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Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases (2 Viewers)

Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports 9 COVID-19 cases

Yeah. That was totally unpredictable in the first days of schools opening.


The thing is, there is little risk to the student themselves in contracting Covid-19 for the vast majority of students. However, the problem is you have many older teachers that could become critically ill should they contract it and most substitutes are retired teachers, exactly the wrong people to bring into a classroom if the teacher had to take time off due to contracting or being exposed to Covid-19.

Moreover, the biggest problem are all the kids that may live with grandparents or live in a home where their parents are a caregiver to a special needs kid or an elderly parent.

Every other developed country on earth has issued detailed guidelines about how to reopen schools at the federal level but ours. It is just a constant deluge of incompetence and callous indifference flowing out of the Trump Administration.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

The thing is, there is little risk to the student themselves in contracting Covid-19 for the vast majority of students. However, the problem is you have many older teachers that could become critically ill should they contract it and most substitutes are retired teachers, exactly the wrong people to bring into a classroom if the teacher had to take time off due to contracting or being exposed to Covid-19.

Moreover, the biggest problem are all the kids that may live with grandparents or live in a home where their parents are a caregiver to a special needs kid or an elderly parent.

Every other developed country on earth has issued detailed guidelines about how to reopen schools at the federal level but ours. It is just a constant deluge of incompetence and callous indifference flowing out of the Trump Administration.

plus, we have no idea what the long term affects will be for young people.

i have a relative who is a high school teacher who has gone back on campus and they've had a heart attack in the not too distant past (with some other health issues). they are convinced this whole thing is a hoax. i'm praying they won't be affected.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

close the schools.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports 9 COVID-19 cases

Yeah. That was totally unpredictable in the first days of schools opening.


Do they know about having a plan?

Channel 2 Investigative Reporter Nicole Carr got a copy of the letter. Principal Gabe Carmona wrote that six students and three staff members who were in school last week have since reported positive tests for COVID-19.

Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports 9 COVID-19 cases
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

The thing is, there is little risk to the student themselves in contracting Covid-19 for the vast majority of students. However, the problem is you have many older teachers that could become critically ill should they contract it and most substitutes are retired teachers, exactly the wrong people to bring into a classroom if the teacher had to take time off due to contracting or being exposed to Covid-19.

Moreover, the biggest problem are all the kids that may live with grandparents or live in a home where their parents are a caregiver to a special needs kid or an elderly parent.

Every other developed country on earth has issued detailed guidelines about how to reopen schools at the federal level but ours. It is just a constant deluge of incompetence and callous indifference flowing out of the Trump Administration.

Yep. Even if one takes the attitude of "well the kids will be ok", the risk is creating more hot spots for increased infections. If teachers become infected and can't work, then you have that problem as well.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Good. Get covid spread around far and wide. The faster, the better, because covid is not going away anyway. Best to get it over with.

Accelerationism is for cowards, dude. Not a good look.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Accelerationism is for cowards, dude. Not a good look.
Nice insult. Would you say this is your typical posting style?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

The kids are better off in school instead of protesting,tearing down statues or rioting.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

The kids are better off in school instead of protesting,tearing down statues or rioting.

And when enough staff is sick, dying or refusing to expose themselves, what is the plan then?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

And when enough staff is sick, dying or refusing to expose themselves, what is the plan then?

Hire younger teachers
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Hire younger teachers

How many "younger teachers" would you say are available for hire?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Good. Get covid spread around far and wide. The faster, the better, because covid is not going away anyway. Best to get it over with.

What a dumbass comment. You want to die a horrible premature death? Be my guest; nobody mourns arrogant idiots with a death wish.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Didn’t I read that the student that posted that photo was suspended?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Good. Get covid spread around far and wide. The faster, the better, because covid is not going away anyway. Best to get it over with.

Which one of your family members would you be willing to sacrifice?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Let's see what you say when you get it.
Wait till you get a positive.
Or worse yet when a loved one gets it .
You'll soon discover what a "non issue" it is when it hits you or your family. We'll see how arrogant and dismissive you are then when you're drowning in your own pus-filled lungs. I doubt you'll be talking about "the sniffles" quite as glibly.
Wait till you get it...
Perhaps YOU will be the one who gets infected and suffers serious debilitating illness from Covid 19 because SOMEONE ELSE was as selfish as you are. It would be fitting.

get a load of this guy...
Which one of your family members would you be willing to sacrifice?
Oh is that how covid works? If I get infected in Ohio, my mother in Idaho will die? If I get infected in Ohio, my brother in Florida will die? HA!
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Oh is that how covid works?

You think you're an expert on COVID-19? :D

If I get infected in Ohio, my mother in Idaho will die? If I get infected in Ohio, my brother in Florida will die? HA!

So you're not willing to sacrifice any of your family members, yet you believe in accelerationism. Just like the Republican politicians who refused to send their kids to fight in Iraq.
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Slowly but steadily the herd immunity grows.

How many people do you want to die?
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Slowly but steadily the herd immunity grows.

It's working so well...

Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 8.21.26 AM.jpg
Re: Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports "9" COVID-19 cases

Slowly but steadily the herd immunity grows.

No, it does not. There is NO evidence of herd immunity, and NO evidence of any lasting immunity (if any), post recovery. You have no idea what you're talking about; you heard the phrase 'herd immunity' somewhere and throw it in because you think it makes you look clever. It does not.

"There is no evidence of herd immunity for coronaviruses," expert says

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