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Day 9 testimony (Fridayy 7/5) [W:323,483] (1 Viewer)


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This thread is for discussing the days testimony in court, which will begin Friday morning at 9am EST/6am PST.

Once again, please try to keep your comments related to the trial testimony and avoid straying off into debating other aspects not covered in the proceedings...

anyone know the significance that the jury is avoiding eye contact with sabrina martin?
anyone know the significance that the jury is avoiding eye contact with sabrina martin?

I'd say the significance is that too many court observers have too much time on their hands.


I asked this question in a separate thread, but no response -- so here it is; maybe someone will know the answer.

At the beginning of the trial the defense argued that, if GZ's parents couldn't be in the courtroom, TM's parents shouldn't be allowed either. The judge ruled they could NOT be in the courtroom because they were witnesses. I get that. But why, then, is TM's mother allowed in the courtroom? Isn't she being called to testify today?

Or is that his stepmother in the courtroom??

Anyone know?

^^Never mind. Question answered here: http://www.debatepolitics.com/zimmerman-martin-case/165540-question-trial.html#post1062014856
Ack! It started already? How long has Trayvon's mom been on the stand?
I'd say the significance is that too many court observers have too much time on their hands.


I asked this question in a separate thread, but no response -- so here it is; maybe someone will know the answer.

At the beginning of the trial the defense argued that, if GZ's parents couldn't be in the courtroom, TM's parents shouldn't be allowed either. The judge ruled they could NOT be in the courtroom because they were witnesses. I get that. But why, then, is TM's mother allowed in the courtroom? Isn't she being called to testify today?

Or is that his stepmother in the courtroom??

Anyone know?

^^Never mind. Question answered here: http://www.debatepolitics.com/zimmerman-martin-case/165540-question-trial.html#post1062014856

Because the Supreme court ruled that the family of a victim has the right to be there. Zimmerman's parents are the family of the accused.
I only saw the last 5 minutes of her testimony, but she comes off as very cold to me.
I think most moms would find TM's mom's testimony about it being her son who was screaming to be very powerful testimony. It is for me.

When I was about 9 years old, I fell on a neighbor's swing set and broke my arm. The house was about six houses down from mine...I was playing in their yard. I screamed bloody murder and took off running for home. As I got out of the backyard onto the front sidewalk to head home, there was mom running toward me as fast as she could.

She recognized my screams from six doors down -- from inside our house.

Powerful testimony.
I only saw the last 5 minutes of her testimony, but she comes off as very cold to me.

I thought that too, but I can't really say how I would act if my son was killed.
If the jury's smart, they're thinking what I'm thinking now . . . is this a valid way to identify a scream? It certainly isn't a valid way to identify a person. Valid would be:

Listen to six people screaming and identify your son...brother...whoever from amongst them.
I think it is powerful testimony too, Maggie. Especially when the jury is all women and probably mostly mothers.
If the jury's smart, they're thinking what I'm thinking now . . . is this a valid way to identify a scream? It certainly isn't a valid way to identify a person. Valid would be:

Listen to six people screaming and identify your son...brother...whoever from amongst them.

The voice expert has already said it was. The problem may be that it was played in a group. The expert also indicated that should not be how it is played and it will introduce bias.
The voice expert has already said it was. The problem may be that it was played in a group. The expert also indicated that should not be how it is played and it will introduce bias.

Said it was what? Bias? That I believe...and I didn't think of it right away.
Said it was what? Bias? That I believe...and I didn't think of it right away.

Yes, the expert said that it should be played individually. If it is played in a group - even just family - bias will be introduced.
Oh ffs, could this this judge be any more against the defense.
Oh ffs, could this this judge be any more against the defense.

I believe she is a bit biased towards prosecution, but in this case she made the right call. I also believe it might be best for Omar not to play the tape for the jury, IMO anyway.
Oh ffs, could this this judge be any more against the defense.

I cannot believe that recording is not admissible. I sure don't understand crap like that. It's the truth. It's important. WTF?
Just listening to the tape, it seems to back up Zimmerman's story. He told the police that he was screaming for help and no one would help him. He also said Martin put his hand over his mouth to try to shut him up and when you listen to the tape the yelling is cut off a little before the gun shot.
I'd say the significance is that too many court observers have too much time on their hands.


I asked this question in a separate thread, but no response -- so here it is; maybe someone will know the answer.

At the beginning of the trial the defense argued that, if GZ's parents couldn't be in the courtroom, TM's parents shouldn't be allowed either. The judge ruled they could NOT be in the courtroom because they were witnesses. I get that. But why, then, is TM's mother allowed in the courtroom? Isn't she being called to testify today?

Or is that his stepmother in the courtroom??

Anyone know?

^^Never mind. Question answered here: http://www.debatepolitics.com/zimmerman-martin-case/165540-question-trial.html#post1062014856

the defense adamantly argued against their presence, since the zimmerman parents were excluded from the courtroom as named witnesses
the judge ruled that martin's parents, even tho named witnesses, could be present because they were observers of the court on behalf of their minor (now deceased) son
I heard the inflection of his voice, and it didn't sound like one of "denial" that his brother was dead... that sounded to me like genuine uncertainty. Keep in mind that interview with him was March 31, over a month after the incident had occurred.
I cannot believe that recording is not admissible. I sure don't understand crap like that. It's the truth. It's important. WTF?

I don't get it either. Shouldn't all taped interviews like that be played for the jury?
why did the defense not ask sybrina who gave trayvon permission to receive both of those tattoos

why did they not ask his brother what caused trayvon to be resident in sanford
Knowing that Tracy Martin told detective Serino in front a a witness, that it wasn't his son's voice, do you all think the state will call him to the stand?
why did the defense not ask sybrina who gave trayvon permission to receive both of those tattoos

why did they not ask his brother what caused trayvon to be resident in sanford

It was decided before the trial started that they would not bring up Martin's or Zimmerman's past.
I only saw the last 5 minutes of her testimony, but she comes off as very cold to me.
Not only that, she must have been practicing.......if O'Mara asks a question that doesn't sound like it helps TM case, just say, I DON'T UNDERSTAND, and say something else. Extremely obvious to me.
Knowing that Tracy Martin told detective Serino in front a a witness, that it wasn't his son's voice, do you all think the state will call him to the stand?

If they don't, won't the jury wonder why?

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