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Did Democracy work out in this case? (1 Viewer)

Did Democracy work in the case described.

  • Yes -- democracy is the will of The Majority

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No -- democracy means Freedom

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jun 10, 2014
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Most Liberals remind us that Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from consequences. For now, USA has enough Libertarians to defend Freedom to a degree. The Social Media is not yet under Liberal Control.

In Pakistan a man burned a copy of the Koran in public. He was facing at most life in prison. The People burned him alive. If the Majority or the Vast Majority supports a measure, does it mean that this is how Democracy works?
Most Liberals remind us that Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from consequences. For now, USA has enough Libertarians to defend Freedom to a degree. The Social Media is not yet under Liberal Control.

In Pakistan a man burned a copy of the Koran in public. He was facing at most life in prison. The People burned him alive. If the Majority or the Vast Majority supports a measure, does it mean that this is how Democracy works?

That's basically democracy at work.

Shows what a terrible system it is. Hopefully the police will be able to identify and prosecute the ringleaders.
Most Liberals remind us that Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from consequences. For now, USA has enough Libertarians to defend Freedom to a degree. The Social Media is not yet under Liberal Control.

In Pakistan a man burned a copy of the Koran in public. He was facing at most life in prison. The People burned him alive. If the Majority or the Vast Majority supports a measure, does it mean that this is how Democracy works?

Basic human rights should not/are not under democratic control in a democratic republic such as ours (USA)
1.) This is why education and multi-culturalism is really important for democracy.

2.) What's the alternative? Let a dictator burn them alive? Is it more just then, when there's no democratic input? Or was your point that you seriously believe that if there was a non-democratic government (Again, what, a caliphate? Historically, that's the only other major type of government in this part of the world) the treatment of this person would have been superior? Based on what? Certainly not history. In either case, I fail to see either the legitimacy or the validity of your point.
1.) This is why education and multi-culturalism is really important for democracy.

2.) What's the alternative? Let a dictator burn them alive? Is it more just then, when there's no democratic input? Or was your point that you seriously believe that if there was a non-democratic government (Again, what, a caliphate? Historically, that's the only other major type of government in this part of the world) the treatment of this person would have been superior? Based on what? Certainly not history. In either case, I fail to see either the legitimacy or the validity of your point.

The authorities were not burning this person alive. The mob was.
That's basically democracy at work.

Shows what a terrible system it is. Hopefully the police will be able to identify and prosecute the ringleaders.

You think democracy works like a lynch mob? No, you don't, and the fact that you recognize that the law was broken and there'd be consequences for the lawbreakers show that.
In fact, in a Pakistan sans democracy there might not be a law against burning someone for burning a Koran.
You think democracy works like a lynch mob? No, you don't, and the fact that you recognize that the law was broken and there'd be consequences for the lawbreakers show that.
In fact, in a Pakistan sans democracy there might not be a law against burning someone for burning a Koran.

As far as I'm aware, vigilantism was never legal there, at least as long as established states existed there.

I'm aware that the Pakistanis are presently under democratic rule, however the actual government is thankfully much less directly democratic than a lynch mob.
That's democracy in it's purest form.
And in what country was this person burning a Qur'an in? a Muslim country I assume. Then your arguments are rubbish as they have no conception of democracy and freedom of speech, and have always been dictatorships, arguing from a Western point of view is pointless, and is why we should never have gone into Afghanistan or Iraq, and should stay right out of the Middle East.
The scenario is not democracy at all.

It was murder.

Simple Definition of democracy
: a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting
: a country ruled by democracy
: an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights
Most Liberals remind us that Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from consequences. For now, USA has enough Libertarians to defend Freedom to a degree. The Social Media is not yet under Liberal Control.

In Pakistan a man burned a copy of the Koran in public. He was facing at most life in prison. The People burned him alive. If the Majority or the Vast Majority supports a measure, does it mean that this is how Democracy works?

Which is why Democracy must be constrained and tamed by a strong constitution.
This is precisely how democracy works, notwithstanding the intransigence of democratic men who vaunt democracy's virtues and disavow its vices and pick and choose what's democratic in a regime that deifies democracy. That intransigence is the ultimate expression of their infatuation with democracy as an inherently benevolent regime that can do no wrong.
Which is why Democracy must be constrained and tamed by a strong constitution.

That has little practical value. Eventually, a democratic regime will interpret the constitution in such a way that would appease popular opinion.

Any attempt for something to be itself and its antithesis is bound to fail miserably. You can either be a democracy that rules by the will of the many, or an anti-democratic regime that appeals to some other authority, constitutional or monarchic.
Most Liberals remind us that Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from consequences. For now, USA has enough Libertarians to defend Freedom to a degree. The Social Media is not yet under Liberal Control.

In Pakistan a man burned a copy of the Koran in public. He was facing at most life in prison. The People burned him alive. If the Majority or the Vast Majority supports a measure, does it mean that this is how Democracy works?

Weird question. Democracy is the rule of the majority. In modern democracies individuals are protected against undue overreach by the will of the shifting majorities by what we tend to refer to as basic or human rights. This is a case of having your democracy and freedom too.
That has little practical value. Eventually, a democratic regime will interpret the constitution in such a way that would appease popular opinion.

Any attempt for something to be itself and its antithesis is bound to fail miserably. You can either be a democracy that rules by the will of the many, or an anti-democratic regime that appeals to some other authority, constitutional or monarchic.

We've done a fairly good job of it for quite some time.
What's the alternative? Let a dictator burn them alive?

My point is that once the Majority abandons the principles of Human Rights, no government can enforce these rights.
The tribal areas are still very much under individual tribal laws.

Someone must have a death wish to burn the Koran in Pakistan...anywhere in Pakistan.

Something similar happened here in 1850's Kansas.

An abolitionist burned a copy of the Constitution saying it was worthless since slavery still existed.

He got lynched by an anti-slavery mob.
That's basically democracy at work.

Shows what a terrible system it is. Hopefully the police will be able to identify and prosecute the ringleaders.

Except it's not. Though democracy has often be likened to mob rule - it is not that. And it's not this.

The poll is damaged by the framing of the responses. In fact it highlights the weakness of political polling. The options should have been a simple Yes/No/Other and allow folks to express why they made their choice.
Except it's not. Though democracy has often be likened to mob rule - it is not that. And it's not this.

The poll is damaged by the framing of the responses. In fact it highlights the weakness of political polling. The options should have been a simple Yes/No/Other and allow folks to express why they made their choice.

Mob rule is the purest form of democracy. You may not like that fact, but it's still so.

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