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Der Spiegel star reporter Claas Relotius fabricated stories for years (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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The German weekly Der Spiegel, one of the top-selling publications in Europe, is reeling from a scandal that revealed that a star reporter has reportedly faked stories for years.

“What kind of institutional breakdown led to the supposedly world-class Der Spiegel fact-checking team completely dropping the ball on this one?” they asked after it emerged that Relotius had been forced to resign.

Among the many falsehoods Anderson and Krohn found, there is no sign in the town that reads, “Mexicans Keep Out.”


This is not at all surprising.

He got away with it for years because that’s the general anti-American attitude by the media, and so much of the populous in Europe.
This is not at all surprising.

He got away with it for years because that’s the general anti-American attitude by the media, and so much of the populous in Europe.

Yeah I read briefly about this earlier today, glad his colleague was curious enough to question, to catch him in his lies and not let him continue to get away with it.

Poetic justice served.
Yeah I read briefly about this earlier today, glad his colleague was curious enough to question, to catch him in his lies and not let him continue to get away with it.

Poetic justice served.

The amount of misinformation by Leftists is pretty staggering. This is just the tip of the spear.

For example, Trump’s NDA’s are legal, and the former head of the FEC has provided a pretty detailed answer as to why... yet we see here on DP, the mass ignorance of the Left on this issue... thanks to their misinforming media.

Then there is what they chose not to inform their base about... keeping them ignorant dolts.

When I was young, I used to be a Leftist... thanks to being misinformed by the Goebbels Media.
ROTFLOL... This guy was a CNN Reporter of the Year... ROTFLOL

Fitting... or?
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[h=2]The Christmas Miracle Of Hamburg… Once Haughty Der Spiegel Now Says Rural Conservative America Is “Fantastic!”[/h]By P Gosselin on 25. December 2018

It all happened in only a matter of hours, without any management overhaul, comprehensive restructuring or total management-instituted culture change within its newsroom: Influential German leftist news giant Der Spiegel went from a rural-America-loathing metropolitan media outlet to a humbled institution who suddenly loved the American heartland people and today is begging for forgiveness and a chance to make good. . . .

It seems the Spirit of Jayson Blair paid recently a late evening visit and warned Der Spiegel that – beginning at midnight – three ghosts would visit and show the snobby news outlet that it too was forging its own chain, link by link, and was well on its way to suffering Blair’s fake news fate. And this could only be averted if rapid change of heart took place in its editorial rooms: “When I lived, my spirit like yours never walked beyond the narrow limits of our newshouse…objective journalism should be our business, Der Spiegel, but we seldom attend to it, as you shall see!”
Years of slander
Then at the stroke of midnight the Ghost of the Past appeared and showed what the awful, one-sided journalism Der Spiegel had practiced over the years, maliciously slandering rural Americans and their values. Der Spiegel looked on in horror.
Then at 1 a.m. came the Ghost of the Present, which showed Der Spiegel how the public was perceiving and ridiculing them as the Lügenpresse, and what a lowlife media outlet the leftist cosmopolitan magazine had become: “Der Spiegel! The sins of the media are huge. A never ending symphony of villainy, infamy, duplicity, deceit and subterfuge. And no one is worse than Der Spiegel,” the Ghost of the Present thundered!
Next came the deathly Ghost of the Future, which showed that unless Spiegel changed, the Hamburg-based Conservative-America-bashing magazine would soon find its name engraved on a tombstone and would be forever damned. . . .

The Christmas Miracle Of Hamburg… Once Haughty Der Spiegel Now Says Rural Conservative America Is “Fantastic!”

By P Gosselin on 25. December 2018

It all happened in only a matter of hours, without any management overhaul, comprehensive restructuring or total management-instituted culture change within its newsroom: Influential German leftist news giant Der Spiegel went from a rural-America-loathing metropolitan media outlet to a humbled institution who suddenly loved the American heartland people and today is begging for forgiveness and a chance to make good. . . .

It seems the Spirit of Jayson Blair paid recently a late evening visit and warned Der Spiegel that – beginning at midnight – three ghosts would visit and show the snobby news outlet that it too was forging its own chain, link by link, and was well on its way to suffering Blair’s fake news fate. And this could only be averted if rapid change of heart took place in its editorial rooms: “When I lived, my spirit like yours never walked beyond the narrow limits of our newshouse…objective journalism should be our business, Der Spiegel, but we seldom attend to it, as you shall see!”
Years of slander
Then at the stroke of midnight the Ghost of the Past appeared and showed what the awful, one-sided journalism Der Spiegel had practiced over the years, maliciously slandering rural Americans and their values. Der Spiegel looked on in horror.
Then at 1 a.m. came the Ghost of the Present, which showed Der Spiegel how the public was perceiving and ridiculing them as the Lügenpresse, and what a lowlife media outlet the leftist cosmopolitan magazine had become: “Der Spiegel! The sins of the media are huge. A never ending symphony of villainy, infamy, duplicity, deceit and subterfuge. And no one is worse than Der Spiegel,” the Ghost of the Present thundered!
Next came the deathly Ghost of the Future, which showed that unless Spiegel changed, the Hamburg-based Conservative-America-bashing magazine would soon find its name engraved on a tombstone and would be forever damned. . . .


In all my years exposed to the perverse German Press, there was only one guy who made sense, and seemed like an objective journalist... Michael Stürmer.

Watching their coverage of the 2016 election campaign was projectile vomit bad. This clown for Der Spiegel was typical of their anti-American(Republican) press. And is typical of their coverage today.

It’s fun debating Germans, as their ignorance is as deep as their arrogance. Of course not all, but the vast majority.
This is not at all surprising.

He got away with it for years because that’s the general anti-American attitude by the media, and so much of the populous in Europe.

When you elect a racist moron like Trump to lead your country, you're going to have to expect a bit of blowback. That doesn't mean the media is anti-American, it just means the world recognizes that you did something incredibly stupid. Which let's face it, is in keeping with American educational standards.

That's why you and your leader are mocked and ridiculed around the world, heck even many of Trump's own top advisors and staff have publicly called him out for being an "idiot" or a "moron", take your pick.
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When you elect a racist moron like Trump to lead your country, you're going to have to expect a bit of blowback. That doesn't mean the media is anti-American, it just means the world recognizes that you did something incredibly stupid. Which let's face it, is in keeping with American educational standards.

That's why you and your leader are mocked and ridiculed around the world, heck even many of Trump's own top advisors and staff have publicly called him out for being an "idiot" or a "moron", take your pick.

The anti-Americanism long predated Trump, as is clearly shown by this latest episode. I lived in Berlin 1993-96, and the anti-Americanism of Der Spiegel was evident then.
Der Spiegel’s lying reporter just told his editors, and readers, what they wanted to hear.

I think the news media should be held to the highest standards, and good on them for admitting their error.

But what you've said above is the basis of FOX News, do you think they should admit their error as well?
I think the news media should be held to the highest standards, and good on them for admitting their error.

But what you've said above is the basis of FOX News, do you think they should admit their error as well?

I don't watch Fox, so I don't know what you're talking about. In general, yes, journalists should try to live up to the lofty claims they make for themselves.

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