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Democrats Colluding with Russians for Decades (1 Viewer)

I mean, I'm sure it sounds good in one's head but...gotta be careful about the low hanging fruit, though, sometimes it's rotten... hehe

Considering the record of the OP and those that support his claims, it's pretty much 100% of their diet.
"Hundreds"? OK, I'll go easy on ya. Please supply, oh, 25. Knowing history and knowing that you don't, I also know you can't.

Please don't run off in fear like you usually do. Step up to the mic and make your case.

You disagree with the OP, therefore you must be a drug taking, gay porn watcher. The logic is strong in this thread...........
And of course, they get all twisted up if you question their patriotism, even though patriotism is something they don't have the first clue about.As you said, to them America is evil, unjust, and needs to be taken down at all costs.

And you are, because you are a died in the wool Repub, solidly behind the Corporatism/facism that is on the rise in the USA. "The business of America is business." Your mantra. "War is good business, and business is good." CLUE: If it's good for business, it's bad for 99% of Americans and that's the bottom line. I observe the goings on in the World and the Russians appear to be the "good guys." The USA starts wars, funds terrorists, creates political instability, and all to promote its' "Interests," more precisely described as extraction resources for USA Corporations. USA hegemony is killing people in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Honduras, Sudan, Ukraine, and God knows where else, because these evil Nations won't kiss our ass. Well, Honduras and Ukraine kiss our ass. We are not the World's policeman and that is just an MSM ruse to make our invasions and killings sound ethical. We are invaders and killers. Democrats and Republicans, don't ya' know? You want to condemn Russians who just aided Syria in routing ISIS terrorists that were trained, funded and armed by USA and its allies. Give Russia a pat on the back and hope some of our politicians will follow their lead.
And of course, they get all twisted up if you question their patriotism, even though patriotism is something they don't have the first clue about.

It's ideology over country with the left. Blatantly obvious.
And you are, because you are a died in the wool Repub, solidly behind the Corporatism/facism that is on the rise in the USA...............

Fake news. Please don't label yourself as a conservative if you are going to make ignorant leftist remarks like that.

Talk to a holocaust survivor about living under fascism, then shut your ignorant piehole.
So far, the disdain toward Liberals by most of the Conservatives who have posted in this thread display a glaringly naivete and a reliance on an obviously skewed narrative.

This prior post clarifies the differences -

To help those of you confused over differences between Liberals and Conservatives, I have provided a brief description of both.

-tip generously, wait longer between haircuts and lawn cuts, take life in stride, help strangers, put others ahead of themselves, spew love and peace, smile a lot, have an optimistic and inclusive attitude, make hard work look easy, and focus on the common welfare for the benefit of the most people.

Conservatives, on the other hand:
- have a stingy and judgmental nature, insist on conformity, focus on criticizing other people's values instead of their own, show strangers disdain, glorify themselves, spew hate and discord, frown a lot, have a pessimistic and exclusionary attitude, a sense of entitlement and couldn't give a rat's ass about the common welfare.
Fake news. Please don't label yourself as a conservative if you are going to make ignorant leftist remarks like that.

Talk to a holocaust survivor about living under fascism, then shut your ignorant piehole.

Ah yes! The truth hurts doesn't it? Rant about something to change the subject, but, heavens to Murgatroyd, avoid the truth.
Conspiracy is a more accurate term. Collusion has no legal meaning.
You did not provide a link or any of your credentials.

Some people prefer to stay in a Filter Bubble.

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

A little link to give realistic background to the OP

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

"So, on Jan. 6, 2017, President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released an evidence-free report that he said was compiled by “hand-picked” analysts from the CIA, FBI and NSA, offering an “assessment” that Russia and President Putin were behind the release of the Democratic emails in a plot to help Trump win the presidency.

Despite the extraordinary gravity of the charge, even New York Times correspondent Scott Shane noted that proof was lacking. He wrote at the time: “What is missing from the [the Jan. 6] public report is what many Americans most eagerly anticipated: hard evidence to back up the agencies’ claims that the Russian government engineered the election attack. … Instead, the message from the agencies essentially amounts to ‘trust us.’”

But the “assessment” served a useful purpose for the never-Trumpers: it applied an official imprimatur on the case for delegitimizing Trump’s election and even raised the long-shot hope that the Electoral College might reverse the outcome and possibly install a compromise candidate, such as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, in the White House. Though the Powell ploy fizzled, the hope of somehow removing Trump from office continued to bubble, fueled by the growing hysteria around Russia-gate.

Virtually all skepticism about the evidence-free “assessment” was banned. For months, the Times and other newspapers of record repeated the lie that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had concurred in the conclusion about the Russian “hack.” Even when that falsehood was belatedly acknowledged, the major news outlets just shifted the phrasing slightly to say that U.S. intelligence agencies had reached the Russian “hack” conclusion. Shane’s blunt initial recognition about the lack of proof disappeared from the mainstream media’s approved narrative of Russia-gate.

Doubts about the Russian “hack” or dissident suggestions that what we were witnessing was a “soft coup” were scoffed at by leading media commentators. Other warnings from veteran U.S. intelligence professionals about the weaknesses of the Russia-gate narrative and the danger of letting politicized intelligence overturn a constitutional election were also brushed aside in pursuit of the goal of removing Trump from the White House."............ go to link read in entirety

This from VIPS, Veteran Intelligence Professional for Sanity
I had an exchange in another thread and I felt that the post was worthy of its own thread.

In the thread "Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book" it is said that Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election fits into a nearly two-decade pattern of meddling with governments around the world.

My response was: "Two decades? LOL!! More like over eleven decades, and the Democrat lowlifes loved every minute of it. The only reason they care now is because Crooked Hillary lost. In fact, the ONLY thing they care about is that Crooked Hillary lost. Democrats really don't give a damn about the Russians."

Another poster replied to me: "The Democrats loved every minute of it? Oh wow...I gotta have a drink."

Maybe he should have a few drinks. Democrats are socialists at heart after all. The soviets fueled the anti-war movements and the Dems loved it. Bernie Sanders loved them so much that he took his honeymoon there, and wealthy liberals like Armand Hammer, closely associated with Occidental Petroleum and Arm & Hammer, were well known for his close ties to the Soviet Union.

More recently, Ted Kennedy, trying to stop Reagan from being president, was sending memos and communiques to the president of the Soviet Union, the chairman of the Communist Party (Yuri Andropov at the time) asking him to be patient and don’t overreact to Reagan, that Reagan doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s a cowboy. Work with us, Kennedy said, and with your help, we can get rid of Reagan in 1984. Ted Kennedy actually sought the assistance of the Soviet Union in 1984 in defeating Ronald Reagan in the election. It’s in the KGB files that were released eventually. Ted Kennedy was asking for Yuri Andropov’s assistance in the form of interference in the presidential election of 1984. The memo said, “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations. These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."

The original collusion.

This whole Trump/Collusion song and dance has nothing to do with Russians. The Democrats have never cared about Russian meddling for eleven decades.They only care now because Crooked Hillary lost, they hate Trump, and they want to essentially facilitate a coup d'etat with the help of the fake news media. If they do, that is the nail in the coffin of democracy and liberty. Even you Dems should be scared of a government that can overturn elections because they don't like the outcome.

Related link: Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections

And now the Democrats cheat in elections. They are born liars and cheats.
I had to LMAO at some of the comments in this conversation. It was more like political sit-com. I was entertained.
Oh my, aren't you a sweetheart.... :lamo

How about this. Next time you want to post a bush league, bull**** thread, consisting of delusional, dishonest, or simply laughable claims, maybe come prepared to back it up, if you can....or skip it altogether, since you your level of butt hurt right now would indicate that you can't handle the fact that the people you are talking to aren't as stupid as you are. Go find some alt-right circle jerk group if that's what you're looking for.

Or prove me wrong, and link to these "hundreds of examples" of the DNC colluding with Russia you were going off about...lol...serve me up a big ol' slice of that humble pie.

Wow...less than 300 posts, and already outted as a complete joke. Good for you, welcome to DP. :applaud

He literally was banned whjile I was starting page two of this thread. Saw that comin' tho, somehow...:roll:

I'm just so bummed I didn't get to get quoted by that guy.:lamo
Damn hima nd Trump train banned before my eyes. I will miss them so.....


So little....

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