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Delay Gets a New Judge (1 Viewer)



If I'm ever called before a judge, can I call for their removal if they're not a Democrat? I think Delay is trying to get Judge Judy in the Cayman islands. :roll:

Does the DA get to remove the next judge if he's a republican?
hipsterdufus said:

Does the DA get to remove the next judge if he's a republican?
Dunno... but Delay has certainly opened up that door.
I think it was the correct decision to give him a new judge. There was an appearance of bias, which does not mean that there was bias--just an appearance of bias. If that is the case, the judge should recuse himself.

It's too bad Scalia didn't think he should recuse himself when there was a case before the SC that involved Cheney as a party after Scalia had gone hunting with Cheney and flew on Air Force 2. That invovled the appearance of bias, and if he had any decency, he would have recused himself.
aps said:
I think it was the correct decision to give him a new judge. There was an appearance of bias, which does not mean that there was bias--just an appearance of bias. If that is the case, the judge should recuse himself.
I agree it was the correct decision, but who knows how long it's going to take before they can find a impartial judge that they can both agree is impartial. Even if Delay is found guilty by an impartial judge and jury you know he is going to cry foul about it.
scottyz said:
I agree it was the correct decision, but who knows how long it's going to take before they can find a impartial judge that they can both agree is impartial. Even if Delay is found guilty by an impartial judge and jury you know he is going to cry foul about it.

I don't think they will cry foul on this issue again. Dick DeGuerin (sp?) is a big name in Texas, and I don't believe he would make such a stupid argument. He has a reputation to uphold. He was right to seek to have the judge removed. I believe he donated $$ to MoveOn.org, who campaigned against DeLay. I think that is a valid reason to ask for a new judge.

Just went onto MSNBC. It looks like DeLay's troubles just keep adding up.

WASHINGTON - Investigators have unearthed e-mails showing Rep. Tom DeLay’s office tried to help lobbyist Jack Abramoff get a high-level Bush administration meeting for Indian clients, an effort that succeeded after the tribes began making $250,000 in donations

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