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Das Boot (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
This is an excellent film that depicts a German submarine's crew trying to survive in the Atlantic Ocean during World War II. Many German crews never made it back from the Atlantic. It was very tense movie where it shows some of the crew members going crazy and litterally losing their minds while under depth charge bombardments while at the same time being extremely deep in the water pushing the limits of the submarine to handle the water pressure. The theme of the movie "When the hunters become the hunted" is also very good description where it boiled down to a deadly game of survival, a cat and mouse game, between submarine and the Destroyer boats seeking to sink the subs to a watery grave.
THE BOAT is a film about war, about men at war. THE BOAT is the story of young men, practically boys, hungry for adventure, seduced by Nazi propaganda, enticed by the marvels of technology.
Eagerly, they set out to challenge the brutal forces of nature, to battle an invisible enemy. Many are inexperienced. They have yet to learn of the horrors of war; they know neither the loneliness nor the desperation. In the hell of submarine warfare, the alternatives are grim: you either emerge unscathed or you perish. Beneath the sea, there are no wounded.

Of the 40,000 men aboard German submarines in World War II, 30.000 did not return.

This is one of the best films ever made imho. It's nice that the director did his homework and for the most part, gave an accurate portrayal of submarine life and how things operated.
I hadn't started school in 1945, but I have a vivid memory of my parents taking me on a tour of a surrendered U-boat in Charleston (SC) harbor that spring. That little old sardine tin was downright claustrophobic even to a toddler, and the bunks were vertically stacked so close together I would - even then - have had a hard time rolling over. Every time I've seen the movie, I've wondered anew how anyone could maintain sanity while being depth-charged in a bucket like that.
Diogenes said:
I hadn't started school in 1945, but I have a vivid memory of my parents taking me on a tour of a surrendered U-boat in Charleston (SC) harbor that spring. That little old sardine tin was downright claustrophobic even to a toddler, and the bunks were vertically stacked so close together I would - even then - have had a hard time rolling over. Every time I've seen the movie, I've wondered anew how anyone could maintain sanity while being depth-charged in a bucket like that.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Man you sure did say that right. I remember one part of the movie where one of the crewmembers went insane when they were being depth charged. They had to attack and restrain him.
I've lost count how many times I've seen it,truly outstanding,I'll probably watch it just as many times again !
a brilliant film I have seen in at least two-perhaps three versions (subtitled vs English) Jurgen Prochau (sp) who was great as Duke Leo Atreidies in Dune and effective as the Christ Figure in The Seventh Sign (the demi moore film where she croaks in childbirth to save the world) was at this best as the humane captain in this movie that accurately depicted the horror of the atlantic sea war. The scene where the allies use a burning freighter as bait and the captain damning the British for not saving the crew was memorable as was the funny scene of the boat's medical officer checking for crabs

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