
He will win because Ds aren’t excited about old Joe, and like 2016, Trump doesn’t need to **** with the election. The Ds PROVED that he didn’t the last time, and if they weren’t “excited” about Hilarity, electing Ol’ Joe so Komrada Harris can slip into the Oval Office, is not going to work either.

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How many ex DNC chairs are voting against Biden AND joining an anti Biden campaign?

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