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Delay Scandal Widens to ARMPAC (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Delay caught red handed siphoning corporate money to candidates. FEC officials have deemed this activity illegal, but have not yet stated if they are going to pursue Federal criminal charges. Hopefully, they dont. I would rather see Delay in prison here in Texas instead of in Club Fed.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Delay caught red handed siphoning corporate money to candidates. FEC officials have deemed this activity illegal, but have not yet stated if they are going to pursue Federal criminal charges. Hopefully, they dont. I would rather see Delay in prison here in Texas instead of in Club Fed.

Article is here.

Do you remember THE LIST? It is the important list of candidates that was given to the RNC along with the $190,000.00 that District Attorney Earle says was the "conspiracy" list of names; the list he has in his possession and will use to prosecute these bad politicians.

According to District Attorney Earle, Delay and his two cohorts had put together this list and told the RNC to give the money to the people on that list. This is the conspiracy and the list is the proof of direct involvement in laundering the District Attorney says he will prove.

TODAY: The two other defendants in the case (not Delay) appeared in court and their attorney demanded the Judge make the District Attorney give them a copy of the list he is basing his prosecution on. SURPRISE: The District Attorney says he DOESN'T HAVE THE LIST. He has a list that has some of the names on it of politicians that GOT money and some that DIDN'T but, he doesn't have the list he said he had. He told the judge this list was "close though".

I often wonder in cases like this that are really based on politics and what is done in political circles, both the circles of Representative Delay and the District Attorney, doesn't it seem it is easy to find both the defendant and prosecutor guilty?
:duel :cool:

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