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Democrats are sexier, (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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who ever heard of "a good piece of elephant?"
George_Washington said:
Democrats are sexier? Bah.

What the hell is so sexy about Hillary Clinton? God, I want to puke.

Democrats NOT in Congress are sexier. ;)
Actually most people in politics are about as sexy as priests or nuns.
If I were a male, I'd rather do Hillary than Laura.
Stace said:
If I were a male, I'd rather do Hillary than Laura.

I'd rather do Hillary than Laura.
If I were a Chick...
I'd rather do John Edwards than George Bush.
Caine said:
If I were a Chick...
I'd rather do John Edwards than George Bush.

Oh, I would most DEFINITELY rather do John Edwards over George Bush.....:shock:
galenrox said:
Dude, libertarians are by far the best, cause you know we don't dick around in the sack, it's you do the job and you do it right and don't waste anyone's time.

And I'd totally do Laura before Hillary. Laura's got that sort of your buddies mom look to her, which would make her a hot ****, while Hillary looks like a wussy dude who's constantly surprised.

How's this for ya.... does this turn you on????
galenrox said:
, while Hillary looks like a wussy dude who's constantly surprised.
Like this????????
I dunno, Hillary's got that look about her that suggests she'd be a good dominatrix....maybe that's why Bill got involved with Monica....he was sick of Hillary telling him what to do in and out of the bedroom!
I guarantee this girl's no democrat...

Dude, Galen, tell me that's not ****ing HOT.
The Real McCoy said:
I guarantee this girl's no democrat...

Dude, Galen, tell me that's not ****ing HOT.

That's the silliest ****ing thing I've ever seen in my life.
And I'd rather do Barak Obama than Tom Delay.
mixedmedia said:
That's the silliest ****ing thing I've ever seen in my life.

no kidding....who the heck holds an assault rifle like that?!?!?! :roll:
Stace said:
no kidding....who the heck holds an assault rifle like that?!?!?! :roll:

Who cares? The girl is smokin and she's got a gun.
The Real McCoy said:
Who cares? The girl is smokin and she's got a gun.

well whoop de doo.....can she shoot it? THAT'S the important question.
Stace said:
well whoop de doo.....can she shoot it? THAT'S the important question.

The thread is titled "Democrats are sexier" and I doubt a democrat would be posing with an assault rifle... especially considering I found it on a google image search for "republican girls"
The Real McCoy said:
Who cares? The girl is smokin and she's got a gun.

What exactly is smokin' about her. That fake little bad girl "I'm gonna shoot you with my big gun" pouty business? Pulease. Doesn't she have some muscle cars to bend over or something?
The Real McCoy said:
The thread is titled "Democrats are sexier" and I doubt a democrat would be posing with an assault rifle... especially considering I found it on a google image search for "republican girls"

well, I'm a liberal, and I sure know how to use an M-16.....shot expert last time I did my weapons qualification in the Air Force....and that was even after not touching a rifle in 2 1/2 years (supposed to qual every 2 years, but I lucked out :2razz: )....

Now, my 9 mil, that's another story, but I haven't had much practice with it, either.....but I'm sure I could do some damage with it if I had to.
The Real McCoy said:
The thread is titled "Democrats are sexier" and I doubt a democrat would be posing with an assault rifle... especially considering I found it on a google image search for "republican girls"

So sexy is posing with an assault rifle? If that's so then you're right, I will never be sexier than that.
Besides....if you're gonna post pictures of "republican girls" with assault rifles, at least use one that looks like she means business.......yeesh.


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The Real McCoy said:


Didn't anyone tell you "Port Arms" went the other way?

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