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Dems Move to the Future (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Unlike the Republicans who looked backwards in 2016 (Bring Back Big Coal!), the Dems looked to the future with the selection of Kamala Harris. When the R chose to kick Latinos and Asians to the curb, making Muslims a targeted class and tearing Mexican kids from the parents, the Dems went all in with diversity and a move forward, selling clean energy and a better America, one that matches the views of the population, not a bunch of junkies glued to Fox News.

When the R could have run Rubio and reached out to Americans of color, they picked the guy who scapegoated them. Today, Dems are doing the exact opposite. Instead of shutting the barn door after the horses already left, like the R, the D are building a big tent where more and more people are welcome.

Harris pick isn't about 2020. It's about the future. - CNNPolitics
Mosty of whaty I hear from Dems is harkening back to the past. Like 1917.

" The greedy rich are getting rich by exploiting the poor......inequality.....if only the Govt controlled everything, everybody would be better off ...blah blah blah blah"

Same ****, just spun little differently

Although I guess Marx didn't think the Govt should control the climate. LAFF
Mosty of whaty I hear from Dems is harkening back to the past. Like 1917.

" The greedy rich are getting rich by exploiting the poor......inequality.....if only the Govt controlled everything, everybody would be better off ...blah blah blah blah"

Same ****, just spun little differently

Although I guess Marx didn't think the Govt should control the climate. LAFF

Yeah, I'd worry about 1936 Germany and finding a way of explaining why your Party harks back to it. It's kind of cool seeing how clueless the Right is about what is about to hit them.
I don't know about anybody else, but I know what's coming.

You promise people free ****, you're going to win elections.
I don't know about anybody else, but I know what's coming.
You promise people free ****, you're going to win elections.

Like tax cuts? Republicans promised their corporate tax cut would pay for itself. So far it's cost over a trillion bucks.

Yesterday Trump said he was "seriously" looking into cutting the capital gains tax. Seriously.
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Unlike the Republicans who looked backwards in 2016 (Bring Back Big Coal!), the Dems looked to the future with the selection of Kamala Harris.

Some time in the 1970s the rich and powerful decided that this "all for one and one for all" national ethic that won WWII and built the greatest nation on earth was for the birds. From then on it was going to be try to suck as much wealth out of the nation as they possibly could. To hell with workers, to hell with the environment, to hell with the government.

And it worked! Wealth inequality in the US is now the highest on record. The richest 0.1 percent own more than the lowest 90 percent.

Trump's talking about a capital gains tax cut while the Republicans refuse to extend unemployment benefits.
Like tax cuts? usly.

tax cuts aren't giving anything to anybody. That's just more Marxist doublespeak.

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