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Details of Gaza blockade revealed in court case (1 Viewer)

The Article can be found here

These four documents are the list that Israel keeps out of Gaza I saw the list of things that aren't allowerd in too Gaza it was what I would call a list nothing more than idiotic of the government of Israels part.

The full list of Items can be found here.

Thats a list of items ALLOWED to enter Gaza.
And I donno why bub is always whining about Pasta I see that Israel approved Pasta deliveries into Gaza last year (coffee also enters Gaza according to this list)
we invite you all to a grand spa-resourant:

.: Roots Club :.

if you'll see the Gallery it's a 5 star place... oh! but look the location.. Cairo street, Gaza...
So.. i really dont think our blockade is so limiting the palestinians.

Hunger was never so satisfying :)

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