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DHS whistleblower: DHS systematically downplaying real threats from white supremacists and Russia (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 18, 2016
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It seems DHS department officials are getting pressured by the administration to distort, squash, or manipulate their intelligence reports to match Trump’s rhetoric regarding BLM and Antifa. Specifically, this has pertained to information obtained regarding the threat of white supremacists, the number 1 domestic terror threat in the USA as acknowledged by all current US intelligence agencies, as well as the extent and nature of current Russian interference in our elections.

“ WASHINGTON – Trump administration officials at the Department of Homeland Security directed intelligence analysts to stop providing assessments of Russian interference in the U.S. election and to instead focus on China and Iran, according to a whistleblower complaint released Wednesday.

The whistleblower, Brian Murphy, who served as an undersecretary in the Homeland Security agency's intelligence office, said acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf told him to squash information about Russian election interference in May of this year...

Wolf told Murphy the instructions came directly from President Donald Trump's national security adviser, Robert O’Brien....

The new whistleblower complaint makes two other explosive allegations: that DHS officials pressured him to downplay the threat from white supremacists while playing up the threat from left-wing protesters and to manipulate intelligence on possible terrorists trying to enter the United States via the border with Mexico.”
Whistleblower: Trump officials pressured him to downplay Russia threat

It’s one thing denying and stifling scientists regarding the pandemic and climate change. It’s another undermining, stifling, and distorting your own intelligence agency reports in the service of your reelection campaign.

The whistleblower has been asked to report to the House intelligence committee for further debriefing.
Well, of course. If Trump make sure that he doesn't find out about Russia help him try to steal the election, it means that Russia did not help him to try to steal the election.

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