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Delay will walk IF it goes to trial.. (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Political Leaning
The prosecutor just keeps making up new charges as he goes, or whatever in the hell he thinks he can stick on Tom Delay.

My prediction is that Tom Delay will ABSOLUTELY be found not guilty IF it even gets to trial.

Dmomcrats BE FOREWARNED, ..when this happens you will NOT be empowered by it whatsoever.

Your temporary glee at seeing, & hearing of Delay's indictment, & his turning himself in to authorities is going to be greatly overshadowed by his defense team that will prove that the charges against him are purely politically motivated, & that the democrats also had a hand in this witch hunt.

It WILL garner the attention of the american people AFTER it runs its course, ..but it will further be a witness to the disgusting behavior, & ineptitude & frustration that the democratic party is in by having to resort to such methods because they no longer can empower themselves by way of the election process anymore.

After it is all said & done,.. the Tom Delay attempted lynching....it will be shelved just as Dan Rather & the major media was shelved & counted as "not" legitimate news,... as the phoney Bush military documents were found to be nothing but fraud, & forgery by the american people.

The modern democratic party, & the media are simply NOT trusted much anymore...& they are known to have ALWAYS been in bed with each other; & the vindication of Delay will only magnify that truth!

That IS precisely WHY Tom Delay was shown smiling while, & after he was being booked.

As the sun rises every morning, ...bet on it that Tom Delay WILL be found "not guilty" IF it actually gets to trial; & when it happens it will be further proved that the democrats once again shot themselves in their own feet once again by their lust for "dirty" politics!

I cannot wait either! :smile:
Must be nice to be able to see into the future. Is this a gift from God?:roll:
Old and wise said:
Must be nice to be able to see into the future. Is this a gift from God?:roll:

probably more likely a sound understanding of criminal law and jurisprudence
TurtleDude said:
probably more likely a sound understanding of criminal law and jurisprudence
Probably more like ignorance squared. For anyone to pretend to have any clue as to how a trial will go before hearing the evidence is further proof of one's ignorance.

I think it's logical and fine to write that you support DeLay, but support and being a blustery blowhard are two different animals.

I also find it remarkeable that any of you believe that Democrats are so omnipotent that we can control the American legal system, whether it's nailing DeLay or Rove or Scooter or whomever.

Maybe some of you are so ignorant and/or so cynical that you have zero faith in our justice system? DeLay was indicted by a grand jury, not by Ronnie Earle. If Rove, Cheney, Libby et al are indicted next week it will not be because of the media or Democrats. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is, IMHO, an imbecile.

The whole basis of this thread is BULLSHIT. I realize who started this thread, so I am not at all surprised by the intelligence quotient revealed by the thread starter.

Why do I get the feeling that had the thread starter been posting to this board in August of 1974 that he would have made the same claims about Nixon! I'm also certain that he would have written something like "take it to the bank, Clinton will be convicted by the Senate."

My bottom line is that making uninformed and ultimately unintelligent threads detracts from what shred of creditability someone of this ilk had left.

Freedom of speech is quite cool! It allows us to see people's best, and in this instance, people's worst sides...
I guess advocating torture and having God make his Presidential decisions didn't phase many conservatives, so them darn evil liberals have resorted to making up dirt on Tom DeLay! And I guess Karl Rove will walk too, since Valerie Plume is actually in on an evil ploy to try and make up for the collectively-small penis democrats have had since they became a party. Then the whole Terri Schiavo thing, which was staged by the liberals to try and bring the Bush family down. Bush is actually the best President we've ever had, it's just that 80% of Americans are too dumb and/or liberal to realize it.

Good grief. It is so easy to play that stupid game, why are you proud of yourself for posting that crap?
I consider myself to be a democrat but even I can see the higher ups in the party played this very badly. It doesn't look like Delay will be found guilty at this point, and they made fools of themselves by assuming he was guilty. They should have came out and said we won't talk about an ongoing investigation; we have confidence in the legal process and will let it work itself out. The story had enough on it, and wasn't going away. Now if this case get thrown out they look very bad. And what could have been a big plus would then work against them. :doh
26 X World Champs said:
Probably more like ignorance squared. For anyone to pretend to have any clue as to how a trial will go before hearing the evidence is further proof of one's ignorance.

I think it's logical and fine to write that you support DeLay, but support and being a blustery blowhard are two different animals.

I also find it remarkeable that any of you believe that Democrats are so omnipotent that we can control the American legal system, whether it's nailing DeLay or Rove or Scooter or whomever.

Maybe some of you are so ignorant and/or so cynical that you have zero faith in our justice system? DeLay was indicted by a grand jury, not by Ronnie Earle. If Rove, Cheney, Libby et al are indicted next week it will not be because of the media or Democrats. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is, IMHO, an imbecile.

The whole basis of this thread is BULLSHIT. I realize who started this thread, so I am not at all surprised by the intelligence quotient revealed by the thread starter.

Why do I get the feeling that had the thread starter been posting to this board in August of 1974 that he would have made the same claims about Nixon! I'm also certain that he would have written something like "take it to the bank, Clinton will be convicted by the Senate."

My bottom line is that making uninformed and ultimately unintelligent threads detracts from what shred of creditability someone of this ilk had left.

Freedom of speech is quite cool! It allows us to see people's best, and in this instance, people's worst sides...

Old and wise said:
Must be nice to be able to see into the future. Is this a gift from God?:roll:
His crystal ball was a fundraising gift from Delay. :doh
TurtleDude said:

Sounds like he's running scared to me.
knicksin2010 said:
I consider myself to be a democrat but even I can see the higher ups in the party played this very badly. It doesn't look like Delay will be found guilty at this point, and they made fools of themselves by assuming he was guilty. :doh

Do you think Pelosi and Reid and Kennedy and Schummer et al will take it all back and applogize? Does the rest of the Democrat party see that these people and the vitriol they and they partners in arms spit out only drive people like me away from event he state Democrats whom I sometimes vote for?
Stinger said:
Do you think Pelosi and Reid and Kennedy and Schummer et al will take it all back and applogize? Does the rest of the Democrat party see that these people and the vitriol they and they partners in arms spit out only drive people like me away from event he state Democrats whom I sometimes vote for?
I highly doubt any apology will be made, but if he’s found innocent it will be used against democrats in 06 and 08. I can’t/won't speak for anyone but myself, and I think they handled this very badly.
knicksin2010 said:
I highly doubt any apology will be made, but if he’s found innocent it will be used against democrats in 06 and 08. I can’t/won't speak for anyone but myself, and I think they handled this very badly.

i think once again the Democrat's can't see thier own noses to spite thier faces as the saying goes. This is one more step in the attempt to criminalize politics. This is dangerous. Delay is not a criminal anymore than 90% of politicians who do the same thing he did. Nor is Rove or Libby or anyone, if anyone indeed did, speak Plame's name to a reporter. But the Democrats can't win in then venue of ideas so this is all they have left.
Stinger said:
i think once again the Democrat's can't see thier own noses to spite thier faces as the saying goes. This is one more step in the attempt to criminalize politics. This is dangerous. Delay is not a criminal anymore than 90% of politicians who do the same thing he did. Nor is Rove or Libby or anyone, if anyone indeed did, speak Plame's name to a reporter. But the Democrats can't win in then venue of ideas so this is all they have left.
Are you on the Bush payroll? Come on, at least rephrase it. Whether or not there was a crime committed in the releasing the cia agent's name remains to be seen. But if it wasn't a crime why cover it up? Why lie under oath? If someone did lie under oath and/or commit a crime in a cover up, then shouldn’t they be punished just as you or I would?
galenrox said:
then why do you care enough to post this?

Dear Galen, ...I care because there will be many stone cold faces filled with even more frustration coming from the left after he walks cleanly away from the trumped up charges. (Although I do sometimes enjoy reading about the newest conspiracy theories that the democrats usually come up with, ...Hey, they are very funny).

Basically, ..I simply love it when the left wingers are forced to eat nothing but "crow", ...which is actually kind of odd in a way; as they seem to prefer ingesting bogus bullcrap if they think it helps them politically.:smile:
Whether he's found guilty or not guilty, Tom DeLay's political career is over. His approval rating in his own district is hardly enough to guarantee him reelection in 2006, and even if he survives that, his "temporary" step-down from his position as Majority Leader will not be temporary.

Whether you agree with him politically or not, Tom DeLay is a horrible human being who represents all that is wrong with Washington. He's corrupt to the bone and stands for nothing. The GOP-led House Ethics Committee has admonished him several times. His redistricting of Texas was absolutely disgraceful. Tom DeLay came to power promising small government, and now claims that there's no fat left to cut in the budget, because "after 12 years of Republican rule, we've pared it down pretty good."

Will he be found guilty or innocent? I don't know, and neither do you. But how in the world can you defend this man?
knicksin2010 said:
Are you on the Bush payroll?

No but it might be interesting to work in the White House.

Come on, at least rephrase it.

Rephrase what?

Whether or not there was a crime committed in the releasing the cia agent's name remains to be seen.

If had not worked overseas for over 5 years, her identity was not hidden by the CIA. How does she come under the law?
But if it wasn't a crime why cover it up?

Rove and Libby didn't, they released the reporters to disclose any conversations they had.

Why lie under oath?

Who lied and what was the lie?

If someone did lie under oath and/or commit a crime in a cover up, then shouldn’t they be punished just as you or I would?

Certainly, but is there any evidence that anyone did? The only lies I know about are from Wilson. I don't know if he lied under oath but he sure did in public. And quite frankly Rove and Libby if they did alert the press to the lies he was telling did the country a favor.
I almost believe their are people in this thread trying to convice us there is such a thing as an honest politician. :shock:

Let's face it. If you have the charisma , ambition, and the money to become a successful politician your exactly the sort we don't need up there. It's a real pity we can't get some unambitious professor with no political ambitions and drag him up on the podium so to speak and make him president.

The lobbists would have a collective heart attack when they found out there was a president they couldn't bribe.
galenrox said:
Indeed, we on the left are the only ones that like bullcrap
That's why we're the ones that bought the story about WMDs

Dear Galenrox, Please THINK first! What did Israel destroy in Iraq in 1981, ..besides the NUCLEAR REACTOR that Sadaam had the french build for him, a country awash in oil that did not need nuclear technology for any energy concerns???

What do you suppose Sadaam used on the Kurds to kill so many thousands of them, ..simply Bad air maybe?

British intel, & even some Niger officials confirmed that SAdaam DID INDEED try to purchase uranium from Niger; although they REFUSED to sell it!

Of course the very heroic & very phoney & inexperienced political hack: Joe Wilson, Valeri Plame's husband simply did not mention that fact, only the fact that "there was no truth in Iraq obtaining it"; EVEN THOUGH THEY TRIED!!!!!!

...INTENT is EVERYTHING when dealing at the prospects of massive destructive weapons, & Sadaam's throwing out of UN weapons inspectors, & his little shell game of hiding, & not permitting inspectors "access" until; he has already spirited out any weapons to only God knows where?

Of course YOU can personnally pass on that as "evidence" as MOST liberal ideologists do, & WAIT until a country has ALREADY been burned, & millions dead before condemning that poor victimized Sadaam Hussien, ..right?

In a situation like that, I for one do not give a rats as.s about Sadaam being given the benefit of doubt, as he also broke the agreements of the first gulf war by FIRING on American aircraft in the no fly zone, & kicking weapon inspectors out on NUMEROUS occassions!

This scenario is not a damn court of law where only a few lives hang in the balance because of dispute of evidence, but perhaps hundreds of thousands, if not millions,.. WAKE UP!

Sadaam Hussien, a man who came to power by way of assassination....& some of you people just cannot do enough to help victimize him, & blame America for rushing to judgement!
What does any of this have to do with Tom Delay?

But while you mention it, why would Saddam attempt to purchase yellow cake from Niger when he already had an abundance of the stuff? This whole Niger episode has been proven over and over again to be a clumsy forgery, completely without merit.
Let's see, three pages of debate and Stu Ghatze hasn't offered one bit of evidence supporting his claim. Let's get some links in here showing he's innocent, or that charges are false or trumped up. Facts are where the debate is at.
Hoot said:
What does any of this have to do with Tom Delay?

But while you mention it, why would Saddam attempt to purchase yellow cake from Niger when he already had an abundance of the stuff? This whole Niger episode has been proven over and over again to be a clumsy forgery, completely without merit.

He had approx. 500 tons or which 1.8 tons was paritially enriched. This could have produced one maybe two bombs of consequence. So the answer is, he wanted more and bigger bombs to go on the missles he was researching and testing.
Stinger said:
He had approx. 500 tons or which 1.8 tons was paritially enriched. This could have produced one maybe two bombs of consequence. So the answer is, he wanted more and bigger bombs to go on the missles he was researching and testing.

And what, pray tell, was the date of Saddam having apprx 500 tons?
Long since destroyed before March of 2003, the date that Bush took us into this mess?
The thing about Delay is...it took the Dems 40 years to get as corrupt as the repubs have gotten in 10 years of power! LOL!
Hoot said:
And what, pray tell, was the date of Saddam having apprx 500 tons?
Long since destroyed before March of 2003, the date that Bush took us into this mess?

We have it now. It was there when we got there.

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