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Did Lynch Meet With Bill Clinton On Purpose? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Slightly Conservative
Even though I don't like her politics this lady seems extremely intelligent. How on Earth could she do something so stupid as to have a "secret" meeting with Bill Clinton in a plane parked on an airport tarmac (to talk about grandkids)? Did she want to get "caught" on purpose so that she could recuse herself from making the decision on indicting Hillary? If so, is it because Hillary is going to be recommended to be indicted or not indicted?
Whatever it was -- it was on purpose.
Didn't realize I could have worded the question a little better. Did she want to get caught on purpose to give her an excuse to recuse herself and why?
Didn't realize I could have worded the question a little better. Did she want to get caught on purpose to give her an excuse to recuse herself and why?


I think it is just another example of this strange idea politicians and other government officials seem to have that despite being in the public eye they have some standard expectation of privacy that will prevent them from being caught out.

I don't think any of the sex scandals, bribery and influence scandals, and secret meeting scandals like this were something the participants ever expected to face exposure on.
First, I realized that a special prosecutor (if there were one) wouldn't have a tie with the BO administration providing some plausible deniability for BO's administration if Hillary were to be indicted. Then I realized Comey, the head of the FBI, was nominated by the BO administration even though the FBI is supposed to be impartial to this case. Then I realized that Willy Clinton's administration nominated Loretta Lynch to an important judgeship that launched her career just before the turn of the 20st century....

Is this, maybe, an effort by the BO administration to put forth a look of impartiality? To forever be considered impartial in this case? To have plausible deniability no matter the decision? For legacy's sake?
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First, I realized that a special prosecutor (if there were one) wouldn't have a tie with the BO administration providing some plausible deniability for BO's administration if Hillary were to be indicted. Then I realized Comey, the head of the FBI, was nominated by the BO administration even though the FBI is supposed to be impartial to this case. Then I realized that Willy Clinton's administration nominated Loretta Lynch to an important judgeship that launched her career just before the turn of the 20st century....

Is this, maybe, an effort by the BO administration to put forth a look of impartiality? To forever be considered impartial in this case? To have plausible deniability no matter the decision? For legacy's sake?

That's where I'm coming from but I can't figure out for sure if it is because indictment will be recommended or not. I'm leaning toward Hillary will not be indicted and that's why Lynch got caught on purpose, so that she could recuse herself from the case and therefore nobody could claim partisanship in the decision not to indict. They very well could have only talked about golf and grandkids because the game was all about allowing herself to be caught so that she could have a reason to recuse herself. She's way too smart to do something that stupid.
I just feel a little sorry for Lynch here.
Even though I don't like her politics this lady seems extremely intelligent. How on Earth could she do something so stupid as to have a "secret" meeting with Bill Clinton in a plane parked on an airport tarmac (to talk about grandkids)? Did she want to get "caught" on purpose so that she could recuse herself from making the decision on indicting Hillary? If so, is it because Hillary is going to be recommended to be indicted or not indicted?

It's one of those things that's so spectacularly foolish that it does seem probable that Clinton ambushed her. Regardless of the intent or the truth, everybody looks bad. Now in order to get the media's laser focus back onto him Trump will have to publicly avow that "black people smell funny."

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