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Democrats dont seem to think thru all of their radical ideas (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
On TV we have all seen the radical leftist screaming at the sky------------defund the police. Confiscate all the guns.

Hmm----------------if you get rid of the police, who is going to come and take away our guns.

Anyone care to elaborate on these wonderful radical left wing ideas!!!!!
On TV we have all seen the radical leftist screaming at the sky------------defund the police. Confiscate all the guns.

Hmm----------------if you get rid of the police, who is going to come and take away our guns.

Anyone care to elaborate on these wonderful radical left wing ideas!!!!!

Source for your claim that the police are to be totally eliminated or that all guns are to be confiscated?
On TV we have all seen the radical leftist screaming at the sky------------defund the police. Confiscate all the guns.

Hmm----------------if you get rid of the police, who is going to come and take away our guns.

Anyone care to elaborate on these wonderful radical left wing ideas!!!!!

We do not have to. Only the furthest extreme left is calling for "defund the police" and it means something other than what you are saying for everyone else left. Also, only the furthest extreme left is calling for "confiscate all the guns" whereas everyone else middle to left is calling for moderate action of some degree.

As for the rest of your post, made up hysterical nonsense.
On TV we have all seen the radical leftist screaming at the sky------------defund the police. Confiscate all the guns.

Hmm----------------if you get rid of the police, who is going to come and take away our guns.

Anyone care to elaborate on these wonderful radical left wing ideas!!!!!

LOL you have Trump and a GOP candidate for senator that agrees with QAnon conspiracies and you peddle this lie? Get outta here.
On TV we have all seen the radical leftist screaming at the sky------------defund the police. Confiscate all the guns. Hmm----------------if you get rid of the police, who is going to come and take away our guns. Anyone care to elaborate on these wonderful radical left wing ideas!!!!!

Which relevant person said "confiscate all guns"? Yet again you have vomited up some hopelessly stupid and dishonest bull****.

Have you thought "thru [sic]" any of your OPs?
We do not have to. Only the furthest extreme left is calling for "defund the police" and it means something other than what you are saying for everyone else left. Also, only the furthest extreme left is calling for "confiscate all the guns" whereas everyone else middle to left is calling for moderate action of some degree.

As for the rest of your post, made up hysterical nonsense.

The “extreme left” does not call for confiscation of guns. That’s a liberal centrist idea. Extreme leftists support gun ownership as a means of giving workers the weapons necessary to defend themselves from capitalist aggression.
The “extreme left” does not call for confiscation of guns. That’s a liberal centrist idea. Extreme leftists support gun ownership as a means of giving workers the weapons necessary to defend themselves from capitalist aggression.

Knock it off, we already see plenty on the left to the extreme left calling for some degree of gun confiscation.

Just a fact, you cannot play this off using your opinion. We have too many examples of what is being asked for.

It may not be total confiscation but it is still there.

It is moderates that are being more intelligent about it.
On TV we have all seen the radical leftist screaming at the sky------------defund the police. Confiscate all the guns.

Hmm----------------if you get rid of the police, who is going to come and take away our guns.

Anyone care to elaborate on these wonderful radical left wing ideas!!!!!

You mean they just dont think at all. ;)
Knock it off, we already see plenty on the left to the extreme left calling for some degree of gun confiscation.

Just a fact, you cannot play this off using your opinion. We have too many examples of what is being asked for.

It may not be total confiscation but it is still there.

It is moderates that are being more intelligent about it.

I guarantee you won’t find real “extreme leftists” (beyond maybe a few tankies) calling for total gun confiscation. That’s an idea for people who may be left on social issues, but are right when it comes to economics.
Which relevant person said "confiscate all guns"? Yet again you have vomited up some hopelessly stupid and dishonest bull****.

Have you thought "thru [sic]" any of your OPs?

he's just trying to control the narrative here.
On TV we have all seen the radical leftist screaming at the sky------------defund the police. Confiscate all the guns.

Hmm----------------if you get rid of the police, who is going to come and take away our guns.

Anyone care to elaborate on these wonderful radical left wing ideas!!!!!

You mean they just dont think at all. ;)

Cheering on another incoherent word salad of a moronic OP?

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