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Dems - You Cant Pin All Our Troubles on Bush (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Actually, you cant pin it all on Bush. Sure, he is a terrible president, probably the worst in history, but he had a mandate. The mandate? Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton laid the groundwork for just about everything that Bush is doing.

1) Patriot Act? That is actually an extension of the 1996 Antiterrorism Act, championed by Bill Clinton.

2) CAFTA? Only something to be added to NAFTA and GATT, also championed by Bill Clinton.

3) Police state? Bill Clinton started it. Just look at incidents like Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Elian Gonzalez fiasco, and other cluster<insert F word here>s that Bill Clinton did. Bush is only continuing in the same vein.

4) Out of control spending? Yes, Bush is the worst, but he had a precedent. The Democrats want to give Clinton the credit for the balanced budgets of the 90's, but that is false. When Clinton came into office, the first thing he did was to attempt to increase spending, with his national socialized medicine plan. Who here remembers the big press conference in which Hillary unveiled "THE CARD"? It was the freshman Republican congress of 1994 which reigned Clinton in on spending.

5) Creating an environment where large corporations trump the little guy? Clinton again. he created the atmosphere which started all the mergers and buyouts.

6) Government controlled media? Again, Clinton, whose changes in the way the FCC does business led to the mergers and buyouts, which ended with a few giant corporations controlling the media.

I could go on and on all day, but you get my drift.

If both Democrats and Republicans really wish to do something for America, the first step would be to start showing a little damned honesty and admit that our leaders, both Republican and Democratic, are screwing this nation royally, and selling us out to the highest bidder. Yes, Bush is absolutely terrible, but he got a mandate from Bill Clinton.

And puhleeezzeeee. Dont try to say that I am defending Bush by attacking Clinton. I do not support Bush either. He sucks.
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Yup, the vast majority of Republicans and Dems are like the Globetrotters and the Washington Generals. One side seems to win, the other side seems to lose, but they all have the same signature on their checks. ;)
You are correct, dems and reps have been screwing us for years over their lust for power, but we have to realize the congress is equaly to blame. I believe bothe sides strugle to keep the masses arguing about who is worse in order to keep us from removing the people who are screwing us the most.
danarhea said:
Actually, you cant pin it all on Bush. Sure, he is a terrible president, probably the worst in history, but he had a mandate. The mandate? Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton laid the groundwork for just about everything that Bush is doing.

1) Patriot Act? That is actually an extension of the 1996 Antiterrorism Act, championed by Bill Clinton.

2) CAFTA? Only something to be added to NAFTA and GATT, also championed by Bill Clinton.

3) Police state? Bill Clinton started it. Just look at incidents like Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Elian Gonzalez fiasco, and other cluster<insert F word here>s that Bill Clinton did. Bush is only continuing in the same vein.

4) Out of control spending? Yes, Bush is the worst, but he had a precedent. The Democrats want to give Clinton the credit for the balanced budgets of the 90's, but that is false. When Clinton came into office, the first thing he did was to attempt to increase spending, with his national socialized medicine plan. Who here remembers the big press conference in which Hillary unveiled "THE CARD"? It was the freshman Republican congress of 1994 which reigned Clinton in on spending.

5) Creating an environment where large corporations trump the little guy? Clinton again. he created the atmosphere which started all the mergers and buyouts.

6) Government controlled media? Again, Clinton, whose changes in the way the FCC does business led to the mergers and buyouts, which ended with a few giant corporations controlling the media.

I could go on and on all day, but you get my drift.

If both Democrats and Republicans really wish to do something for America, the first step would be to start showing a little damned honesty and admit that our leaders, both Republican and Democratic, are screwing this nation royally, and selling us out to the highest bidder. Yes, Bush is absolutely terrible, but he got a mandate from Bill Clinton.

And puhleeezzeeee. Dont try to say that I am defending Bush by attacking Clinton. I do not support Bush either. He sucks.

Couldn't agree more.
If we have to play the blame game, we first need to start with ourselves.......the American voters.
danarhea said:
Actually, you cant pin it all on Bush. Sure, he is a terrible president, probably the worst in history, but he had a mandate. The mandate? Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton laid the groundwork for just about everything that Bush is doing.

1) Patriot Act? That is actually an extension of the 1996 Antiterrorism Act, championed by Bill Clinton.

2) CAFTA? Only something to be added to NAFTA and GATT, also championed by Bill Clinton.

3) Police state? Bill Clinton started it. Just look at incidents like Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Elian Gonzalez fiasco, and other cluster<insert F word here>s that Bill Clinton did. Bush is only continuing in the same vein.

4) Out of control spending? Yes, Bush is the worst, but he had a precedent. The Democrats want to give Clinton the credit for the balanced budgets of the 90's, but that is false. When Clinton came into office, the first thing he did was to attempt to increase spending, with his national socialized medicine plan. Who here remembers the big press conference in which Hillary unveiled "THE CARD"? It was the freshman Republican congress of 1994 which reigned Clinton in on spending.

5) Creating an environment where large corporations trump the little guy? Clinton again. he created the atmosphere which started all the mergers and buyouts.

6) Government controlled media? Again, Clinton, whose changes in the way the FCC does business led to the mergers and buyouts, which ended with a few giant corporations controlling the media.

I could go on and on all day, but you get my drift.

If both Democrats and Republicans really wish to do something for America, the first step would be to start showing a little damned honesty and admit that our leaders, both Republican and Democratic, are screwing this nation royally, and selling us out to the highest bidder. Yes, Bush is absolutely terrible, but he got a mandate from Bill Clinton.

And puhleeezzeeee. Dont try to say that I am defending Bush by attacking Clinton. I do not support Bush either. He sucks.

Well one correction. Excluding the Healthcare Plan, Clinton never proposed a single budget with over 3% growth over the previous year in it. The only difference between him and congressional republicans is what they spent it on. He also kept Republicans from dooling out billions in corporate welfare and taxbreaks for the top bracket which also helped balance the budget. Even Alan Greenspan credits the Clinton Administration for the economy boom of the ninties and the balanced budgets. Republicans have everything now, but the spending is totally out of control.

Social Spending is cheap compared to defense contractors, corporate welfare, and pork.

Oh, and number 5 there was actually started durring the Reagan years. The Clinton administration pushed for more oversight, congressional Republicans blocked it.

Oh, and the telecom act of 1996 also paved the way for the internet boom.
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If we have to play the blame game, we first need to start with ourselves.......the American voters.

Yep, but dont stop there. Its more so the electoral college too. We also need to get rid of hatred and the problem of no accountability.

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