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Democrat Chris Coons: Trump sounds 'like a mob boss' (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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US President Donald Trump has been accused of sounding like a mafia kingpin after he called his convicted former lawyer a "rat".

Democratic Senator Chris Coons told CNN on Monday that Mr Trump sounded "more like a mob boss than president of the United States".

Mr Trump said a day earlier that Michael Cohen "became a 'Rat'" and accused the FBI of illegal actions.
Trump grew up in the NYC building trades which have been dominated by the mob in past years so this is not surprising.
Oh look, a Democrat criticizing the president :roll:

US President Donald Trump has been accused of sounding like a mafia kingpin after he called his convicted former lawyer a "rat".

Democratic Senator Chris Coons told CNN on Monday that Mr Trump sounded "more like a mob boss than president of the United States".

Mr Trump said a day earlier that Michael Cohen "became a 'Rat'" and accused the FBI of illegal actions.
Trump grew up in the NYC building trades which have been dominated by the mob in past years so this is not surprising.

Trump has been an organized crime figure for a long time now. Oc course he sounds like a mafia kingpin.
Trump has been an organized crime figure for a long time now. Oc course he sounds like a mafia kingpin.

The mob, the Mafia, any Big Church, Big Bank, Casinos, Big Corporation are all alternative power structures. They exist in the Real World and are all involved in the tools of commerce. If you deal with them, you adopt some of the mannerisms. Some good. Some bad. The experience is invaluable. Does it work for gov'ts? Intelligence Agencies, backstabbers, backroom politics, crooks in high places? Could be. Fun to watch.
Oh look, a Democrat criticizing the president :roll:

You know, someone could easily respond "Oh look, a far right conservative criticizing a Democrat for criticizing the president".

The simple fact of the matter is that Trump is an utterly immoral buffoon, general scumbag, and childish belligerent. We've got liberals missing Bush these days, meanwhile the number of people willing to go to bat for Trump dwindles by the day.
Coons better be careful. Trump could put a horse's head in his bed.

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