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Democrats And Republicans Suck! (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
Political Leaning
Had a little problem with the Democrats and Republicans here in Oklahoma. Last election cycle, there was no Republican or Independent running for Sheriff in my county, just Democrats. So, the Democrats had their primary, chose their top two and then had a runoff which chose the Sheriff. He didn't even have to go to the General Election. The top law enforcement officer in the county is now in office and I didn't even get to vote for him let alone vote at all.

Oklahoma is a closed primary state as I am sure many of your's are. This is the way the Republicans and Democrats like it. I wonder how a political party, any political party has more power than my vote as an individual. I know some states like Alaska, Utah and California have Non-Partisan registration. In California you register Non-Partisan, choose the primary you will vote in and then vote in the general election. Oklahoma argues that if you let the voters choose their primary preference, there will be CHAOS! Guess we aren't smart like Californians or Alaskans.

The United States Supreme Court will hear a case brought against the State of Oklahoma this year. It was filed by the Libertarian Party that says the closed primary system in Oklahoma is unfair to other smaller parties and favorable to the Republicans and Democrats. I like this. I would never associate myself with Republicans or Democrats because their party leaders are about as good for our country as Osama; that's right! I just equated Republicans and Democrats with Osama. These parties must think God talks to them. They spend more time running for office and raising money than they do doing the work we send them to Washington DC to do.

If the Libertarian Party is successful in their suit against Oklahoma, it will give me the opportunity to do what I have wanted for a long time. The politicians will have to wonder about me instead of me wondering about them. Let them earn my vote and give me the freedom to put my vote where I want. For those of you deep in the Democrat or Republican do do and thinking that someone in another party can't do ANYTHING right? Enjoy your chains :duel ~~~
Exactly. Our 'democratic' system in America is a two party system. Now, let's look at what inevitably happens in a two-party system: the two parties, wanting to get the maximum amount of votes, campaign to attract the center, politically speaking. The radicals and the reactionaries are completely ignored. And I am especially concerned, as the ploitical 'center' is currently going right. A two-party system is really no different than a one party system. They like to say America's great because we have a 'choice' and yet, there is no choice! There is absolutely no difference between a Republican and a Democrat nowadays. I mean, a Democrat spoke at the GOP convention!
anomaly said:
Exactly. Our 'democratic' system in America is a two party system. Now, let's look at what inevitably happens in a two-party system: the two parties, wanting to get the maximum amount of votes, campaign to attract the center, politically speaking. The radicals and the reactionaries are completely ignored. And I am especially concerned, as the ploitical 'center' is currently going right. A two-party system is really no different than a one party system. They like to say America's great because we have a 'choice' and yet, there is no choice! There is absolutely no difference between a Republican and a Democrat nowadays. I mean, a Democrat spoke at the GOP convention!

Oh I think we have a two party system and it is the leadership of those parties that create the aggreements or obstruction when doing the business of the people. If you ask the average American who is the chair of the Republican Party is and give him the name Ken Mehlman, I think you will get a blank stare. If you ask the average American who is the chair of the Democrat Party and give him the name Howard Dean, I think some eyes will roll. You say the parties campaign to attract the center and are concerned that the two party system is "going right". Then the House Democrats choose Nancy Pelosi of California, an ultra left wing liberal, as their leader? Might as well have the ACLU approve all bills before the party votes on them.

I would like to see the right to register Non-Partisan made available in every state with the same rules to govern all states in this regard: 1. You can register Non-Partisan. 2. You can take your voters card into your polling place and request any primary ballot from any party and vote. 3. You then vote in the General Election as usual.

The arguements range from "there will be chaos" to "people will vote in opposing primaries to upset the favorite". I say so what? If someone wants to use their vote against someone it is just as much their right as when they use it for someone. If a voter wants to cross over to try to effect the outcome of another primary he may find his favorite loses because of this practice. Still, it is the right of every voter to vote the way they want and for whom they choose. The Republican and Democrat Parties have far too much power that should reside with the voter. I'd like to see it broken. LET ME REGISTER NON-PARTISAN SO THE POLITICIANS HAVE TO WONDER ABOUT ME RATHER THAN ME WONDERING ABOUT THEM :duel ~~~

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