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Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases (1 Viewer)

Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

and God knows that more people don't die as more people get infected.

With an official infection fatality rate of .65, 1.3 persons would die out of 200 infected.

Likely the real IFR is much lower because of the forged numbers for all these months, meaning that 1.3 persons would die out of every 500 or 1000 persons infected.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Herd immunity is a biological fact, but the time it takes to develop depends on many factors. Companies selling products, including vaccines, follow standard marketing procedures, and that includes stretching the truth as necessary.

The fatality rate stands alone. It does not matter whether a virus is highly transmissible or the opposite. It is a number showing the number who die once infected, nothing more.

People die every day, obviously, from what they call natural causes. Obviously, the higher the population density of any given species, the greater the number of deaths from natural causes and other causes.

Misattributed deaths effect ONLY one thing--the statistics being generated by those deaths. The person(s) are still dead. All that changes is some annotation on some form or chart. It's only record keeping. If the records are not accurate, the forms and charts generated are not accurate.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You got that wrong. The R-0 number is about rates of contagion, not death.

What Is R0? Gauging Contagious Infections

Try harder.

It seems R0 is a type of modelling, eh?

Those medical models have failed greatly in this current crisis. Theoretical models that can't find their way. Reality keeps interfering.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

I made a statement about myself, not you. For all I know you're just another DP member's sock-puppet account and not even a real unique person, making things up just to garner sympathy.

Don't accuse someone who has been here longer than you of being a sock puppet.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

with one post you confirmed you don't care how many people die, used really small numbers (because it you do multiplication it looks horrible) and blamed people for forging stuff (as you support the biggest political liar this country has ever seen).

good job. i guess?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You are correct--I don't care how many people die, because many people die every day the earth turns. I try to avoid the emotional morass brought to us by MSM and the gate keepers, and stick to just the facts. My sorrow is increased by the deaths of youngsters, but not so much by the death of old people.

This is a scam, so much is explained when viewing it from afar.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You are correct--I don't care how many people die...

oh, everybody here knows. i bet your wife and kids (and extended family) knows as well.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

oh, everybody here knows. i bet your wife and kids (and extended family) knows as well.

You come across as being desperate in the dialogue department....

That is easy to understand in this time of universal deception.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

That wasn’t your original statement. Your original statement was:

It's statisticaly unlikely that I will ever know anyone who knew anyone who knew anyone who died of covid.

Unless you’re a basement dweller who knows no one that population is going to be close to a million people if not more. So you likely already know someone who knew someone who knew someone who died of Covid.

And if you including “knowing” to be people on this board you already know at least 2 people who know someone who died of it.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

It's statisticaly unlikely that I will ever know anyone who knew anyone who knew anyone who died of covid.

I'd like to see your work on that. In that sphere of influence, I know a dozen or more people who have died, and Tennessee has one of the lowest death rates per million, and my area isn't one of the hard hit areas in a pretty low-risk state. One of my wife's colleagues lost three family members to COVID. It started with a small family gathering. Someone there, probably a young person, was infected, and it spread to a grandparent, who spread it to their spouse, then an elderly cousin.

And several people I know well were hospitalized with very bad cases. Their long term outlook is uncertain, but two are not fully recovered although they no longer are infected with COVID.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Don't accuse someone who has been here longer than you of being a sock puppet.
As if the duration of your membship is related to the nature of your accounts purpose. I've been online since the .com boom of the 90s, I know all the shenanigans.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

And if you including “knowing” to be people on this board...
I don't know any of you.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You seem to think I've changed what I said. I don't think I've changed what I said.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

As if the duration of your membship is related to the nature of your accounts purpose. I've been online since the .com boom of the 90s, I know all the shenanigans.

I had it, you don't want it. I had an associate die about 10 days ago.

Trust me, I'm telling the truth, and you are spreading disinfo. I hope you don't get it, but the way you are blabbering, if there was a god, it would be karma.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

I did see the memo, but just like the memo regarding the non-nuclear nature of the explosion in Beirut, I ignored it.

The memo about herd immunity being a farce is an important element of Anthony's Fear Factor. :mrgreen:

Where does your 5G theory fit into all of this?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Where does your 5G theory fit into all of this?

5G theory?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You come across as being desperate in the dialogue department....

That is easy to understand in this time of universal deception.

hey, you're the one who said you didn't care.

probably not like it's a secret in real life. well, unless you're faking there.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

5G theory?

Thoreau supports the theory that 5G causes Covid-19.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Thoreau supports the theory that 5G causes Covid-19.

Good gracious.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

I had it, you don't want it. I had an associate die about 10 days ago.

Trust me, I'm telling the truth, and you are spreading disinfo. I hope you don't get it, but the way you are blabbering, if there was a god, it would be karma.
You're telling me to trust you yet you're accusing me of disinformation even though I've linked to proof backing what I say. That's not how to gain trust.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You're telling me to trust you yet you're accusing me of disinformation even though I've linked to proof backing what I say. That's not how to gain trust.

You are just here to make trolling posts.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You are just here to make trolling posts.
That you get upset at someone's post does not mean they set out to upset you. Stop giving people control over how you feel, especially random people on teh internetz. This is just a discussion. Nothing said here should have any emotional impact on anyone.

I've backed up everything I've said. You want me to shun the evidence I've linked to and 'trust' you, a guy who I can't prove had covid nor has even attempted to develop report with me.

I'm choosing facts of your 'dude just trust me' every single time.
Last edited:
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

You seem to think I've changed what I said. I don't think I've changed what I said.

I don’t seem to think you changed what you said. You changed what you said.

In the first case you said

“I don’t know anyone, who knows anyone, who knows anyone”

In the second you said “I don’t know anyone”

Those are completely different statements.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

First statement: "It's statistically unlikely that I will ever know anyone who knew anyone who knew anyone who died of covid."

Second statement: "So, yes, it is very unlikely that I will eve[r] know someone who knows someone who died of covid."

They are the same statment.

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